PairDrop: Local/remote file sharing in your browser/mobile. Inspired by AirDrop. Fork & alternative of Snapdrop
@cortex said in PairDrop: Local/remote file sharing in your browser/mobile. Inspired by AirDrop. Fork & alternative of Snapdrop:
Is it available on the cloudron app store?
No, not yet.
R robi referenced this topic on
any news on this one? how hard is it to implement?
might be easy for @Kubernetes
Wow, I just tried it. Very impressive, even if I never had any problems with Airdrop I will check if I can package it for Cloudron
any news on this one? how hard is it to implement?
@RazielKanos said in PairDrop: Local/remote file sharing in your browser/mobile. Inspired by AirDrop. Fork & alternative of Snapdrop:
how hard is it to implement?
excellent question !
looking at their dockerfile, it is a node app so should package easily under cloudron base image
and it doesn't seem very complex (ooops, famous last words)Let's see who's first to pull it off !
Here we go, I was able to create a basic initial package which works already on my Cloudron.
- If I access the PairDrop on my Cloudron from 2 devices, they do not see each other until I create a room for sharing
- Sharing between two devices did work fine (in a extra room)
Not sure if TURN configuration is required?
You will find the current state in my Repo
Here we go, I was able to create a basic initial package which works already on my Cloudron.
- If I access the PairDrop on my Cloudron from 2 devices, they do not see each other until I create a room for sharing
- Sharing between two devices did work fine (in a extra room)
Not sure if TURN configuration is required?
You will find the current state in my Repo
@Kubernetes magic, well done
And you beat me to it !
I have added the easy installation to the repo and the required steps in the Readme.
I have added the easy installation to the repo and the required steps in the Readme.
Installed it now with your Easy install steps - went amazingly well
Thanks a lot! -
Installed it now with your Easy install steps - went amazingly well
Thanks a lot!@RazielKanos Great! Thank you for giving feedback. If there is anything in the easy install process that you think that should be improved, please let me know.
@RazielKanos Great! Thank you for giving feedback. If there is anything in the easy install process that you think that should be improved, please let me know.
@Kubernetes How do app updates work in this scenario?
@Kubernetes How do app updates work in this scenario?
@necrevistonnezr As with any custom app, they're manual.
@Kubernetes How do app updates work in this scenario?
@necrevistonnezr Adding to what @robi said, the easy installer method is just a way to help others to try and test the custom app. You should not use a custom app like a official Cloudron App. You may have seen the "unstable" marked Apps in Cloudron App Store? A custom App is much more "unstable" than that.
However, thank you for asking this question as it shows that we should put a Note of this to the custom Apps README to avoid misunderstandings.
What about something like this as a Disclaimer?
Warning: Not Production Ready
Please note that this project is not intended for production use. It is only a project to make it possible to deploy this app on Cloudron. Deploying this app manually on Cloudron requires advanced knowledge of Linux, the Cloudron CLI, and Docker.
Using a precreated Docker Image from an external source for easy installation comes with risks. You need to trust the Image Provider if you choose this installation method.
Before proceeding with the installation, please ensure that you understand the potential risks involved and take appropriate precautions to protect your system and data.
By continuing with the installation, you acknowledge and accept full responsibility for any consequences that may arise from using this project.
Here we go, I was able to create a basic initial package which works already on my Cloudron.
- If I access the PairDrop on my Cloudron from 2 devices, they do not see each other until I create a room for sharing
- Sharing between two devices did work fine (in a extra room)
Not sure if TURN configuration is required?
You will find the current state in my Repo
It works! Really, you are brilliant and I absolutely love it when you make applications like this accessible to people like this. Thank you for your work on the easy-installer, which is really well named.Thanks also to @jdaviescoates for pointing me to this thread in so timely a fashion.
I might have found a bug. If you use this procedure to install the application, and then later change your mind about the location and try and run it on another sub-domain, it won't run. With Cloudron applications, that is usually very easy. I tried restarting and that didn't solve it.
For example, lets say you install here:
and later decide to change the location to:
that won't work.
It works! Really, you are brilliant and I absolutely love it when you make applications like this accessible to people like this. Thank you for your work on the easy-installer, which is really well named.Thanks also to @jdaviescoates for pointing me to this thread in so timely a fashion.
I might have found a bug. If you use this procedure to install the application, and then later change your mind about the location and try and run it on another sub-domain, it won't run. With Cloudron applications, that is usually very easy. I tried restarting and that didn't solve it.
For example, lets say you install here:
and later decide to change the location to:
that won't work.
@LoudLemur Thank you for the feedback. Interesting use case, I never tried to move the application afterwards to another location. I may try myself, but what happens when you do that?
@LoudLemur Thank you for the feedback. Interesting use case, I never tried to move the application afterwards to another location. I may try myself, but what happens when you do that?
@Kubernetes In my case, the application just didn't load. I waited a while. Maybe I should have waited even longer.
Also, it might or might not be a good idea to try installing it onto the Cloudron demo, and maybe even making that a standard procedure, though there may be strong arguments against this. Anyway, people might be able to use a demo instance to verify things are working.
I also think a short explainer video on how to use it could help.
@Kubernetes In my case, the application just didn't load. I waited a while. Maybe I should have waited even longer.
Also, it might or might not be a good idea to try installing it onto the Cloudron demo, and maybe even making that a standard procedure, though there may be strong arguments against this. Anyway, people might be able to use a demo instance to verify things are working.
I also think a short explainer video on how to use it could help.
@LoudLemur Changing the subdomain is not supported for easy-installer apps. I have already put a comment to the package template for future use.
I tried using my remote instance. I didn't have success.
I connected to the instance using a regular browser, and that went OK and I was able to enter a public room. Then, from the same machine, but using TOR, I tried to visit the instance again. The TOR visit never saw the file being shared, and the TOR visitor never appeared on the pairshare radar.
If you try this using Brave Browser's weak TOR, there is no error message, however on TOR Browser, the following is received:
To use this PairDrop instance, WebRTC must be enabled!
I think a note about enabling WebRTC and how to toggle/untoggle that would be a good addition to the documentation.
One piece of documentation that would be handy is a short "How To" explaining how to verify pairdrop is going OK, before you start letting others use it.