I had a full disk last night - I was able to access the dashboard but the apps were all nonresponsive or causing an error. I managed to get into the app that had the most data and delete some larger files, and ran the Cleanup Backups. (Until then I was unable to launch the server console from DigitalOcean, though.) Three apps have resumed operating normally, but I'm still getting errors or failures to run for the app I had to manually delete files (Jirafeau) as well as from one other app (Shaarli). All services except 'unbound' are running green.
(Backups were running on the system disk, but retention period was set to 2 days so they shouldn't have filled up the disk. I've moved the backup location to an attached volume in the meantime.)
When I go to the backups screen from Cloudron settings, I see an error:
Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping http://x.x.x.x:3000/databases .... postgresqldump: status 500
QUESTION: I'm running Shaarli but while Cloudrun indicates the app is running the page, it shows the error below when it's launched which sounds from googling as if the database is possibly corrupted. I have downloaded the Shaarli data directory to my local machine (the datastore.php file is over a MB so it seems like it's intact), but there's not much guidance about how to fix this - if I just uninstall Shaarli entirely and reinstall the app, can I copy the data directory over the newly installed data directory to get the app back to where it was yesterday morning?
The Shaarli page loads as:
An unexpected error happened, and the error template could not be displayed.
unserialize() expects parameter 1 to be string, bool given
#0 /app/code/application/bookmark/BookmarkIO.php(90): unserialize()
#1 /app/code/application/bookmark/BookmarkFileService.php(71): Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkIO->read()
#2 /app/code/application/container/ContainerBuilder.php(97): Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkFileService->__construct()
#3 /app/code/vendor/pimple/pimple/src/Pimple/Container.php(118): Shaarli\Container\ContainerBuilder->Shaarli\Container\{closure}()
#4 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Container.php(109): Pimple\Container->offsetGet()
#5 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Container.php(164): Slim\Container->get()
#6 /app/code/application/container/ContainerBuilder.php(110): Slim\Container->__get()
#7 /app/code/vendor/pimple/pimple/src/Pimple/Container.php(118): Shaarli\Container\ContainerBuilder->Shaarli\Container\{closure}()
#8 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Container.php(109): Pimple\Container->offsetGet()
#9 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/Container.php(164): Slim\Container->get()
#10 /app/code/application/front/controller/visitor/ErrorController.php(20): Slim\Container->__get()
#11 [internal function]: Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor\ErrorController->__invoke()
#12 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(728): call_user_func_array()
#13 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(396): Slim\App->handlePhpError()
#14 /app/code/vendor/slim/slim/Slim/App.php(297): Slim\App->process()
#15 /app/code/index.php(176): Slim\App->run()
#16 {main}
Jirafeau is the other app not running, and it has a persistent error even after executing the retry-configure task. If I have to uninstall and reinstall the app that's not a lot of re-work but I'm concerned that it became unrecoverable:
Docker Error: Error stopping container:(HTTP code 500) server error - cannot stop container: XXXXX: tried to kill container, but did not receive an exit event