I have a non-technical question and would be interested in your opinion.
First and foremost: I think the Cloudron approach is great, open-source on "my" own server instance, that fits my idea. Overall also pretty cheap, although that is not my main focus.
In short, my question is: can a non-coder like me "meaningfully" use Cloudron?
To understand what I mean, however, I think I need to say a few words more:
I have rented a Cloudron server from the hoster Windcloud, a V-server with a Cloudron instance pre-installed, and I have deposited my Cloudron licence there.
Now I can install applications from MyApps and manage them in the Cloudron FrontEnd, etc., set up mail servers, etc., works so far, so good.
I receive the Cloudron Forum Newsletter once a week. I skim it and see if there are issues related to my apps that I might want to take notice of. Often I find it hard to follow technically, and certainly not in detail.
E.g. GIRISH's contribution on the issue "Vaultwarden warnings" – you don't have to read this post to follow my question 
I use Vaultwarden. And I understand - very abbreviated - that there is a problem which can be solved on the WEB TERMINAL level, at the end it says: "Take that above token and put it in config.json in the field admin_token. Important: remove the single quote around the argon2id string above. JSON does not require it.
And this I can't follow anymore. And I will not have the capacity to dig as deep as necessary + "try and fail" doesn't seem to be a good approach either 
I can't even judge whether "my" Vaultwarden is now unsafe, whether I / you need to take action as described in the post, or whether it's a specific problem that doesn't affect me at all or that I can neglect?
Every now and then I read similar posts that describe a problem and then describe a solution that is not accessible to me.
And that brings me to the core of my question:
Beyond my insecurity resulting from lack of understanding – what do you think: Does it make sense for someone like me to use Cloudron? And perhaps even recommend it to others? Doesn't someone like me need a Cloudron service provider whom I can approach and commission?
Do other users have an opinion on this?
Thanks + greetings
Dank + Gruß