Hi there,
I'm using cloudron 7.4.3 and I cannot renew my certs.
I'm using digitalocean. Given the logs, the issue does not seem to come from the API connection.
What's weird is this line, given that the challenges are actually matching.
Feb 23 16:02:27 box:dns/waitfordns isChangeSynced: _acme-challenge.domain.fun (TXT) was resolved to "JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY" at NS ns2.digitalocean.com ( Expecting JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY. Match false
I get this:
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:cert/acme2 prepareDnsChallenge: update _acme-challenge with JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:dns upsertDNSRecord: location _acme-challenge on domain domain.fun of type TXT with values ["\"JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY\""]
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:dns/digitalocean upsert: _acme-challenge for zone domain.fun of type TXT with values ["\"JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY\""]
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:dns/digitalocean getInternal: getting dns records of domain.fun with _acme-challenge and type TXT
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:dns/digitalocean upsert: completed with recordIds:[null]
Feb 23 16:02:26 box:dns/waitfordns waitForDns: waiting for _acme-challenge.domain.fun to be JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY in zone domain.fun
Feb 23 16:02:27 box:dns/waitfordns waitForDns: nameservers are ["ns2.digitalocean.com","ns3.digitalocean.com","ns1.digitalocean.com"]
Feb 23 16:02:27 box:dns/waitfordns isChangeSynced: _acme-challenge.domain.fun (TXT) was resolved to "JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY" at NS ns2.digitalocean.com ( Expecting JD5vLWoK0g0EkM5_OJV51UHXDzUUJFbpwIxVCfxWQQY. Match false
Feb 23 16:02:27 box:dns/waitfordns waitForDns: _acme-challenge.domain.fun at ns ns2.digitalocean.com: not done
Feb 23 16:02:27 box:dns/waitfordns Attempt 1 failed. Will retry: ETRYAGAIN
[later attempts fail the same way]
Any ideas?