I think Mastodon's translate button only appears if the poster has set a language for his / hear toot that's different from your language settings.
It could be that the LT API relies on the source and destination language settings that are submitted by Mastodon. That could be an explanation for the errors I received, b/c not everyone sets the language correct. Maybe the DeepL API is more flexible here.
@girish I've disabled backups for now as I try and work out why there is an issue with it. My Linode backs up daily at the moment so worst case I recover the whole system.
@nebulon Yep - seems to be due to insufficient processes and threads in config.sh
I'm playing with:
# Setup scaling related environment variables here - https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/scaling/
# Puma
export WEB_CONCURRENCY=10 # number of worker processes
export MAX_THREADS=20 # the number of threads per process
# Streaming API
export STREAMING_CLUSTER_NUM=2 # number of worker processes
# Sidekiq
export DB_POOL=100 # must be at least the same as the number of threads
at the moment and it seems to be catching up. 🤞
Yeah, at the moment it's a script that calls the mastodon api to add a git-ops derived block list. Hachyderm has one too. It's a neat idea (philosophical questions not withstanding).
I think the easiest approach would be to download the code locally and have it run against your Mastodon instance and that would allow folks to choose to use it if they want or not, but not bake it into the default app.
@shanelord01 You can ignore the recommendation. I think it's a hint for developers to optimize (and maybe sysadmins to report back to upstream project of bug/issues).