@sponch I seem to have chosen HLS over on https://uniteddiversity.tv and everything is playing fine for me there
[image: 1738869030667-screenshot_20250206-190914_firefox.png]
I'd guess I've got the same settings over on https://bridport.tv too
@LoudLemur Substantial changes, definitely. I like these: a new modal that makes editing captions really convenient.; how video miniatures appear in all pages that lists videos; "admin" pages for PeerTube platforms administrators have now been separated into an Overview, a Moderation, and a Settings one. (I just copied and pasted for the most part).
@necrevistonnezr said in Peertube get native iOS and Android apps:
Announcement: https://joinpeertube.org/news/peertube-app
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/peertube/id6737834858
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.framasoft.peertube
I just installed it. Very disappointing. Definitely not ready for wide usage.
I think I figured it out. Apparently there's a really low default if you don't explicitly set a max size via client_max_body_size. Setting that explicitly seemed to work.
Thanks folks. Sometimes you just need to bounce stuff off people to get to the right place.
False alarm, Sorry for the noise. User error. CDN setting and a typo in the env file on a system. Actually surprising that it was working except for the downloads, which I had not tested. Thanks anyway!
I've reverted the image which missed the migrate command helper and pushed a new package with it. For users which upgraded to 3.0.0-1 directly just run the migrate as mentioned.
@jdaviescoates said in Post update to 8.0.3 one of my PeerTube instances is Not Responding:
But it's a bit odd that bridport.tv is still running fine (that also uses OIDC)
I guess the issue was actually an incompatibility with that plugin and other plugins, not with the OIDC plugin itself.
Because I managed to use to the File Manager to edit /app/data/storage/plugins/package.json to remove all references to other plugins and now uniteddiversity.tv is back up and running again!
I now only have this (which I copy/ pasted from the running bridport.tv) :
"dependencies": {
"peertube-plugin-auth-openid-connect": "0.1.1"
(Although for some odd reason after editing the file the owner had changed from 'cloudron' to 'root' so I just changed that back to 'cloudron).
Stupidly I didn't make a copy of previous package.json to easily know which plugins I was previously using... if I had I could turn them on one by one to find the culprit... I guess I could extract that info out of a backup, but I doubt I'll bother now...
I saw this post as still being "unsolved".
Yesterday i succefully downloaded a exported backup from my Peertube instance (35GB).
So that's working fine now
Did not yet import it to another instance. But will try to do that in a short matter of time...
This time the update went perfect. I must say that i removed some plugins before the update this time, so certainly there was a plugin that bothered with the update.