[Suggestion] Server-Wide Database Manager and File Browser
@marcusquinn I tried it and it didn't work. I'll just see if I can get Sequel Pro working via Remote SQL.
@Lonk Ahh, maybe it was just the LAMP app and I'm thinking of FTP for Wordpress. Sometimes things change before Docs updates though.
@marcusquinn Ah, so it is possible to maybe get that working with Wordpress but I'd rather get Remote SQL working instead like you said you managed to do on another post. My attempts haven't worked up till now.
@Lonk Old guy memory here, I think I only used phpmyadmin with the LAMP app and was thinking of FTP. Agree though, it'd be handy.
I've recommended https://www.adminer.org before as a handy way to make it part or Cloudron.
@girish I have a solution to this if we can add a new container type to use for this. It's called sysbox from nestybox. You have an email from me about this.
It allows for running full machine images in sysbox container managed by docker. No root required, but you get root inside + full OS mount options for storage, etc..
Also should look at mayadata.com and OpenEBS which is flexible storage attachment for containers.
Friends of both
@Lonk I got what I needed done with it as a WP plugin, although it was removed from wordpress.org:
@marcusquinn Thanks, I'll check those out, but I usually like database management to be detached from the Wordpress backend for security reasons.
@Lonk Yeah, of course - but it's a way to get DB access when it's not otherwise available externally. I tend to delete them after use just to be sure.
@Lonk @marcusquinn This is part of https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/2760/what-s-coming-in-6-0. The "unify PHPMyAdmin across apps" part. We haven't really investigated what is the best way to implement it.
@girish I missed that, thanks for pointing it out for me. You just showed me, today, how to get Sequel Pro working so I don't have any use for PHPMyAdmin anymore. But, I do think having a way into PHPMyAdmin would be useful if an urgent db change needed to be made and I only had my phone (it's happened before).
Does "unify PHPMyAdmin across apps" across apps mean you would log into a single PHPMyAdmin instance and see all applicable subcontainer's tables?
Oh, wanted to mention - despite PHPMyAdmin being worked on rn; if anyone has an interest in connecting a remote SQL client app (like Sequel Pro) to Cloudron apps on an app-per-app basis. Here are instructions to do so here: https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/3237/remote-sql-support-on-a-per-app-basis
In my experience this is a much better, faster way to work with databases than PHPMyAdmin could ever dream to be.