Minecraft Forge Server
@atrilahiji I already have a spigot build - probably a really good base for forge server. It should be on my cloudron git account.
And I have my base for a papermc server
(ps: My version has a problem where the web console displays no text but works
might fix this if I find the time)
Paper is a high performance fork of the Spigot Minecraft Server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies as well as to improve performance.
I packaged it up and it seems to be working. I streamed the process and the VOD is here: https://video.lahijiapps.dev/videos/watch/0b3e1f74-d86f-460e-b3aa-604923371dbe
Open to feedback, both on the video and the packaged app (Yes I realize the music is too quiet and I forgot to switch OBS to my screen for a while)
Edit: Got biome o plenty working
@girish would there be a possibility of having this on the store or do you look for more votes? Of course I want to try to clean this up a bit before it makes it there and have no problems updating it
@girish would there be a possibility of having this on the store or do you look for more votes? Of course I want to try to clean this up a bit before it makes it there and have no problems updating it
@girish cool I’ll work on cleaning it up a bit
@girish Only thing is there doesn't appear to be an obvious way to automate the forge installer. Its a .jar file that launches a UI where you select the install location. Right now I am running the install locally and uploading the unpacked files directly to the repo.
Their download page is here: http://files.minecraftforge.net/
Re-made the repo so it has its own git history to make it a bit cleaner. Link here: https://git.cloudron.io/AtriLahiji/minecraft-forge-app
Re-made the repo so it has its own git history to make it a bit cleaner. Link here: https://git.cloudron.io/AtriLahiji/minecraft-forge-app
@atrilahiji Make sure that plugins are in /app/data and can write to the plugin folder - otherwise any plugin you toss at this should in theory work
@murgero That does appear to be the case with the current release I have, at least from my testing
I was just testing the app a bit and while I have no clue what the difference really is, it seems to mostly work
The logs and command interface in the app UI does not seem to work though as well as @atrilahiji what was the reason to put the actual server code (the .jars) into the git repo?
Ideally we would fetch those from some upstream repo with just the pinned version number, if possible.
I was just testing the app a bit and while I have no clue what the difference really is, it seems to mostly work
The logs and command interface in the app UI does not seem to work though as well as @atrilahiji what was the reason to put the actual server code (the .jars) into the git repo?
Ideally we would fetch those from some upstream repo with just the pinned version number, if possible.
@nebulon I mean it’s pretty much a lightly modified version on your minecraft package. I’ll take a look at the console issues though.
For the jar files sitting in the package, this was initially because the install process requires running an installer jar file that uses a GUI to choose whether to install the client or server. I’m still trying to find a way to clean this up
I was just testing the app a bit and while I have no clue what the difference really is, it seems to mostly work
The logs and command interface in the app UI does not seem to work though as well as @atrilahiji what was the reason to put the actual server code (the .jars) into the git repo?
Ideally we would fetch those from some upstream repo with just the pinned version number, if possible.
@nebulon I was thinking of hosting them somewhere else. But I’m checking to see what the process of building it from source looks like
@nebulon I was thinking of hosting them somewhere else. But I’m checking to see what the process of building it from source looks like
@nebulon I mean it’s pretty much a lightly modified version on your minecraft package. I’ll take a look at the console issues though.
For the jar files sitting in the package, this was initially because the install process requires running an installer jar file that uses a GUI to choose whether to install the client or server. I’m still trying to find a way to clean this up
@atrilahiji Can you put something in the README on how you downloaded those jar files? That way, we can also know how to update it later.
@girish yeah for sure. I’ll add that in a bit here
@atrilahiji well if there is a valid reason, then I don't think it is an issue to have the jar files in the repo.
@nebulon Perfect. I dont mind keeping them stored on a static file server too. But yeah the purpose of this is for mods compatible with Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A7498&filter-sort=4
Ah nice, I guess it would also be good if you could describe how to use such mods with this app package. I have only personally used the stock server thus far.
@nebulon I added some quick guides. Might add have time to make a video or write a longer guide tomorrow. But I added some instructions in the README.
Also the frontend console issue is fixed and I bumped the forge version.
Great, I think we are close to getting this into the app library. I've forked your repo into the cloudron namespace and you should be a "developer" for that repo at https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/minecraft-forge-app
@nebulon cool. Yeah the only thing I was thinking of changing there was hosting the actual server jar files and libs in a file storage server somewhere to reduce the bloat of the repo. Do you think that or the current method make the most sense?