DigitalOcean DNS & Let's Encrypt Wildcard Certs - Error Cert Expired?
I got an email from my freescout install that my cert for the * (wildcard) has expired and it cannot fetch any new mail. I also can't fetch using the Mail app on iOS.
If I visit my mail server at (dummy link), the cert expiration shows July 2nd so I'm confused on what to do now.
I found a dead link when visiting the CR Docs at and then clicking on "this tutorial" which supposedly shows the correct way of setting up wildcard certs to include both the bare and wildcard domains.
Thanks in advance!
@humptydumpty If you go to Services -> Mail -> Restart, it will copy over the latest certs. There is some bug that when certs are renewed the mail server is not updated with the latest certs. We are still trying to understand what causes this issue.
@humptydumpty Yes, correct. Server restart won't fix the issue, have to restart the service explicitly (since it copies over certs).