Hrm... using the API key as the PW I'm still getting 401s. Updated to the latest version that just dropped, too. I tried using the API key as the password with my cloudron username, no username, the api key name, on a URL with the trailing slash in the docs, without, in a subdirectory, using the windows native client and firefox, and I still can't get it to authenticate.
Any idea where I should go from here? It's not a production site so "blow it away and try again" is fine as long as it stands a chance of working.
The credential values are definitely correct and I know the URL is hitting the right place because I can see the requests in the logs:
[etc. etc. etc. ] Sep 26 12:34:28OPTIONS /_webdav 401 0.850 ms - - Sep 26 12:34:28OPTIONS /_webdav 401 1.054 ms - - Sep 26 12:34:28OPTIONS /_webdav 401 1.400 ms - - Sep 26 12:34:29PROPFIND / 200 1.722 ms - 2077 Sep 26 12:36:00OPTIONS /_webdav 401 1.484 ms - - Sep 26 12:36:00OPTIONS /_webdav 401 2.019 ms - - Sep 26 12:36:01OPTIONS / 200 2.816 ms - 2077 Sep 26 12:36:01OPTIONS /_webdav 401 0.968 ms - - Sep 26 12:36:01PROPFIND / 200 1.397 ms - 2077 Sep 26 12:41:19GET /wp-login.php 404 2.514 ms - - Sep 26 12:41:32GET /_webdav/ 401 0.832 ms - - Sep 26 12:41:41GET /_webdav/ 401 1.130 ms - - Sep 26 12:42:13GET /favicon.ico 404 1.339 ms - - Sep 26 12:42:14GET /_webdav 401 0.924 ms - - Sep 26 12:42:20GET /_webdav 401 0.942 ms - - Sep 26 12:43:38GET /_webdav 401 0.911 ms - - Sep 26 12:43:44GET /_webdav/ 401 0.711 ms - - Sep 26 12:44:01GET /_webdav/ 401 1.219 ms - - Sep 26 12:45:07GET /_webdav/ 401 0.755 ms - - Sep 26 12:45:14GET /_webdav/ 401 0.723 ms - - Sep 26 12:45:22GET /_webdav 401 1.043 ms - - Sep 26 12:45:24GET /_webdav 401 0.770 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:30GET /_webdav/public/ 401 0.751 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:33GET /_webdav/public/ 401 0.780 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:41GET /_webdav/public/ 401 0.671 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:50GET /_webdav/public 401 2.330 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:54GET /_webdav/public 401 0.719 ms - - Sep 26 12:46:57GET /_webdav/public 401 0.771 ms - -```
Just tried also on a fresh installation and as far as I can tell nothing really changed there and it works at least from the gnome filemanager with the uri
and username (which is not relevant) and the api token for the password. -
Just tried also on a fresh installation and as far as I can tell nothing really changed there and it works at least from the gnome filemanager with the uri
and username (which is not relevant) and the api token for the password. -
Just tried also on a fresh installation and as far as I can tell nothing really changed there and it works at least from the gnome filemanager with the uri
and username (which is not relevant) and the api token for the password.@nebulon said in webdav on surfer:
Just tried also on a fresh installation and as far as I can tell nothing really changed there and it works at least from the gnome filemanager with the uri
and username (which is not relevant) and the api token for the password.It does work. But unlike other webdav mounts (i.e. my various Nextcloud accounts) it doesn't stay connect/ remember the password like it used to before you moved to Access Tokens only.
I find this rather frustrating as every time I want to do anything on my local machine, like save a file to my Surfer app, I first have to login via the web and copy the Access Token again.
most likely this is a client issue, where for some reason your webdav client does not cache the password (now password is that access token)
@nebulon but it does cache it for Nextcloud username/ passwords and used to cache it for Surfer too before you changed it to acess token/ pw only.
The only thing that has changed in my set up is Surfer itself.
@nebulon but it does cache it for Nextcloud username/ passwords and used to cache it for Surfer too before you changed it to acess token/ pw only.
The only thing that has changed in my set up is Surfer itself.
@jdaviescoates yeah, that is what is strange. for the client, the access token is no different from a password. there's no difference.
@girish said in webdav on surfer:
@jdaviescoates yeah, that is what is strange. for the client, the access token is no different from a password. there's no difference.
I worked it out!
When clicking Connect in Nautilus, it wasn't prompt/ asking if I wanted to save my password at all, I was just presented with this:
And the only thing possible to do when that screen is displayed it to either enter a password or cancel, it's not even possible to view another app or anything.
But it seems it should as per e.g. this image from this guide https://www.knthost.com/nextcloud/setup-gnome-nautilus-access-nextcloud-files-webdav
And because I must've chosen "Remember forever" when setting up Nextcloud mount (either that or just adding Nextcloud Accounts via Ubuntu Online Account settings does that anyway), when I tried testing it with an instance of Nextcloud instead of Surfer it doesn't even ask for a password at all. So I figured it must've remember the password somewhere...
So I searched for Passwords and found this Passwords and Keys app that I've never seen/ used before
And I saw there was a pw stored for library.uniteddiversity.coop
But of course that was the old password before Surfer updated to just use access tokens. So I edited the pw to be the new access token, and now it all works again! Phew.
And just to test, I decided to try and connect to a Surfer app that I've never tried to mount locally before, and lo and behold this time it did show this:
Although I note that Nautilus required me to add a Username before being able to hit the Connect button (the button remained greyed out until both a Username and Password were entered into the fields).
Anyways, all working again now (and now I now where to find/ how to change the "Remembered forever" passwords too, so bonus!)