dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business
Hello @nebulon i'm one of dolibarr developper and i would like to build cloudron package. I'm sponsorred by osinum for that.
So i've created an account on your gitlab, could you please allow me to make a "dolibarr" project on it ?
Éric -
Hello @nebulon i'm one of dolibarr developper and i would like to build cloudron package. I'm sponsorred by osinum for that.
So i've created an account on your gitlab, could you please allow me to make a "dolibarr" project on it ?
Éric -
Welcome @erics great to have you here!
I have given your account on gitlab permissions now.
That's done, but now i don't know what i have to do
Dolibarr version 12.0.3 with:
- MySQL database create
- Web install Wizard in background
- admin / admin123 default account
- LDAP configuration
- LDAP users first sync
Please have a look to logs when you install this app : first launch could take a lot of time due to database initialization ...
Oh wow that was quick! Thanks @erics. Do you have the tests already as well? It's a requirement we have to get things published in the app store. It helps us keep things updated.
I wrote some instructions at on how to go about this. They are fairly easy to write if you know a bit of node.
Oh wow that was quick! Thanks @erics. Do you have the tests already as well? It's a requirement we have to get things published in the app store. It helps us keep things updated.
I wrote some instructions at on how to go about this. They are fairly easy to write if you know a bit of node.
@erics I forked the project to and added you to the project. Feel free to push there directly.
I am working on the moodle tests myself as we speak, just pushed the first iteration of tests of moodle.
There is no env var injected in such cases. You would have to somehow figure out if the db setup was already done or not. Often this is done via a state file like
@nebulon thanks, i will do a test with that (but i already have a file-flag), ... is data backup restored "before" is launched ?
i will make a test
i have an other question, how could a do a loop in tests.js like that pseudo code:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loop -
@nebulon thanks, i will do a test with that (but i already have a file-flag), ... is data backup restored "before" is launched ?
i will make a test
i have an other question, how could a do a loop in tests.js like that pseudo code:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loop@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
@nebulon thanks, i will do a test with that (but i already have a file-flag), ... is data backup restored "before" is launched ?
Yes. When a restore is done, is called after the database is restore and all the files in /app/data are already in place. This is why you don't really need to know if it's upgrade/install/backup. In the case of your code, that install.lock at will already be present. And thus, the whole install block will get skipped when an app is restored.
@nebulon thanks, i will do a test with that (but i already have a file-flag), ... is data backup restored "before" is launched ?
i will make a test
i have an other question, how could a do a loop in tests.js like that pseudo code:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loop@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loopI think for the tests at least, it's fine to just sleep(20-30 seconds or whatever is for sure to work). Just do something like:
function install(done) { execSync('cloudron install ...'); console.log('waiting for 30 seconds for database setup to complete'); setTimeout(done, 30 * 1000); }
Regardless of the tests, if you have a "healthCheckPath" which is more reliable i.e it returns 2xx or 3xx http status only after db setup is complete and app is ready to use then you can put that in . If you have such a route in the app, then you don't need the sleep above. This also has the advantage that the user will see 'Running' in cloudron dashboard only when it's ready to use (otherwise, right now, he will see db is getting setup message).
@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loopI think for the tests at least, it's fine to just sleep(20-30 seconds or whatever is for sure to work). Just do something like:
function install(done) { execSync('cloudron install ...'); console.log('waiting for 30 seconds for database setup to complete'); setTimeout(done, 30 * 1000); }
Regardless of the tests, if you have a "healthCheckPath" which is more reliable i.e it returns 2xx or 3xx http status only after db setup is complete and app is ready to use then you can put that in . If you have such a route in the app, then you don't need the sleep above. This also has the advantage that the user will see 'Running' in cloudron dashboard only when it's ready to use (otherwise, right now, he will see db is getting setup message).
@girish so nice
for the moment i have an other problem with "App restore error: Installation failed: Cannot download from noop backend"
Oct 07 23:39:56 box:shell clearVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ clear /home/yellowtent/appsdata/773326e5-e8f3-490c-8147-76c35839873f/data Oct 07 23:39:56 box:backups download: Downloading 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3 of format tgz to {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/773326e5-e8f3-490c-8147-76c35839873f","layout":[]} Oct 07 23:39:56 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:39:23 Fresh installation, performing Dolibarr first time setup Oct 07 23:39:23 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message Oct 07 23:39:23 - STEP N°1 ... Oct 07 23:39:24 [done] Oct 07 23:39:24 - STEP N°2 ... Oct 07 23:39:24 [done] Oct 07 23:39:24 - STEP N°3 ... Oct 07 23:40:16 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:40:36 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:40:56 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:41:16 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:41:16 box:backups downloadApp: time: 80.01 Oct 07 23:41:16 box:apptask error installing app: BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend Oct 07 23:41:16 box:apptask updating app with values: {"installationState":"error","error":{"message":"Cannot download from noop backend","reason":"Not implemented","taskId":"93","installationState":"pending_restore"}} Oct 07 23:41:16 box:taskworker Task took 103.994 seconds Oct 07 23:41:16 box:tasks setCompleted - 93: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend\n at (/home/yellowtent/box/src/storage/noop.js:59:14)\n at /home/yellowtent/box/src/backups.js:774:40\n at Timeout.retryAttempt [as _onTimeout] (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:4611:9)\n at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)\n at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)\n at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)\n at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Not implemented","details":{},"message":"Cannot download from noop backend"}} Oct 07 23:41:16 box:tasks 93: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend\n at (/home/yellowtent/box/src/storage/noop.js:59:14)\n at /home/yellowtent/box/src/backups.js:774:40\n at Timeout.retryAttempt [as _onTimeout] (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:4611:9)\n at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)\n at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)\n at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)\n at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Not implemented","details":{},"message":"Cannot download from noop backend"}}
@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
Note: i have a message on index.php "database install in progress please come back later"
so here is what i try to do in test.js
while(web index contains "database setup in progress")
loopI think for the tests at least, it's fine to just sleep(20-30 seconds or whatever is for sure to work). Just do something like:
function install(done) { execSync('cloudron install ...'); console.log('waiting for 30 seconds for database setup to complete'); setTimeout(done, 30 * 1000); }
Regardless of the tests, if you have a "healthCheckPath" which is more reliable i.e it returns 2xx or 3xx http status only after db setup is complete and app is ready to use then you can put that in . If you have such a route in the app, then you don't need the sleep above. This also has the advantage that the user will see 'Running' in cloudron dashboard only when it's ready to use (otherwise, right now, he will see db is getting setup message).
@girish so nice
for the moment i have an other problem with "App restore error: Installation failed: Cannot download from noop backend"
Oct 07 23:39:56 box:shell clearVolume spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/ clear /home/yellowtent/appsdata/773326e5-e8f3-490c-8147-76c35839873f/data Oct 07 23:39:56 box:backups download: Downloading 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3 of format tgz to {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/773326e5-e8f3-490c-8147-76c35839873f","layout":[]} Oct 07 23:39:56 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:39:23 Fresh installation, performing Dolibarr first time setup Oct 07 23:39:23 AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message Oct 07 23:39:23 - STEP N°1 ... Oct 07 23:39:24 [done] Oct 07 23:39:24 - STEP N°2 ... Oct 07 23:39:24 [done] Oct 07 23:39:24 - STEP N°3 ... Oct 07 23:40:16 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:40:36 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:40:56 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:41:16 box:storage/noop download: 2020-10-07-213836-698/app_92291923-34a2-4ca0-9637-430e75e3f679_2020-10-07-213838-779_v0.1.3.tar.gz Oct 07 23:41:16 box:backups downloadApp: time: 80.01 Oct 07 23:41:16 box:apptask error installing app: BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend Oct 07 23:41:16 box:apptask updating app with values: {"installationState":"error","error":{"message":"Cannot download from noop backend","reason":"Not implemented","taskId":"93","installationState":"pending_restore"}} Oct 07 23:41:16 box:taskworker Task took 103.994 seconds Oct 07 23:41:16 box:tasks setCompleted - 93: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend\n at (/home/yellowtent/box/src/storage/noop.js:59:14)\n at /home/yellowtent/box/src/backups.js:774:40\n at Timeout.retryAttempt [as _onTimeout] (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:4611:9)\n at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)\n at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)\n at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)\n at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Not implemented","details":{},"message":"Cannot download from noop backend"}} Oct 07 23:41:16 box:tasks 93: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Cannot download from noop backend\n at (/home/yellowtent/box/src/storage/noop.js:59:14)\n at /home/yellowtent/box/src/backups.js:774:40\n at Timeout.retryAttempt [as _onTimeout] (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:4611:9)\n at ontimeout (timers.js:436:11)\n at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:300:5)\n at listOnTimeout (timers.js:263:5)\n at Timer.processTimers (timers.js:223:10)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Not implemented","details":{},"message":"Cannot download from noop backend"}}
@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
for the moment i have an other problem with "App restore error: Installation failed: Cannot download from noop backend"
Looks like the Cloudron server which you are installing/testing this on has backups disabled! Go to Backups -> change to file system or something. Without backups, one cannot restore.
@erics said in dolibarr - ERP & CRM for Business:
for the moment i have an other problem with "App restore error: Installation failed: Cannot download from noop backend"
Looks like the Cloudron server which you are installing/testing this on has backups disabled! Go to Backups -> change to file system or something. Without backups, one cannot restore.
New question : does ".lock" files could be excluded from backups ?
when dolibarr install is complete a install.lock file is created, but when cloudron backup is restaured this file is missing ...