External SMTP server to receive / forward mail?
My cloudron is in completely isolated environment (closed form internet behind a corporate proxy/firewall), but I would like to use it so the people from outside could send e-mail to the domain managed by that cloudron (mail-me@my-super-puper-service.com).
In other words, I want a proxy SMTP server, which will get access to my isolated cloudron (I will make a whole in firewall for that specific server).
Any thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
Right. I would still appreciate any thoughts or ideas on how to implement that outside of Cloudron - I might be wrong, but it doesn't seem like it could be done within at all, unless I'm missing something?
If you can open a port in your firewall for that proxy service, why can't you also open port 25 directly for your Cloudron? If the concern is mostly the port number, then https://www.dynu.com/en-US/Email/StoreForward could be a solution. I have not used it myself, but seen recommended for such cases.
Or you need to have another publicly reachable server and then use for example a ssh tunnel to forward traffic of port 25 from that server to your Cloudron.
@fbartels , thank you! I need a DMZ-like proxy, that is the only self-hosted VM / server that is open to the internet, if that makes sense?
@brettjhonson that looks like quite a clumsy service advertising. But thank you for the idea.