Cloudron running low on resources.... memory - I have 20GB of ram free though
I have a VPS with 24Gb of RAM. I have 19 apps. When I look at the Graphs the RAM usage is no more than 5 GB. But when I went to add the 20th app (Monica) I received this popup warning:
This Cloudron is running low on resources. Please upgrade to a server instance with more memory. Alternately, free up resources by uninstalling unused applications.
But my Graphs show that I have 20 GB of RAM unused. Is the warning about spikes or something?Is it taking into account the RAM requirements for each installed app which would total 29.5GB? Is this why I get this warning?
Can you take a look at the RAM usage in the VPS dashboard? Its possible Cloudron is misreporting memory usage, your VPS dashboard may give a more accurate picture.
Another check would be, can you add any other app? Maybe try something really light and small. (smaller than monica) perhaps we are bumping into an app limit somewhere. -
I have a VPS with 24Gb of RAM. I have 19 apps. When I look at the Graphs the RAM usage is no more than 5 GB. But when I went to add the 20th app (Monica) I received this popup warning:
This Cloudron is running low on resources. Please upgrade to a server instance with more memory. Alternately, free up resources by uninstalling unused applications.
But my Graphs show that I have 20 GB of RAM unused. Is the warning about spikes or something?Is it taking into account the RAM requirements for each installed app which would total 29.5GB? Is this why I get this warning?
@scooke said in Cloudron running low on resources.... memory - I have 20GB of ram free though:
Is it taking into account the RAM requirements for each installed app which would total 29.5GB? Is this why I get this warning?
Yes. Each app all have generous amounts of dedicated memory assigned to them. I read in the docs that each app is/should be configured for around 50 concurrent users.
The calculation is actually very basic and not related to real memory use at the time of install. Basically it just checks if the cumulative memory limits (not used/free memory) configured for all installed apps, is lower than system memory * 1.5 (where the factor 1.5 is just a arbitrary number to ensure the non app processes have enough) If that is not the case, we show that warning.
This could possibly improved on, especially the 1.5 factor might be a bit large for systems with a lot of memory.