Cloudron build mess up
I had built up the courage to try building and installing the new Omeka S app, but I done messed up.Thought his is probably a very obvious step, I don't understand what is meant when I'm asked :
C:\Users\scooke\cloudron\omeka-s-app>cloudron build Enter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp):
So I just entered the name of repository from Gitlab. It then failed, and now every other attemp fails. Seems entering the "wrong" registry messed things up. So what is the correct registry? I don't have one of this app other than what I downloaded. I can see from that
enter app directory
$ cd nodejs-app
build the app
$ docker build -t username/nodejs-app:1.0.0 .
push the image. if the push fails, you have to 'docker login' with your username
$ docker push username/nodejs-app:1.0.0
is what I'm supposed to do... but what or who is this username?? Is it locally? Is it me? Is it a new registry I make elsewhere? Is it one on my own Gitlab account? Is it the username of whoever's repository I cloned? And now that I've messed it up, how do I reset cloudron build?
Much thanks for any help or suggestions.
You can edit/remove the information in
that deals with that folder on your machine to correct the repository info or just delete the block to make the CLI re-prompt you on the next run.@jimcavoli Great, I found it, it was just named .cloudron.
What is the proper response for
Enter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp):
Is this my own repository of the cloned app? Or is it not the repository of the creaters, like so -
? Is itregistry/myusernameoncloudron/omeka-s-app
or my local user likeregistry/melocally/omeka-s-app
Or is it yet some other repository that I have to create?? -
it's either the public docker registry service, or the new self-hosted one in the app store called docker registry.
@robi I understand the words, but not the meaning!
Seeing as this is a new repository from these kind people, I don't think they have it listed" (is that the right word?) in the public docker registry service (and I'm not even sure what that is, and what the url would be for it). Same thing for the "new self-hosted one in the app store called docker registry". It is new, I just cloned it, so as far as I know there is no repository in the app store repository ... ok, I followed a few links and found
, so this is the repository I need, right? The portion I enter is justcloudron/omeka-s-app
? or does the "registry" in theEnter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp)
refer to
? -
@robi I understand the words, but not the meaning!
Seeing as this is a new repository from these kind people, I don't think they have it listed" (is that the right word?) in the public docker registry service (and I'm not even sure what that is, and what the url would be for it). Same thing for the "new self-hosted one in the app store called docker registry". It is new, I just cloned it, so as far as I know there is no repository in the app store repository ... ok, I followed a few links and found
, so this is the repository I need, right? The portion I enter is justcloudron/omeka-s-app
? or does the "registry" in theEnter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp)
refer to
? -
@robi I understand the words, but not the meaning!
Seeing as this is a new repository from these kind people, I don't think they have it listed" (is that the right word?) in the public docker registry service (and I'm not even sure what that is, and what the url would be for it). Same thing for the "new self-hosted one in the app store called docker registry". It is new, I just cloned it, so as far as I know there is no repository in the app store repository ... ok, I followed a few links and found
, so this is the repository I need, right? The portion I enter is justcloudron/omeka-s-app
? or does the "registry" in theEnter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp)
refer to
? -
Oh I see the confusion. So indeed what the cli tool asks for here is the docker image registry repository. Not the git repository.
I guess we can just remove "repository" here from the cli tool output to avoid that confusion.To clarify an example setting for this for example for the omeka image pushed to the appstore by the Cloudron team:
this has to be set to whatver your docker hub account is, or if another docker registry is used, also
has to change to your registry domain. -
Oh I see the confusion. So indeed what the cli tool asks for here is the docker image registry repository. Not the git repository.
I guess we can just remove "repository" here from the cli tool output to avoid that confusion.To clarify an example setting for this for example for the omeka image pushed to the appstore by the Cloudron team:
this has to be set to whatver your docker hub account is, or if another docker registry is used, also
has to change to your registry domain. -
@nebulon Sry for maybe stupid Question.. but
"cloudron" should to be replaced with my username right? Or is this pointed to chown cloudron:cloudron? Thanks