@girish @nebulon Ok so I found it after all. This is the mistake it makes (I changed the addresses):
xpecting "SSH IP address" Match false
2022-03-03T19:40:19.817Z box:dns/waitfordns waitForDns: my.domain.tl at ns ns.domain.tl: not done
2022-03-03T19:40:19.818Z box:dns/waitfordns Attempt 507 failed. Will retry: ETRYAGAIN
2022-03-03T19:40:49.819Z box:dns/waitfordns waitForDns: nameservers are ["ns.domain.tl","ns.domain.tl","ns.domain.tl"]
2022-03-03T19:40:49.920Z box:dns/waitfordns resolveIp: Checking if my.domain.tl has A record at IP of NS
2022-03-03T19:40:49.930Z box:dns/waitfordns isChangeSynced: my.domain.tl(A) was resolved to Public IP at NS ns.domain.tl (IP of NS).
There might be some misconfiguration of the IP adresses. One is for SSH and another is public. Do you have experience with that?