@Lanhild Well noticed, thank you.
As far as I recall they were added to sort some building issues or runtime errors. I'll check if they required or not.

RAG not working anymore -
App Config in Read-Only@jfftck could you explain why you need to change /app/code/packages/app-store/mirotalk/config.json as this file contains just metadata?
AFAICS, after the app gets installed and configured, no files got changed and all settings are stored in the database.
Metadata DB, Caching Redis and Celery Executor@Charles_Nkdl said in Metadata DB, Caching Redis and Celery Executor:
There is only celery task metadata, but sadly i can't connect to celery logs directly as it give me an error
Could you try to run:
$ gosu cloudron bash -c "source /app/pkg/env.sh && celery --app=superset.tasks.celery_app:app status"
It gives some output for me:
$ gosu cloudron bash -c "source /app/pkg/env.sh && celery --app=superset.tasks.celery_app:app status" Loaded your LOCAL configuration at [/app/pkg/superset_config.py] 2024-07-03 13:02:37,979:INFO:superset.utils.logging_configurator:logging was configured successfully 2024-07-03 13:02:37,982:INFO:root:Configured event logger of type <class 'superset.utils.log.DBEventLogger'> -> celery@c67725ff-11b2-4620-b5dd-3a420ab289a2: OK 1 node online.
Invoice ninja server 500 internal errorThe problem with sending emails has been fixed. A new app package is going to be released soon.
Invoice ninja server 500 internal error@luckow could you try to switch
Attach PDF
onIN dashboard > settings > Advanced Settings > Email Settings
and then try to send an email?v1.14.2 seems to be sending emails properly whilst
Attach PDF
is off.
I'm investigating it further now. -
Cloudron OpenID Login possible for redmine? List to plugin and information for a startToday I implemented an ability to set a custom OIDC provider up in
plugin. It's been already merged into upstream. I'll update the cloudron app once a new version ofredmine_oauth
plugin released.https://github.com/kontron/redmine_oauth/pull/25
https://github.com/kontron/redmine_oauth/issues/24 -
Installing changedetection - Do I need to install other things (Playwright/WebDriver) to take screenshots?@AmbroiseUnly said in Installing changedetection - Do I need to install other things (Playwright/WebDriver) to take screenshots?:
This notice appear if
Basic fast Plaintext/HTTP Client
option is selected as a fetch method onRequest
tab (clickEdit
link next to the site you'd like to get screenshots for).When you select the second option
Playwright Chromium/Javascript
, a site screenshot will appear on theScreenshot
tab of theDiff
page, for example: -
Serious OIDC EspoCRM issues!@imc67 said in Serious OIDC EspoCRM issues!:
- In the Auth Log you don't see the username anymore so for security reasons and auditing it's useless and not acceptable. (see screenshot 2)
Yury, the chief developer of the EspoCRM project, explained that the user is available on the View section of the AuthLog record.
Ctfreak OIDC support@jypelle There is "Unable to create external user: User full name is empty" error in the logs.
The authentication provider is Cloudron. Cloudron OIDC details are set by
request as above. They are set correctly in admin UI.
I'm able to successfully log in at Cloudron, then it redirects me back to ctfreak instance and I get the above error.I suppose it's not properly set the fullname attribute, it should be mapped to
from configuration details provided by${CLOUDRON_OIDC_DISCOVERY_URL}
https://CLOUDRON-INSTANCE/openid/.well-known/openid-configuration.Is it possible to specify the attribute to map fullname to using REST API?
Ctfreak OIDC support@jypelle I've added OIDC configuration to the app (using REST API) but it doesn't seem to work. I get
Unable to create external user
error. Maybe it needs someautocreate
flag initialised as well? -
some first findingsA new Loomio app version 0.3.0 has been released.
It has websockets connection issue fixed and switched ldap and IMAP polling off as it hasn't been implemented in Loomio yet. -
some first findings-
There is no LDAP support in Loomio so LDAP will be also disabled in the next version of the cloudron app.
They seem to be supporting OAuth, SAML providers but there is a lack of details in the documentation how to set it up. It needs some further research. As far as I can see some environment variables need to be setup and/app/data/.env
can be used for that. -
Yes, it redirects to a new group creating form when a new account created. This is how it works and there seems no way to amend it for now.
some first findings@luckow I've installed the Loomio app from the app store using the default domains: loomio.mydomain.com and channels.loomio.mydomain.com. Everything went smoothly, I haven't got any errors on user signing up or creating new groups.
Could you explain steps to reproduce it? Does it happen for you at the user sign-up? What did you try to specify as the group name?
Could you also check if/app/data/storage
folder belongs tocloudron
Does the app restart resolve the issue?IMAP related notice is related to an incomplete IMAP configuration, which will be removed from the app in the future version for a while IMAP pooling is being refactored.
FYI size of n-gram data sets@RazielKanos said in FYI size of n-gram data sets:
how can i add another language? do i just
NGRAM_DATASET=("en,de")?Basically it's a bash script array variable so you should split values by a whitespace.
NGRAM_DATASET=("en" "de")
I'm not a German speaker but I heard it works very well.
Just wondering how it works with two languages. -
Drone@girish we are using drone app packaged by @fbartels.
Drone@marcusquinn Which package are you using ? Or are you running this outside Cloudron ?
We are running
Docker runner
andSSH runner
as docker containers andExec runner
as a service on the Cloudron host, basically exactly as described in the Drone documentation.
https://docs.drone.io/runner/overview/@marcusquinn same here, but the Drone runners are still not part of the equation, would be nice if they could work together with the docker addon to have it 100% "portable"
Maybe we'll package runners as cloudron apps later that could build & deploy an app on Cloudron.
cloudron-cli in cron@girish sorry, a school boy mistake, the
header did the trick, but I made a typo in the backupId, that's why I got the error. -
cloudron-cli in cronstill have no luck.
If I add
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
to the backup restoring request I get:{ "status": "Internal Server Error", "message": "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'manifest')" }
I tried to send the request using curl and postman, the response is the same. Cloudron is v7.3.2
ps. the CLI tool works well though.
cloudron-cli in cron@subven said in cloudron-cli in cron:
You did something like:
'{"backupId": "2022-11-11-030000-618/app_archiv.domain.com_v2.2.1"}'
?No, I put
value from the backup list response, e.g. a backup list response from REST API documentation:{ "backups": [ { "id": "string", "remotePath": "2022-10-24-060000-679/app_cubby.nebulon.space_v1.0.1", "label": "My important backup", "identifier": "e7d4cc36-9ac0-4f93-8534-62514abe5d9c", "creationTime": 0, "type": "app", "state": "normal", "format": "rsync", "preserveSecs": 604800, "encryptionVersion": "string", "dependsOn": [ null ], "manifest": null } ] }
Do you mean
value is being used asbackupId
in the backup restore request? -
cloudron-cli in cron@girish said in cloudron-cli in cron:
Is the use case here to have some sort of a demo app instance that keeps resetting state
Instead of using the CLI tool, maybe you can just use the REST API for this. It's just a POST request. Something like:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' -d '{"backupId": "id"}' https://my.domain.com/api/v1/apps/<appid>/restore
I created a token in the profile and got
using the REST API call:curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' https://my.domain/api/v1/apps/<appid>/backups
I get the following error on the backup restore REST API call:
{ "status": "Bad Request", "message": "backupId must be non-empty string" }
So I'm sure the
are correct and valid.
The CLI tool successfully restores the backup copy by the sametoken
What am I missing?