@joseph thank's a lot.
I tried to reconfigure account on macOS, choosed "Advanced configuration"
I configured username and password, Server address (Eg. subdomain.domain.tld), without any "Server Path" and finally it works...
The radicale ldap plugin only does authentication. So, in fact, there is no way for radicale to know about any CN. I suspect this is being generated by something else (afaik, the client generates the events file). In my testing, organizer looks like below:
Reply to also works correctly.
@nebulon, the docs say to edit the /app/data/rights file to configure permissions. This file did not exist, so I made one and placed it in the /app/data/ folder. However, it does not persist through a restart.
@nebulon Okay, that's fair. Yeah I tried in the Radicale docs but couldn't find anything really related to theming or any configurations for overriding the page title and stuff for the web UI. Seems strange, but I guess it's mostly used by admins rather than regular users so I guess it's not a biggie. Just been on a bit of a branding project slowly over the last while and Radicale seemed like it should be an easy one, but didn't turn out that way. haha. I'll dig a little more and file a report upstream for the feature if it truly doesn't exist yet. Thanks for the guidance.
PS - If it's not actually a feature though (doesn't seem like it so far), then this is another reason we should have more than one CalDAV/CardDAV server option If I get time over the next few weeks, maybe I"ll try to package one of them up as a sort of first package attempt.
@nebulon Will do. I've checked today and see the sync tokens grew a fair bit again, although right now performance seems to still be okay. So I'll monitor a bit over the next week before filing a ticket just in case it grows back to where it was but still syncs quickly, as that may indicate something related but different as a root cause.
@nebulon I was hoping to force emails as the username, but that's fair. haha. I am a bit OCD and since most online accounts use email addresses, I was hoping to keep that consistency in anything hosted in Cloudron, but I suppose that's not possible anyways since every app is a bit different. For example, Invoice Ninja requires an email address rather than a username, and same for Bitwarden. Others will take either format, such as Matamo and WordPress, etc.