How does Cloudron work? What does it do? etc :)
@jdaviescoates said in How does Cloudron work? What does it do? etc
But I don't see anywhere I can actually watch the talk! Can I watch it somewhere?
Ah, I had found the link on that meetup page, but in Firefox nothing seems to happen when I visit it, so I assumed it was just a live thing with no ability to watch back... but then I tried it in Chromium and it worked, thanks! Will watch...
@jdaviescoates said in How does Cloudron work? What does it do? etc
Ah, I had found the link on that meetup page, but in Firefox nothing seems to happen when I visit it, so I assumed it was just a live thing with no ability to watch back... but then I tried it in Chromium and it worked, thanks! Will watch...
@Staff you should add this video to your peertube.
@jdaviescoates said in How does Cloudron work? What does it do? etc
Ah, I had found the link on that meetup page, but in Firefox nothing seems to happen when I visit it, so I assumed it was just a live thing with no ability to watch back... but then I tried it in Chromium and it worked, thanks! Will watch...
@Staff you should add this video to your peertube.
I just watch the video linked above (after using OpenShot video to rotate it 90 degrees to the left to avoid getting a crook neck!) here are my notes:
Benefits of Cloudron
Quick and Easy to install and configure properly apps on your own domains
Easy to update
Easy to maintain
Secure by default
Control of your data - you know and decide where it is stored, and who and how the data can be accessedSelfhosting = you deploy apps on servers of your choosing
DNS management and SSL certificates all sorted using LetsEncrypt
Convenience of SaaS with the control of a private cloud
- with a user experience similar to what people are now used to with their smart phones - everyone can easyily install apps from the app store and apps are automatically updated - we don't have to maintain our phones, it just works.
Smart phone -> Smart server
Full Email server built in!!!
Can easily move (or clone) apps from one domain to another
== Architecture: ==
Cloudron is install on the server
Apps are listed from Cloudron's App Store
Cloudron install the App (it's not something the App Store does)
Cloudron periodically checks for updates
Each Cloudron installation is independent and private. Cloudron don't have access to the server. They just provie the App Store list and provide updates for apps== Anatomy of an app ==
2 parts:
- Docker based packaging
- dependency management (differnt apps require different versions of PHP, Ruby, whatever Docker lets you package them all together in a single package)
- Static configuration (decision about whether to use nginx or apache etc are taken care of)
- Density (used to have to use one virtual machine for each app, with Docker you can have loads of differnt apps on one server in containers)
- Mainfest file (information about the things the app needs to run)
- Addons: which database to use (MySql, Postgres, etc), Auth, Email
- Port bindings
- Version: Title, Icon, Description, Author
== App Store ==
Just like Google Play story, Appple app store
- its just a Distribution mechanism, doesn't have access to the server.
- holds manifest meta data (what apps needs to run)
- versioning information
All the app packages are open source, so you
(not relevant for but it handles Dynamic DNS for people hosting at home)
== The Platform (the bit that is running on your server) ==
Very similar to Heroku - you can give it code and it'll run it for you
- Each addon is a micro-service (and can say, this app needs mysql server, this app needs to be able to send email etc)
- Addon access credentials as env var (environment variables)
(ask Girish for the slides)
All the addons (databases, email etc) are running in their own Docker containers and operate like mirco-services, you can ask them to create/ destroy databases etc.
== App Lifecycle ==
-- Configure DNS
-- Downloads docker image and manifest file from the Cloudron app store
-- Sets up addons
-- Logrotate, Collect (stats about the app, how much CPU, memory it using etc), Firewall
-- Runs the docker container
--- Dynamic configuration (giving the app db credentials, SMTP credentials to send email, e.g. for WordPress it creates the wp-config.php file with all the relevant credentials)
-- Gets SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt (and set-up reverse proxy, i.e. when is visited forward to this container) -
-- Read only and stateless app containers (all apps are read only - apps cannot write to their file system, if they could then users could add all sorts of random files and it wouldn't be possible to update smoothly, the code cannot be modified. This means when there is an update we can just throw away the old container and get in the new container. So where does the app write stuff it needs to? We let the app write in 3 locations 1) /tmp for temporary files 2) /run which contains runtime files which an app needs to communication across various processes, 3) app/data/ where the app will put images, files uploaded etc - everything in app data is part of the backup, /tmp and /run is not backed up)
-- Rolling updates
-- Signed releases
-- Selenium based tests (test that everything actually still works)
== Maintainence ==
-- Per app backups (means you can roll back just that app instead of all the apps on the server, like would happen if you just rolled back to the server snapshot).
-- Backup only addon data (don't need to back up the docker container because it's read only, nothing has change, only need to back up databases etc, plus the /app/data directory)
-- Apps can be trivially cloned and rolled back
-- Can be stored offsite to S3, DO Spaces, etc -
-- Email notifications
== Security ==
- Turn-key security
- HTTPS only
- App isolation and sandboxed (apps can only access their databases etc, not the other databases etc)
- Rate limits, Activity logs (built in standard security practices e.g. Rate limtes: if people try to login too quickly, login from a new device etc, Activity logs: everything that happening on the system, who is doing what)
- Signed releases
- More info at
Who are Cloudron customers:
20-30% individuals
20-30% tech startups
universities (but they have differnt pricing structures)
very popular with ngos and cooperatives, in Europe (France, Germany) - ha! Girish described co-ops as new! hehe
also resellers and hosting providers@thetomester13 a slight red flag re our Selfhost.Cloud plans - Cloudron started off providing managed Cloudron, but users wanted to install it on their own servers - still, I think they are likely still plenty of people who would like it as a service too. Just like people still sometimes pay me to create selfhosted WordPress sites for them and still use even those self-hosting WordPress is really easy.
@girish do you still have the slides you used in the talk? could you perhaps share them here? (even though I've more or less transcribed them plus added a load of stuff you said that isn't on the slides) Thanks!
I just watch the video linked above (after using OpenShot video to rotate it 90 degrees to the left to avoid getting a crook neck!) here are my notes:
Benefits of Cloudron
Quick and Easy to install and configure properly apps on your own domains
Easy to update
Easy to maintain
Secure by default
Control of your data - you know and decide where it is stored, and who and how the data can be accessedSelfhosting = you deploy apps on servers of your choosing
DNS management and SSL certificates all sorted using LetsEncrypt
Convenience of SaaS with the control of a private cloud
- with a user experience similar to what people are now used to with their smart phones - everyone can easyily install apps from the app store and apps are automatically updated - we don't have to maintain our phones, it just works.
Smart phone -> Smart server
Full Email server built in!!!
Can easily move (or clone) apps from one domain to another
== Architecture: ==
Cloudron is install on the server
Apps are listed from Cloudron's App Store
Cloudron install the App (it's not something the App Store does)
Cloudron periodically checks for updates
Each Cloudron installation is independent and private. Cloudron don't have access to the server. They just provie the App Store list and provide updates for apps== Anatomy of an app ==
2 parts:
- Docker based packaging
- dependency management (differnt apps require different versions of PHP, Ruby, whatever Docker lets you package them all together in a single package)
- Static configuration (decision about whether to use nginx or apache etc are taken care of)
- Density (used to have to use one virtual machine for each app, with Docker you can have loads of differnt apps on one server in containers)
- Mainfest file (information about the things the app needs to run)
- Addons: which database to use (MySql, Postgres, etc), Auth, Email
- Port bindings
- Version: Title, Icon, Description, Author
== App Store ==
Just like Google Play story, Appple app store
- its just a Distribution mechanism, doesn't have access to the server.
- holds manifest meta data (what apps needs to run)
- versioning information
All the app packages are open source, so you
(not relevant for but it handles Dynamic DNS for people hosting at home)
== The Platform (the bit that is running on your server) ==
Very similar to Heroku - you can give it code and it'll run it for you
- Each addon is a micro-service (and can say, this app needs mysql server, this app needs to be able to send email etc)
- Addon access credentials as env var (environment variables)
(ask Girish for the slides)
All the addons (databases, email etc) are running in their own Docker containers and operate like mirco-services, you can ask them to create/ destroy databases etc.
== App Lifecycle ==
-- Configure DNS
-- Downloads docker image and manifest file from the Cloudron app store
-- Sets up addons
-- Logrotate, Collect (stats about the app, how much CPU, memory it using etc), Firewall
-- Runs the docker container
--- Dynamic configuration (giving the app db credentials, SMTP credentials to send email, e.g. for WordPress it creates the wp-config.php file with all the relevant credentials)
-- Gets SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt (and set-up reverse proxy, i.e. when is visited forward to this container) -
-- Read only and stateless app containers (all apps are read only - apps cannot write to their file system, if they could then users could add all sorts of random files and it wouldn't be possible to update smoothly, the code cannot be modified. This means when there is an update we can just throw away the old container and get in the new container. So where does the app write stuff it needs to? We let the app write in 3 locations 1) /tmp for temporary files 2) /run which contains runtime files which an app needs to communication across various processes, 3) app/data/ where the app will put images, files uploaded etc - everything in app data is part of the backup, /tmp and /run is not backed up)
-- Rolling updates
-- Signed releases
-- Selenium based tests (test that everything actually still works)
== Maintainence ==
-- Per app backups (means you can roll back just that app instead of all the apps on the server, like would happen if you just rolled back to the server snapshot).
-- Backup only addon data (don't need to back up the docker container because it's read only, nothing has change, only need to back up databases etc, plus the /app/data directory)
-- Apps can be trivially cloned and rolled back
-- Can be stored offsite to S3, DO Spaces, etc -
-- Email notifications
== Security ==
- Turn-key security
- HTTPS only
- App isolation and sandboxed (apps can only access their databases etc, not the other databases etc)
- Rate limits, Activity logs (built in standard security practices e.g. Rate limtes: if people try to login too quickly, login from a new device etc, Activity logs: everything that happening on the system, who is doing what)
- Signed releases
- More info at
Who are Cloudron customers:
20-30% individuals
20-30% tech startups
universities (but they have differnt pricing structures)
very popular with ngos and cooperatives, in Europe (France, Germany) - ha! Girish described co-ops as new! hehe
also resellers and hosting providers@thetomester13 a slight red flag re our Selfhost.Cloud plans - Cloudron started off providing managed Cloudron, but users wanted to install it on their own servers - still, I think they are likely still plenty of people who would like it as a service too. Just like people still sometimes pay me to create selfhosted WordPress sites for them and still use even those self-hosting WordPress is really easy.
@girish do you still have the slides you used in the talk? could you perhaps share them here? (even though I've more or less transcribed them plus added a load of stuff you said that isn't on the slides) Thanks!
@jdaviescoates I will probably upload it in some place with a memorable URL later but these are the slides - . Thanks for the elaborate notes!
Adding a note the convo without completely reading but if there's effort to build a video library to promote and educate on features, I'd suggest aiming to segment into 2-5min videos per topic, attention-spans online aren't long enough for 30 min tutorials for the average prospect.
Adding a note the convo without completely reading but if there's effort to build a video library to promote and educate on features, I'd suggest aiming to segment into 2-5min videos per topic, attention-spans online aren't long enough for 30 min tutorials for the average prospect.
@marcusquinn and to add to that, any video that's going to be shared on socials (where most people discover video) really needs to be very clear what it's about and have a hook in the first 10 seconds (most videos aren't watch past that - if a video doesn't grab you in the first 10 seconds, you don't watch it).
@jdaviescoates I will probably upload it in some place with a memorable URL later but these are the slides - . Thanks for the elaborate notes!
@girish thanks!
@marcusquinn and to add to that, any video that's going to be shared on socials (where most people discover video) really needs to be very clear what it's about and have a hook in the first 10 seconds (most videos aren't watch past that - if a video doesn't grab you in the first 10 seconds, you don't watch it).
@jdaviescoates I have been messing around with a few "intro to cloudron" scripts, testing out OBS backdrops and mic settings. Will share a draft when I have a legit one compiled =] Hopefully sooner than later lol
@jdaviescoates I have been messing around with a few "intro to cloudron" scripts, testing out OBS backdrops and mic settings. Will share a draft when I have a legit one compiled =] Hopefully sooner than later lol
@plusone-nick nice, looking forward to seeing it, thanks
I just watch the video linked above (after using OpenShot video to rotate it 90 degrees to the left to avoid getting a crook neck!) here are my notes:
Benefits of Cloudron
Quick and Easy to install and configure properly apps on your own domains
Easy to update
Easy to maintain
Secure by default
Control of your data - you know and decide where it is stored, and who and how the data can be accessedSelfhosting = you deploy apps on servers of your choosing
DNS management and SSL certificates all sorted using LetsEncrypt
Convenience of SaaS with the control of a private cloud
- with a user experience similar to what people are now used to with their smart phones - everyone can easyily install apps from the app store and apps are automatically updated - we don't have to maintain our phones, it just works.
Smart phone -> Smart server
Full Email server built in!!!
Can easily move (or clone) apps from one domain to another
== Architecture: ==
Cloudron is install on the server
Apps are listed from Cloudron's App Store
Cloudron install the App (it's not something the App Store does)
Cloudron periodically checks for updates
Each Cloudron installation is independent and private. Cloudron don't have access to the server. They just provie the App Store list and provide updates for apps== Anatomy of an app ==
2 parts:
- Docker based packaging
- dependency management (differnt apps require different versions of PHP, Ruby, whatever Docker lets you package them all together in a single package)
- Static configuration (decision about whether to use nginx or apache etc are taken care of)
- Density (used to have to use one virtual machine for each app, with Docker you can have loads of differnt apps on one server in containers)
- Mainfest file (information about the things the app needs to run)
- Addons: which database to use (MySql, Postgres, etc), Auth, Email
- Port bindings
- Version: Title, Icon, Description, Author
== App Store ==
Just like Google Play story, Appple app store
- its just a Distribution mechanism, doesn't have access to the server.
- holds manifest meta data (what apps needs to run)
- versioning information
All the app packages are open source, so you
(not relevant for but it handles Dynamic DNS for people hosting at home)
== The Platform (the bit that is running on your server) ==
Very similar to Heroku - you can give it code and it'll run it for you
- Each addon is a micro-service (and can say, this app needs mysql server, this app needs to be able to send email etc)
- Addon access credentials as env var (environment variables)
(ask Girish for the slides)
All the addons (databases, email etc) are running in their own Docker containers and operate like mirco-services, you can ask them to create/ destroy databases etc.
== App Lifecycle ==
-- Configure DNS
-- Downloads docker image and manifest file from the Cloudron app store
-- Sets up addons
-- Logrotate, Collect (stats about the app, how much CPU, memory it using etc), Firewall
-- Runs the docker container
--- Dynamic configuration (giving the app db credentials, SMTP credentials to send email, e.g. for WordPress it creates the wp-config.php file with all the relevant credentials)
-- Gets SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt (and set-up reverse proxy, i.e. when is visited forward to this container) -
-- Read only and stateless app containers (all apps are read only - apps cannot write to their file system, if they could then users could add all sorts of random files and it wouldn't be possible to update smoothly, the code cannot be modified. This means when there is an update we can just throw away the old container and get in the new container. So where does the app write stuff it needs to? We let the app write in 3 locations 1) /tmp for temporary files 2) /run which contains runtime files which an app needs to communication across various processes, 3) app/data/ where the app will put images, files uploaded etc - everything in app data is part of the backup, /tmp and /run is not backed up)
-- Rolling updates
-- Signed releases
-- Selenium based tests (test that everything actually still works)
== Maintainence ==
-- Per app backups (means you can roll back just that app instead of all the apps on the server, like would happen if you just rolled back to the server snapshot).
-- Backup only addon data (don't need to back up the docker container because it's read only, nothing has change, only need to back up databases etc, plus the /app/data directory)
-- Apps can be trivially cloned and rolled back
-- Can be stored offsite to S3, DO Spaces, etc -
-- Email notifications
== Security ==
- Turn-key security
- HTTPS only
- App isolation and sandboxed (apps can only access their databases etc, not the other databases etc)
- Rate limits, Activity logs (built in standard security practices e.g. Rate limtes: if people try to login too quickly, login from a new device etc, Activity logs: everything that happening on the system, who is doing what)
- Signed releases
- More info at
Who are Cloudron customers:
20-30% individuals
20-30% tech startups
universities (but they have differnt pricing structures)
very popular with ngos and cooperatives, in Europe (France, Germany) - ha! Girish described co-ops as new! hehe
also resellers and hosting providers@thetomester13 a slight red flag re our Selfhost.Cloud plans - Cloudron started off providing managed Cloudron, but users wanted to install it on their own servers - still, I think they are likely still plenty of people who would like it as a service too. Just like people still sometimes pay me to create selfhosted WordPress sites for them and still use even those self-hosting WordPress is really easy.
@girish do you still have the slides you used in the talk? could you perhaps share them here? (even though I've more or less transcribed them plus added a load of stuff you said that isn't on the slides) Thanks!
@jdaviescoates I rotated the video now and uploaded it to
I just watch the video linked above (after using OpenShot video to rotate it 90 degrees to the left to avoid getting a crook neck!) here are my notes:
Benefits of Cloudron
Quick and Easy to install and configure properly apps on your own domains
Easy to update
Easy to maintain
Secure by default
Control of your data - you know and decide where it is stored, and who and how the data can be accessedSelfhosting = you deploy apps on servers of your choosing
DNS management and SSL certificates all sorted using LetsEncrypt
Convenience of SaaS with the control of a private cloud
- with a user experience similar to what people are now used to with their smart phones - everyone can easyily install apps from the app store and apps are automatically updated - we don't have to maintain our phones, it just works.
Smart phone -> Smart server
Full Email server built in!!!
Can easily move (or clone) apps from one domain to another
== Architecture: ==
Cloudron is install on the server
Apps are listed from Cloudron's App Store
Cloudron install the App (it's not something the App Store does)
Cloudron periodically checks for updates
Each Cloudron installation is independent and private. Cloudron don't have access to the server. They just provie the App Store list and provide updates for apps== Anatomy of an app ==
2 parts:
- Docker based packaging
- dependency management (differnt apps require different versions of PHP, Ruby, whatever Docker lets you package them all together in a single package)
- Static configuration (decision about whether to use nginx or apache etc are taken care of)
- Density (used to have to use one virtual machine for each app, with Docker you can have loads of differnt apps on one server in containers)
- Mainfest file (information about the things the app needs to run)
- Addons: which database to use (MySql, Postgres, etc), Auth, Email
- Port bindings
- Version: Title, Icon, Description, Author
== App Store ==
Just like Google Play story, Appple app store
- its just a Distribution mechanism, doesn't have access to the server.
- holds manifest meta data (what apps needs to run)
- versioning information
All the app packages are open source, so you
(not relevant for but it handles Dynamic DNS for people hosting at home)
== The Platform (the bit that is running on your server) ==
Very similar to Heroku - you can give it code and it'll run it for you
- Each addon is a micro-service (and can say, this app needs mysql server, this app needs to be able to send email etc)
- Addon access credentials as env var (environment variables)
(ask Girish for the slides)
All the addons (databases, email etc) are running in their own Docker containers and operate like mirco-services, you can ask them to create/ destroy databases etc.
== App Lifecycle ==
-- Configure DNS
-- Downloads docker image and manifest file from the Cloudron app store
-- Sets up addons
-- Logrotate, Collect (stats about the app, how much CPU, memory it using etc), Firewall
-- Runs the docker container
--- Dynamic configuration (giving the app db credentials, SMTP credentials to send email, e.g. for WordPress it creates the wp-config.php file with all the relevant credentials)
-- Gets SSL certificates from LetsEncrypt (and set-up reverse proxy, i.e. when is visited forward to this container) -
-- Read only and stateless app containers (all apps are read only - apps cannot write to their file system, if they could then users could add all sorts of random files and it wouldn't be possible to update smoothly, the code cannot be modified. This means when there is an update we can just throw away the old container and get in the new container. So where does the app write stuff it needs to? We let the app write in 3 locations 1) /tmp for temporary files 2) /run which contains runtime files which an app needs to communication across various processes, 3) app/data/ where the app will put images, files uploaded etc - everything in app data is part of the backup, /tmp and /run is not backed up)
-- Rolling updates
-- Signed releases
-- Selenium based tests (test that everything actually still works)
== Maintainence ==
-- Per app backups (means you can roll back just that app instead of all the apps on the server, like would happen if you just rolled back to the server snapshot).
-- Backup only addon data (don't need to back up the docker container because it's read only, nothing has change, only need to back up databases etc, plus the /app/data directory)
-- Apps can be trivially cloned and rolled back
-- Can be stored offsite to S3, DO Spaces, etc -
-- Email notifications
== Security ==
- Turn-key security
- HTTPS only
- App isolation and sandboxed (apps can only access their databases etc, not the other databases etc)
- Rate limits, Activity logs (built in standard security practices e.g. Rate limtes: if people try to login too quickly, login from a new device etc, Activity logs: everything that happening on the system, who is doing what)
- Signed releases
- More info at
Who are Cloudron customers:
20-30% individuals
20-30% tech startups
universities (but they have differnt pricing structures)
very popular with ngos and cooperatives, in Europe (France, Germany) - ha! Girish described co-ops as new! hehe
also resellers and hosting providers@thetomester13 a slight red flag re our Selfhost.Cloud plans - Cloudron started off providing managed Cloudron, but users wanted to install it on their own servers - still, I think they are likely still plenty of people who would like it as a service too. Just like people still sometimes pay me to create selfhosted WordPress sites for them and still use even those self-hosting WordPress is really easy.
@girish do you still have the slides you used in the talk? could you perhaps share them here? (even though I've more or less transcribed them plus added a load of stuff you said that isn't on the slides) Thanks!
@jdaviescoates nicely done.
What is the file size?
Can you share with me the edited video, so I can post it to our new YT channel?
Perhaps over a FilePizza link or whatever works for you.
@jdaviescoates I rotated the video now and uploaded it to
Indeed fyi I used:
ffmpeg -i BayLISA-Cloudron.mp4 -vf "transpose=2" BayLISA-Cloudron-rotated.mp4
the value 2 here is for 90° counter clock-wise, it took me 2 attempts to get the right value...happens when you don't read the docs
@robi 88MB looks like, the original was 180MB so I guess it also did some compression alongside. Overall the quality is not really stellar, but luckily the sound is fine.
@staff is there a handy list of all the addons Cloudron currently has? Ideally with a brief description of what they do/ what they are for? Thanks
@staff is there a handy list of all the addons Cloudron currently has? Ideally with a brief description of what they do/ what they are for? Thanks
@mehdi doh, thanks!
@jdaviescoates I rotated the video now and uploaded it to
@nebulon said in How does Cloudron work? What does it do? etc
@jdaviescoates I rotated the video now and uploaded it to
Just realised you're missing about half an hour on that video!