Upgraded Ubuntu now Cloudron broken
I got a message from Ubuntu to upgrade to 21.10 and so I did and now cloudron will not load my jellyfin or my https://my.matthewdykstra.xyz and so I need to get it up and running again.
Here is my cloudron info https://paste.cloudron.io/buhoxucemo
Thanks for your help
https://matthewdykstra.xyz@matthewdykstra this may sound rude but why did you upgrade the system, because the shell said you could do that?
The official install page: https://www.cloudron.io/get.html says to install ona fresh Ubuntu Focal 20.04 x64
Same with the docs: https://docs.cloudron.io/installation/
There are also upgrade docs from
and from18
Is not mentioned anywhere.In my head the most simple solution would be, fresh setup on Ubuntu 20 and then restore from backup.
I don't know if @nebulon or @girish even tested Ubuntu 21 support so far. -
Indeed Ubuntu 21.10 is not supported nor tested. So you have to essentially rebuild the server with a fresh Ubuntu 20 from the backups as described in https://docs.cloudron.io/backups/#restore-cloudron
Where did you get this message to upgrade from? Since maybe we can disable such a notification then, to avoid this happening for other users.
Indeed Ubuntu 21.10 is not supported nor tested. So you have to essentially rebuild the server with a fresh Ubuntu 20 from the backups as described in https://docs.cloudron.io/backups/#restore-cloudron
Where did you get this message to upgrade from? Since maybe we can disable such a notification then, to avoid this happening for other users.
@nebulon this should be a message in the shell when you login.
But on my system I can't see such a message.Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-94-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage System information as of Fri 18 Feb 2022 06:03:19 PM CET System load: 0.31 Usage of /: 26.3% of 905.78GB Memory usage: 36% Swap usage: 1% Processes: 688 Users logged in: 0 IPv4 address for br-d2a87ea82989: X IPv4 address for docker0: X IPv4 address for enp8s0: X IPv6 address for enp8s0: X => There are 4 zombie processes. 135 updates can be applied immediately. 11 of these updates are standard security updates. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable ********************************************************************** NOTE TO CLOUDRON ADMINS ----------------------- Please do not run apt upgrade manually as it will update packages that Cloudron relies on and may break your installation. Ubuntu security updates are automatically installed on this server every night. Read more at https://docs.cloudron.io/security/#os-updates For help and more information, visit https://forum.cloudron.io ********************************************************************** *** System restart required *** Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:26:41 2022 from
it should be somewhere in there, but not for me
@nebulon this should be a message in the shell when you login.
But on my system I can't see such a message.Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-94-generic x86_64) * Documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com * Management: https://landscape.canonical.com * Support: https://ubuntu.com/advantage System information as of Fri 18 Feb 2022 06:03:19 PM CET System load: 0.31 Usage of /: 26.3% of 905.78GB Memory usage: 36% Swap usage: 1% Processes: 688 Users logged in: 0 IPv4 address for br-d2a87ea82989: X IPv4 address for docker0: X IPv4 address for enp8s0: X IPv6 address for enp8s0: X => There are 4 zombie processes. 135 updates can be applied immediately. 11 of these updates are standard security updates. To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable ********************************************************************** NOTE TO CLOUDRON ADMINS ----------------------- Please do not run apt upgrade manually as it will update packages that Cloudron relies on and may break your installation. Ubuntu security updates are automatically installed on this server every night. Read more at https://docs.cloudron.io/security/#os-updates For help and more information, visit https://forum.cloudron.io ********************************************************************** *** System restart required *** Last login: Wed Feb 9 13:26:41 2022 from
it should be somewhere in there, but not for me
@BrutalBirdie I do get that message when I login in but this was on the desktop and so I upgraded to keep my server most secure.. I have been malwared before at work but now I cannot get into cloudron at all if you go to the server on the internal ip from the modem/router it says that nginx is up and running but how to I get it to point back to the cloudron?
@BrutalBirdie I do get that message when I login in but this was on the desktop and so I upgraded to keep my server most secure.. I have been malwared before at work but now I cannot get into cloudron at all if you go to the server on the internal ip from the modem/router it says that nginx is up and running but how to I get it to point back to the cloudron?
@matthewdykstra For future reference, we use Ubuntu 20.04 which is what is called an LTS (Long term support). The LTS releases are managed by Canonical (the company that makes ubuntu) and it gets security upgrades for 5 years or so. They backport all the security issues into LTS releases. Cloudron is already configured to receive and install these security updates automatically.
Ubuntu has a 6 month release cycle (.04 and .10 denotes the months march and oct). Generally, you want to avoid the odd numbered releases since they are "unstable", So, 21.04/21.10 would not be very stable. The changes here are binary incompatible with the previous releases - this means that binaries on one release won't work in another.
Now back to your situation. Do you have a backup from before the upgrade? If so, I would just start afresh with installing Cloudron and restoring from a backup. Note that when you install into a new VM, you have to adjust your router's port 80 and port 443 to forward to this new VM (I guess it must be already forwarding to the old VM).
@matthewdykstra For future reference, we use Ubuntu 20.04 which is what is called an LTS (Long term support). The LTS releases are managed by Canonical (the company that makes ubuntu) and it gets security upgrades for 5 years or so. They backport all the security issues into LTS releases. Cloudron is already configured to receive and install these security updates automatically.
Ubuntu has a 6 month release cycle (.04 and .10 denotes the months march and oct). Generally, you want to avoid the odd numbered releases since they are "unstable", So, 21.04/21.10 would not be very stable. The changes here are binary incompatible with the previous releases - this means that binaries on one release won't work in another.
Now back to your situation. Do you have a backup from before the upgrade? If so, I would just start afresh with installing Cloudron and restoring from a backup. Note that when you install into a new VM, you have to adjust your router's port 80 and port 443 to forward to this new VM (I guess it must be already forwarding to the old VM).
@girish I do have a backup my server has two 4TB hds and a 500GB boot with an extra 250 for films it was just I made the upgrade and that's when things went to hell. I Moved a Copy of the latest backup to my non-boot drive and saved it. I will keep in mind that you have that setup into the server and I will not do anymore upgrades.
Thank you for your time
@girish I do have a backup my server has two 4TB hds and a 500GB boot with an extra 250 for films it was just I made the upgrade and that's when things went to hell. I Moved a Copy of the latest backup to my non-boot drive and saved it. I will keep in mind that you have that setup into the server and I will not do anymore upgrades.
Thank you for your time
@matthewdykstra Just to make sure, backups on the same physical device are not considered save.
@matthewdykstra Just to make sure, backups on the same physical device are not considered save.
@BrutalBirdie So I have to copy the backup back to the drive with cloudron?
@BrutalBirdie So I have to copy the backup back to the drive with cloudron?
@matthewdykstra Here is a full guide how to restore cloudron.
https://docs.cloudron.io/backups/#restore-cloudronMy last comment was just informative.
@matthewdykstra Here is a full guide how to restore cloudron.
https://docs.cloudron.io/backups/#restore-cloudronMy last comment was just informative.
@BrutalBirdie So I got the server up and running but now I cannot connect to the server via https like I did before I had to redo the entire server. non of the jellyfin apps will connect to my server except the desktop app. How do I fix this? Is this a cloudron thing? Because when it installed jellyfin the last time this was working this way
@BrutalBirdie So I got the server up and running but now I cannot connect to the server via https like I did before I had to redo the entire server. non of the jellyfin apps will connect to my server except the desktop app. How do I fix this? Is this a cloudron thing? Because when it installed jellyfin the last time this was working this way
@BrutalBirdie i figured out the issue it was Cloudflare so now I can use the sever anywhere thank you for all your help
@girish I do have a backup my server has two 4TB hds and a 500GB boot with an extra 250 for films it was just I made the upgrade and that's when things went to hell. I Moved a Copy of the latest backup to my non-boot drive and saved it. I will keep in mind that you have that setup into the server and I will not do anymore upgrades.
Thank you for your time
@matthewdykstra Cloudron actually does do upgrades for you. If you check the notifications from time to time, at my.example.com/#/notifications, there will be some in there that say some upgrades have taken place and that the machine needs to be restarted. So, the security upgrades that @girish mentions DO happen, just automatically. You don't need to worry that your server will be sitting there becoming increasingly weak and exposed.