Mastodon - microblogging
Just pushed out an updated version of Mastodon for testing (v2.8.4). For link to install add the following to your domain string: (#/appstore/org.mastodon.cloudronapp?version=2.8.4). Your testing would be greatly appreciated. I will try to keep up with newest release and better manage the repo. The main git is at ( for you to submit issues we also have a support at ( This app would not be possible without the giants that put in the work of the first packages. Happy Testing
Thanks @sumacinitiative . Have this mostly working now - . Will get this published next week
Thanks @sumacinitiative . Have this mostly working now - . Will get this published next week
@girish With the introduction of apps with federation features, this calls for a way to solve federated account addresses to associate with to the root domain regardless of app path, on a system level.
Heads up, there seems to be an issues logging in with users with a "." in the username, such as "user.admin"
It gives an HTTP ERROR 422.
When trying to make that user admin, the terminal responds: No user with such username@will Seems similar to .
From what I can tell ".", "_" and "-" are allowed as per . So maybe this is a LDAP adapter bug that we need to report upstream.
Thank you for working hard on Mastodon for Cloudron!
I wonder if we can set different domains for LOCAL_DOMAIN from WEB_DOMAIN.LOCAL_DOMAIN is a part of mastodon username such as
WEB_DOMAIN is for mastodon instance itself
.It would be super cool if we can make it like that on Mastodon app on Cloudron too.
Thank you for working hard on Mastodon for Cloudron!
I wonder if we can set different domains for LOCAL_DOMAIN from WEB_DOMAIN.LOCAL_DOMAIN is a part of mastodon username such as
WEB_DOMAIN is for mastodon instance itself
.It would be super cool if we can make it like that on Mastodon app on Cloudron too.
@yusf @hiyukoim Please see . I guess it's possible to support LOCAL_DOMAIN/WEB_DOMAIN but from whta I can tell if you do this, then
can only be used in mastodon and no other app. You can't use any other ActivityPub supported apps in parallel. Please correct me if I am wrong in the other thread. -
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