Wireguard VPN
Just taking stock of existing UIs before we roll our own (like openvpn):
- https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/wg-ui is archived
- https://github.com/stv0g/wiretrustee is unmaintained
- https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy hasn't seen changes in 5-6 months
- https://github.com/subspacecloud/subspace is unmaintained . The fork which aimed to maintain it at https://github.com/subspacecommunity/subspace is also unmaintained
- On a side, headscale UIs are all in alpha . From what I understand headscale app is different use case from wireguard app.
https://github.com/ngoduykhanh/wireguard-ui is running good so far and possibly the only candidate! Let me know if I missed something.
Maybe also relevant:
@girish said in Wireguard VPN:
- https://github.com/wg-easy/wg-easy hasn't seen changes in 5-6 months
https://github.com/ngoduykhanh/wireguard-ui is running good so far and possibly the only candidate! Let me know if I missed something.
Can we expect one of the most voted for applications in 2024?
Has anyone attempted to repackage WG-Easy or UI already? (ref. https://docs.cloudron.io/packaging/tutorial/)
G girish referenced this topic on
@girish the one you mentioned was a fork, the original one is still active:
I really would appreciate any wireguard solution
@girish said in Wireguard VPN:https://github.com/NHAS/wag is another interface
WAG also sounds nice.
with a bit more optional control with rules
I think I may honestly cry when Wireguard gets added to Cloudron. It's still to this day the only application separate to Cloudron.
Bravo! so exciting see this package soon!
@RoundHouse1924 Hear hear!
The shear support behind WireGuard and the lack of updates as to its ETA is extremely disappointing.
Most of the wireguard ui projects other than wg-easy have died by now and wg-easy does not have LDAP/OIDC support. So we wanted to instead integrate make a new wireguard package which is similar to our existing openvpn app. Unfortunately, this takes time and there is always something more important coming up (like Cloudron 8, package updates, OIDC migration and so on).