Jitsi Meet
This open source video conferencing solution is amazing - it pretty much works like join.me allowing people to instantly create group video chat rooms where people can join so long as they have the room URL
This software works with rocketchat to provide an integrated video conferencing solution. It is also the basis for hipchat's video conferencing feature set.
It might be time to reconsider adding the wonderful Jitsi to the App store as they have worked on packaging Jitsi-Meet with Docker.
@Quentin Yes! The next release of Cloudron will added UDP support which is a requirement for Jitsi.
This is great. I am looking froward to it.
To gain understanding, I have installed it on a standalone machine. The default installation gives the bare features one needs to make basic visio conferences. That would already be great to have just that into the app store.
Though advanced features, like recording conferences or desktop sharing will require additional pieces of infrastructure. Though, these additional efforts will be well worth it.
Let me know if I can help you in any way regarding this matter.
Ok I gave it another try, because jitsi would be one of the few killer applications that are still missing from cloudron, but I can't get it to install properly from the ubuntu repo, probably because of the minimal image discussed here. I did get it to work somewhat on 16.04, but the 18.04 image probably requires a lot more tinkering (or complete manual installation).
Jitsi in cloudron = killer app, i'm agree
shameless plug, but at my place of work we recently relaunched out web meetings software. One of the design goals is that Meet (which is the name of this new piece of software) will eventually work without the need to use the rest of our stack.
Architecture wise it only depends on openid connect for authentication (we provide Konnect for this which can also be configured to get its users from LDAP) and our rest api to get contacts from your company. (and then naturally you also want a turn server from cross network calling).
Compared to Jitsi we are still missing some features, like guest users and screenshot are still in development. On the long run we also want to add a feature similar to the "videobridge" that Jitsi is offering. But looking at the linked docker-compose Meet seems easier to deploy.
Docker project that also includes Meet: https://github.com/zokradonh/kopano-docker -
As described here I expressed an interest in a Jitsi Meet app but I wasn't in a hurry.
Now I really need it. The pandemic is causing serious problems throughout the world and some centralized systems are getting really strained as everyone in self-isolation or quarantine moves to video conferencing.
Now would be an excellent time to push Jitsi Meet out the gates. I need to provide video conferencing solutions to several organizations. Please prioritize this if you can.
Seriously! I just installed Kopano to see how it works. Thanks to you all for getting that ready...but the version installed by Cloudron requires everyone to sign in with a Kopano account (there is a message "This group is protected - a user account is required to join."). With the people with whom I am thinking of using a group video solution, getting them all to make a Kopano account, not lose the details, and still then login... won't work. OR, could a tweak be made on the Cloudon Kopano app so that guests just need the link to join?
Seriously! I just installed Kopano to see how it works. Thanks to you all for getting that ready...but the version installed by Cloudron requires everyone to sign in with a Kopano account (there is a message "This group is protected - a user account is required to join."). With the people with whom I am thinking of using a group video solution, getting them all to make a Kopano account, not lose the details, and still then login... won't work. OR, could a tweak be made on the Cloudon Kopano app so that guests just need the link to join?
@scooke said in Jitsi Meet:
OR, could a tweak be made on the Cloudon Kopano app so that guests just need the link to join?
Yes, that could definitely be configured. Meet itself supports it, it simply that the Cloudron app so far has not generated much interest, therefore I did not spend any further time on it.
@scooke said in Jitsi Meet:
OR, could a tweak be made on the Cloudon Kopano app so that guests just need the link to join?
Yes, that could definitely be configured. Meet itself supports it, it simply that the Cloudron app so far has not generated much interest, therefore I did not spend any further time on it.
@fbartels Thank you for responding. I think what with the lockdown and all, having a solution like Kopano and just a link for others to join, would be wonderful. I just tried to join a group using Zoom, and after clicking the link to join on my Mac (Chrome) and my two iOS devices, I was prompted to download and install the Zoom app to join, "for free". No thanks.
It would be really be great to get Jitsi on Cloudron
Two questions:
- What are the differences between Kopano and Jitsi...it seems to me the tech is similar, but one you need to install an account to use which is not as good (Kopano)
- What are the limitation of using the meet.jit.si, i.e. is running our own instance improve performance
Sorry for my ignorance...
How about keeping Kopano talk to itβs own topic?
@fbartels Thank you for responding. I think what with the lockdown and all, having a solution like Kopano and just a link for others to join, would be wonderful. I just tried to join a group using Zoom, and after clicking the link to join on my Mac (Chrome) and my two iOS devices, I was prompted to download and install the Zoom app to join, "for free". No thanks.
@scooke said in Jitsi Meet:
I think what with the lockdown and all, having a solution like Kopano and just a link for others to join, would be wonderful.
Yes, I know. We have been flooded with requests over the past week, even doing some priorities development on a sfu (like the videobridge of jitsi) for some schools.
@avatar1024 said in Jitsi Meet:
What are the differences between Kopano and Jitsi...it seems to me the tech is similar, but one you need to install an account to use which is not as good (Kopano)
Yes, the general purpose is similar and in the end both require the additional setup of a turn service (Kopano customers can request access to a hosted turn service, which is included in the subscription). Kopano Meet has a newer more modern architecture (its also substantially younger than Jitsi, which as a company has been acquired and sold on a few times already). One of the main differences for the end user is that with Jitsi you need to install additional apps on your phone and on your desktop you need additional extensions for screensharing. Kopano Meet on the other hand is designed as a PWA, which means even though its a webpage it will offer itself to be installed as an app on devices supporting this (which is iOS, Chrome and Firefox on Android and Chrome, Firefox and Edge on the desktop). The installed app automatically refreshes if the code on the server is updated. For calling and screensharing native browser apis are used which means no need to install further software either.
Like I said guest access is just a matter of configuration, the app just has not been setup to do this automatically. The instructions for this are located at https://documentation.kopano.io/kopano_meet_manual/special_configuration.html#enabling-guest-users-for-meeting-rooms
Edit: if someone is interested in sponsoring the work needed to implement and test guest mode in the app you can reach me at felix@9wd.eu. I'll do my best to make the individual contributions as transparent as possible (or anonymous of the contributor prefers that).
How about keeping Kopano talk to itβs own topic?
@yusf Agreed!
@fbartels Thanks for the info and for your work on thisIs there any news on the state of the Jitsi app?
And again, does anyone know what is the actual limitation of using the meet.jit.si domain? And would running Jitsi on our own Cloudron improve performance?
Many thanks
@yusf Agreed!
@fbartels Thanks for the info and for your work on thisIs there any news on the state of the Jitsi app?
And again, does anyone know what is the actual limitation of using the meet.jit.si domain? And would running Jitsi on our own Cloudron improve performance?
Many thanks
@avatar1024 said in Jitsi Meet:
would running Jitsi on our own Cloudron improve performance?
Assuming enough resources are dedicated to it, then yes it should perform better than that shared free service.
It would be really be great to get Jitsi on Cloudron
Two questions:
- What are the differences between Kopano and Jitsi...it seems to me the tech is similar, but one you need to install an account to use which is not as good (Kopano)
- What are the limitation of using the meet.jit.si, i.e. is running our own instance improve performance
Sorry for my ignorance...
@avatar1024 Hi @avatar1024 , I just went through the install process for Jitsi Meet, thinking it would be different/better than Zoom or Kopano. However, I am not convinced it is. A few things: 1) The other users STILL need to download the Jitsi app to connect. I tried on an iPhone 6, an iPad, a Pixel phone, and Chrome on my Mac and every one needed to download the Jitsi app to connect. 1A) the Jitsi app is not intuitive. The user has to enter the full url of the chat not just the room name. 2) The install (self-installed using https://jitsi.org/news/new-tutorial-installing-jitsi-meet-on-your-own-linux-server/) leaves you with a Jitsi server that is wide open to the internet. ANYONE who finds the url can start their own chat. Switching this to a authentication approach is long and convulated and requires installing Proxody and some other apps and making another virtual host using yet another subdomain... reading https://community.jitsi.org/t/easiest-way-to-secure-jitsi-meet/21330/43 led me to think it was "easy" but I did not find it so. 3) the pixel, iPad (2018) and Mac connected fine... the iPhone 6 couldn't maintain a connection and the app crashed every time, so somehow only newer mobiles seem to work.
The only good thing I can say was the base install went fine, using a OpenVZ VPS with 2.5 GB ram. I wish I could say it is easier or better than Zoom or Kopano, but I haven't not found it so. Assuming that Kopano can allow guests to join with just a browser (and not an app like Zoom or Jitsi), and isn't wide open like Jitsi Meet is (without extra extra extra steps), then Kopano might be the dark horse of self-hosted group video chats.