Daily notification of "Email is not configured properly", but it is...
I'm having the same issue. I think at least since 3.5.1.
In my eyes all DNS checks out of the PTR are broken. When I check it manually with dig everything looks fine.
I'm using manual DNS entries and never changed anything there (but suddenly the checks went to red).
@iamthefij Are you on 3.5.2? Do you use a mail relay and is incoming email enabled for the domain that is raising this error? Thanks.
Ok. Yea. I dug through the code just now and figured out where it was happening and found the log line for the failure.
2019-03-06T11:30:05.242Z box:mail Ignored error - relay: Error: Timeout at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/src/mail.js:150:18) at emitNone (events.js:106:13) at Socket.emit (events.js:208:7) at Socket._onTimeout (net.js:410:8) at ontimeout (timers.js:498:11) at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:323:5) at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:290:5)
@iamthefij When using the built-in smtp server, we do an "outbound" check to see if we can reliably connect to other servers. https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/box/blob/master/src/mail.js#L123. It looks like maybe this is failing sometimes on your server. Is your server on ec2 by any chance?
After the update to 3.5.4 the notifications are back every few minutes. I have a few domains which are only used for forwarders (like example-domain.com to exampledomain.com), do I even have to set up email for those now?
I'm using an external smtp server now to get rid of those messages, but it would be nice to have a "No-op" option for emails as well, that just ignores the settings and does not check if outbound is working because the domain is not using email at all.
Currently, Cloudron assumes you want to host apps on domains and thus will want to send mail. Probably not the best assumption but that's how we initially wrote it.
The code assumes that you will send emails from the domains you added. Basically, it automatically opts you in. I like the idea of having a flag to say "Allow Cloudron to send emails from this domain". Disabling this will basically stop those checks. I prefer this over disabling the check itself.
I have opened https://git.cloudron.io/cloudron/box/issues/622
@girish Is this still open? I got this messages every day, even I do not use mail function.
@girish Is this still open? I got this messages every day, even I do not use mail function.
@kubernetux Email needs to be configured for sending out email by apps. Do you not care if your apps are able to send emails (like password reset, reminders etc). If you don't, go to Email -> Select domain -> Outbound -> Select disabled. The notification will then go away.