How to move wordpress?
I was going to write a blog post on this one day but here is a quick summary of what I found in moving roughly 12 WordPress sites to the WordPress app in Cloudron...
Use the All-In-One WP Migration plugin ( to export the site, being sure to check the boxes in advanced section that say "Do not export must-use plugins" (if you don't do this it will overwrite the must-used plugins for LDAP authentication in the Cloudron implementation of WordPress)
Setup a new base WordPress site in Cloudron, and add in the same All-In-One WP Migration plugin. Now import the site file that was created in step one above.
After it's done importing, restart the WordPress site in Cloudron so that it can re-connect it's must-use plugins (initially I find access is lost to the main LDAP admin user until a restart).
Once in using your LDAP admin user, remove any old admin user and replace with the new one if you wish, and clean-up any unnecessary plugins and themes that are there by default.
Not only did I find this to be the quickest method but also the safest in terms of not losing anything at all. When I tried the Cloudron blog method it just seemed like a lot of extra work for me. But maybe that's because most of the sites I've designed aren't simple blogs, so maybe their method is still better for simple blog sites.
I was going to write a blog post on this one day but here is a quick summary of what I found in moving roughly 12 WordPress sites to the WordPress app in Cloudron...
Use the All-In-One WP Migration plugin ( to export the site, being sure to check the boxes in advanced section that say "Do not export must-use plugins" (if you don't do this it will overwrite the must-used plugins for LDAP authentication in the Cloudron implementation of WordPress)
Setup a new base WordPress site in Cloudron, and add in the same All-In-One WP Migration plugin. Now import the site file that was created in step one above.
After it's done importing, restart the WordPress site in Cloudron so that it can re-connect it's must-use plugins (initially I find access is lost to the main LDAP admin user until a restart).
Once in using your LDAP admin user, remove any old admin user and replace with the new one if you wish, and clean-up any unnecessary plugins and themes that are there by default.
Not only did I find this to be the quickest method but also the safest in terms of not losing anything at all. When I tried the Cloudron blog method it just seemed like a lot of extra work for me. But maybe that's because most of the sites I've designed aren't simple blogs, so maybe their method is still better for simple blog sites.
@caygri did you try my method? I moved sites upwards of 2 GB in size (mostly due to video media files) and it still went easily. I believe for that one though I had to manipulate the php setting to allow larger uploads, and that is in the product documentation to do so.
I was going to write a blog post on this one day but here is a quick summary of what I found in moving roughly 12 WordPress sites to the WordPress app in Cloudron...
Use the All-In-One WP Migration plugin ( to export the site, being sure to check the boxes in advanced section that say "Do not export must-use plugins" (if you don't do this it will overwrite the must-used plugins for LDAP authentication in the Cloudron implementation of WordPress)
Setup a new base WordPress site in Cloudron, and add in the same All-In-One WP Migration plugin. Now import the site file that was created in step one above.
After it's done importing, restart the WordPress site in Cloudron so that it can re-connect it's must-use plugins (initially I find access is lost to the main LDAP admin user until a restart).
Once in using your LDAP admin user, remove any old admin user and replace with the new one if you wish, and clean-up any unnecessary plugins and themes that are there by default.
Not only did I find this to be the quickest method but also the safest in terms of not losing anything at all. When I tried the Cloudron blog method it just seemed like a lot of extra work for me. But maybe that's because most of the sites I've designed aren't simple blogs, so maybe their method is still better for simple blog sites.
@d19dotca I would add (if you're also moving domain) that in some cases there are remnants of the old domain, and so after doing pretty much what you describe above I tend to use the Better Search and Replace plugin to search for and replace any reference to old domain.