Budibase: an open source, no code platform
Is there anything one can to do to help this come to be? I would love to integrate my Budibase instances with Cloudron, the potential is really there!
@dominikjannis yes, see this post.
@robi thanks for the info! Where can i get in contact with the devs to work out an arrangement for packaging this?
@robi thanks for the info! Where can i get in contact with the devs to work out an arrangement for packaging this?
@dominikjannis Click on the first toolbar icon that looks like 3 bullet points with lines for the categories section and look towards the bottom.
Some pricing changes are coming up - https://budibase.com/blog/updates/pricing-v3/ . "The self-hosted Free plan, which will replace the Community plan, will be limited to 20 users."
@stbg it doesn't change much. We just need to find time to package it...
@Gery1938 hey, nob-head. Think we wouldn't notice the SEO spam backlink in the altered "quote". Flagged as spam. Say goodbye
@marcusquinn ha, did not notice! Good catch.
@marcusquinn ha, did not notice! Good catch.
@girish Sneaky F-ers, huh!
As every user has to have app-user permissions to correct or delete his/her data (didn't found a workaround like in baserow) … it's getting pricey pretty fast. Or am I missing something? How do you guys give your users the option to handle their data or do you do it yourself on request?
Given that, it seems that budibase is only for big companies, that can afford to pay hundreds of EUR's per month fast, for small user groups. Unfortunately in my opinion not quite the target group of cloudron … What do you guys think?
As every user has to have app-user permissions to correct or delete his/her data (didn't found a workaround like in baserow) … it's getting pricey pretty fast. Or am I missing something? How do you guys give your users the option to handle their data or do you do it yourself on request?
Given that, it seems that budibase is only for big companies, that can afford to pay hundreds of EUR's per month fast, for small user groups. Unfortunately in my opinion not quite the target group of cloudron … What do you guys think?