A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge
Hey folks, I'm curious whether is possible to install a matrix bridge in a cloudron deployed server.
Another way to ask the same is if someone around here have already done it
@chetbaker : glad you asked, I have been meaning to ask
@chetbaker : glad you asked, I have been meaning to ask
Hello. No updates about (WA) bridges ? Or do we just wait for the Digital Markets Act effects ?
Doesn't seems sooo difficult : https://docs.mau.fi/bridges/general/docker-setup.html?bridge=whatsapp -
In case you want to connect WhatsApp to Matrix.
@andreasdueren happy to. Can you send us a mail to support@cloudron.io with which email you want the account ? (have to ask this because the email is forum seems different...)
@andreasdueren happy to. Can you send us a mail to support@cloudron.io with which email you want the account ? (have to ask this because the email is forum seems different...)
@girish Putting a hold on this until I figured out how I can build for amd on an arm machine
@girish Putting a hold on this until I figured out how I can build for amd on an arm machine
That is called multi-platform building, see https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/
I know that Apple mX Chips can do this by default if I remember correctly.They also have this blog entry: https://www.docker.com/blog/multi-arch-images/
Checked my Windows system and look at that
docker buildx ls --no-trunc NAME/NODE DRIVER/ENDPOINT STATUS BUILDKIT PLATFORMS default* docker \_ default \_ default running v0.18.2 linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/amd64/v4, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
That are a lot of platforms
That is called multi-platform building, see https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/
I know that Apple mX Chips can do this by default if I remember correctly.They also have this blog entry: https://www.docker.com/blog/multi-arch-images/
Checked my Windows system and look at that
docker buildx ls --no-trunc NAME/NODE DRIVER/ENDPOINT STATUS BUILDKIT PLATFORMS default* docker \_ default \_ default running v0.18.2 linux/amd64, linux/amd64/v2, linux/amd64/v3, linux/amd64/v4, linux/arm64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6
That are a lot of platforms
@BrutalBirdie yes but there is that docker building app in Cloudron I’m interested din using but I haven’t figured out how that works yet and the documentation is a bit sparse
Ok this is packaged and seems to work now but … uhhh … let's just say I'm not an expert and this has been more of a vibe based packaging and someone who knows what they are doing should probably look over it again lol
Neat! Where can I check it out? @andreasdueren
Neat! Where can I check it out? @andreasdueren
@BrutalBirdie You should be able to manually install it from docker hub:
cloudron install --image andreasdueren/matrix-whatsapp-bridge:latest
@BrutalBirdie You should be able to manually install it from docker hub:
cloudron install --image andreasdueren/matrix-whatsapp-bridge:latest
@andreasdueren Ok, but where is the code? I also need the Cloudron manifest and wanted to do some code reviewing.
@andreasdueren Ok, but where is the code? I also need the Cloudron manifest and wanted to do some code reviewing.
@BrutalBirdie I can commit it to the git but I think someone else needs to create the project there first?
@BrutalBirdie I can commit it to the git but I think someone else needs to create the project there first?
@andreasdueren what is your git.cloudron.io username?
I can create you a repo and invite you as the maintainer. -
@andreasdueren what is your git.cloudron.io username?
I can create you a repo and invite you as the maintainer.@BrutalBirdie dueren
@BrutalBirdie dueren
@andreasdueren Invited you as owner => https://git.cloudron.io/BrutalBirdie/matrix-whatsapp-puppet-bridge/