don't let webserver respond
hello. when i go to my webservers IP, cloudron, it responds. this is kinda dangerous. and it shouldn't direct to your my domain either. in stead, it should take you to your main website, AKA the first domain you imported when setting up. it could be dangerous for the IP to respond.
thanks -
Why is it dangerous to respond? It will only show a template page like "You are seeing this page because the DNS record of xx is set to this server's IP but Cloudron has no app configured for this domain." .
It intentionally does not redirect anywhere (to an app or the dashboard) so as to not leak the domain name. Note that we can't redirect either to main website because this would mean a http redirect which in turn means we are leaking domain name.
its dangerous because if i know it responds, then i know its up.
then, if the ISP/VPS provider is not robust, i can start fludding it with DDOS attacks or doing nasty things with the IP itself. what i usually do myself is just disallow all ports on the webserver to the public, only allowing port443 on cloudflares IPs, then only allwoing ports443 and 22 for my vpn so i can access the dashboard. -
I still don't fully understand your request.
Do you mean this screen?
That should not respond?
You say you are using Cloudflare, so you mask the IP with the proxy feature.Oh and because the unknown wildcard record responds to the normal IP it will expose the real IP, that is what you mean, right?