CPU is back down to 5% for the last day with just a couple of Ghost websites running. Restarting mail, mongodb and slowly turning on each of the apps. Crossing my fingers that this works.
How to stop apps via SSH command line -
How to stop apps via SSH command lineNode 15-30%, dockerd 40-80%, mysql 6 - 8% (Two ghost apps which use mysql are the only ones I've succesfully restarted). Docker shows up periodically at 20% and then drops off again.
My reference to 8.1 was a hope for a 8.1.x that magically fixes things :
This is what my CPU usage shows from the Hetzner control panel:
My logs tell me that Cloudron updated to 8.1 on 11/15, so at this point I assume that's the culprit.
Any other ideas?
How to stop apps via SSH command lineI used docker stop to turn off all the apps to get load down. Now
load average: 1.59, 5.06, 3.37
That corrupt addon doesn't have any information in it on what to do, unless you mean "Now, restore each app that uses the addon in the Cloudron dashboard."
I used docker stop to stop the PG container, then went ahead and did that for mongo and mysql and mail which were all yellow.
All redis instances also yellow. OK, let's stop them, too.
All containers are off other than core services and three surfer instances. Those all work, although slow to load. Load dipped down to 0.65, yay!
Ok, now I turn back on Postgres, it launches succesfully. I forget that MySQL is what I need for my Ghost website, so I launch that. Both of them turn back on (pressed restart from red in the Services screen in web dashboard).
I then go to Repair > Restart App for the site I'm trying to get up. It launches!
So here's where box logs are at:
box:apphealthmonitor app health: 4 running / 16 stopped / 11 unresponsive
We're still at
oad average: 1.20, 1.30, 1.93
. That's with just one app running, where before 8.1 everything was running fine. I haven't turned back on mail or mongodb or redis yet.Any ideas here on what is causing this load? What is the recommended path? Is there an 8.1 update soon that might improve things?
How to stop apps via SSH command line@nebulon I haven’t had it successfully start. Just repeated FATAL lines as above.
I’ve restarted the VPS and it’s all under heavy load.
What’s next here? I’m stuck.
How to stop apps via SSH command lineI increased memory to Postgres and MySQL and restarted the VPS. Graphite, mail, mongodb, mysql, and Postgres are all yellow / listed as starting.
Just looking at the "top" command, I've got massive load, 47.07 / 51.62 / 36.56 (this is down from twice that).
I don't have massive traffic coming into the box.
AFAICT this is from self-updating to v8.1
Cloudron updated to v8.1.0 11/15/2024
-- it's the only thing.Is there a way to roll back Cloudron?
How to stop apps via SSH command lineLooking at postgres logs, it has repeated
FATAL: the database system is starting up
, as I assume that apps that depend on it try to connect to it.Hmmm... and now this?
CREATE EXTENSION Nov 17 23:20:39 2024-11-18 07:20:39.460 UTC [1066] root@cloudronpgvectorupdate WARNING: pgvecto.rs is upgraded. Restart PostgreSQL to take effects. Nov 17 23:20:56 DROP DATABASE Nov 17 23:20:56 ==> Stopping postgresql Nov 17 23:20:58 waiting for server to shut down
box.log has healthcheck and a couple of these for different containers:
box:scheduler BoxError: (HTTP code 409) unexpected - Conflict. The container name "/e16f7c6f-861f-427b-96a0-99dc7744e481-wpcron" is already in use by container "e710bd8be1653ba1231ea6c8cc5ea7406ce39cb7799c1e2b07a7cd766942a5c9". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.
How to stop apps via SSH command lineHmm. Feels like it would be useful to just have the cloudron CLI stuff run locally on the command line, too.
I've gotten into the dashboard and mail, postgres, mongo, and mysql are all listed as "starting". Well, this isn't good.
How to stop apps via SSH command lineI'm looking for docs on the command to stop apps via the command line. I've got over 100% CPU load average and the server is unresponsive.
I have 2FA on my account so can't use the cloudron CLI (if there's a pointer on how to get this setup, would also be helpful after I fix this problem).
I'm ssh'd into the VPS on Hostinger. I'd like to stop a bunch of apps to see if the load goes down. I suspect it's a Valheim server I left running, so ideally how to figure out how to stop that one app, so that the web dashboard is responsive again and I can stop / clean up / delete other apps.
Any other tips on troubleshooting helpful.
Github Actions documentation/example for Surfer@fbartels awesome, thank you! Will try this out.
Update: very close!
Using server https://localhost.dwebyvr.org node:fs:1659 const stats = binding.stat( ^ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/website/*' at Object.statSync (node:fs:1659:25) at collectFiles (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/cli/actions.js:60:19) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/cli/actions.js:225:40 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Command.put (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/cli/actions.js:221:15) at Command.listener [as _actionHandler] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:494:17) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1296:65 at Command._chainOrCall (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1193:12) at Command._parseCommand (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1296:27) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/cloudron-surfer/node_modules/commander/lib/command.js:1082:27 { errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'stat', path: '/website/*' }
So somehow have to give it context of the checked out repo I guess?
Here's the file in the repo I'm working with: https://github.com/DWebYVR/localhost_vancouver_webring/blob/main/.github/workflows/surfer.yml
Github Actions documentation/example for SurferI'd like to auto deploy some code from a Github repo, using Github actions after a commit happens, to copy files to Surfer.
Has anyone documented this?
Mino on Cloudron serving files using IPFSYeah this isn’t an integration. It’s using Minionto store files as the backend for an IPFS node.
There is an S3 plugin for IPFS (developers need to compile it in) that could be used with Minio, but as girish said, you’d still need to install IPFS separately.
install custom app via private registry and cloudron build@rosano woo hoo! Thanks for this not having to learn much of Docker tutorial!
How to install Elasticsearch on Mastodon?The new thread is for funding packaging and support https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/11178/custom-cloudron-image-for-elasticsearch
I’m no good with Docker, but what I can do is pool funds and rally people to get it done.
Custom Cloudron image for ElasticSearch@rmdes yes ideally it could be used by other apps.
First goal would be configuration so it works with Mastodon, and I assume config details for other apps could then be contributed.
Bluesky Personal Data ServerNot owned by Jack Dorsey (he’s on the board, majority shares owned by Jay Graber thr CEO and the team).
Running your own PDS means the data for your account is stored on it, implementing the open AT Protocol.
+1 for packaging.
Custom Cloudron image for ElasticSearchI’d like to pool funds to get ElasticSearch packaged to be deployed on Cloudron and set up to integrate with a Cloudron installed Mastodon.
See this for background notes https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/5427/how-to-install-elasticsearch-on-mastodon/40
This adds useful search to your Mastodon instance.
I’m looking for both a developer that wants to be paid to do the work, and people who are interested in contributing some funds.
I can host an OpenCollective or similar to pool funds — I’m also looking to experiment with Polar.sh https://polar.sh
The output would be a git repo with dockerized Elastic Search and necessary Cloudron Manifest, as well as instructions on how to install.
The install could use the Cloudron CLI interface to install remotely.
How to install Elasticsearch on Mastodon?Separate VPS == means me running an entire other operating system, maintaining it, and updating it. So costs and time. I’m running Cloudron precisely so I don’t have to do this.
It’s totally fine that you only support some apps — but when it includes core functionality for an app this is the sort of thing people are going to want.
Ok, I’ll start a thread about crowdfunding ElasticSearch packaging for a custom Cloudron docker image.
How to install Elasticsearch on Mastodon?I think the challenge here is that people who can’t package custom docker are blocked from using supported apps with full features.
If Cloudron isn’t going to work on it, would be good to know, so I can figure out how to package it manually.
How to install Elasticsearch on Mastodon?Is Cloudron going to directly support ElasticSearch installs so Mastodon support can be full featured?
What is the recommended path here that doesn’t mean running a second machine?
Feature request: Add custom app to App Store for local CloudronI think git link / image registry link is the most flexible.
Essentially it could run the code that Cloudron CLI runs anyway.