I used docker stop to turn off all the apps to get load down. Now load average: 1.59, 5.06, 3.37
That corrupt addon doesn't have any information in it on what to do, unless you mean "Now, restore each app that uses the addon in the Cloudron dashboard."
I used docker stop to stop the PG container, then went ahead and did that for mongo and mysql and mail which were all yellow.
All redis instances also yellow. OK, let's stop them, too.
All containers are off other than core services and three surfer instances. Those all work, although slow to load. Load dipped down to 0.65, yay!
Ok, now I turn back on Postgres, it launches succesfully. I forget that MySQL is what I need for my Ghost website, so I launch that. Both of them turn back on (pressed restart from red in the Services screen in web dashboard).
I then go to Repair > Restart App for the site I'm trying to get up. It launches!
So here's where box logs are at: box:apphealthmonitor app health: 4 running / 16 stopped / 11 unresponsive
We're still at oad average: 1.20, 1.30, 1.93
. That's with just one app running, where before 8.1 everything was running fine. I haven't turned back on mail or mongodb or redis yet.
Any ideas here on what is causing this load? What is the recommended path? Is there an 8.1 update soon that might improve things?