@girish Thanks, I thought maybe I set the DNS wrong but it must be the host then
Landing page not working -
Landing page not working@fbartels I can't host it on cloudron as I already reached the 2 app limit but I will contact the host
Landing page not working@micmc in the DNS my.jessiscute.xyz is set to the IP of the server running cloudron but jessiscute.xyz is set to my other host and it's not working
Landing page not workingHello, I have cloudron installed on my.jessiscute.xyz and would like jessiscute.xyz to be the landing page, it worked before I installed cloudron and has been running on another web host. However, when I installed cloudron the landing page stopped working and now just shows "Apache is functioning normally", in the DNS jessiscute.xyz and www.jessiscute.xyz are set to the other host and other sites I have on that host are fine. Any clue what could be causing this?