@nebulon Is there a possibility to pay 50€ or so to push this request? The possibility to use SOGo on a multi-tenant base is really the only thing keeping my stuck in Plesk.
@Jarod In the AWS Marketplace Image (AMI) , route53 is disabled in the setup screen. It is apparently against Marketplace policy to take route53 API credentials (a member of their team had reached out to us and notified us about this). So, if you use the AMI, then the setup screen will not show route53 as an option anymore.
Can't say no to expanded features!! I hope this can be implemented, it would be cool to see autodiscover and autoconfig working for Outlook and maybe even lesser known email clients.
Currently, the email eventlog is kept for 90 days. This is hard-coded so far. We will see when we get around to making this configurable. I don't think it was intended for a long-term audit log so far.