WG would be great! Absolutely. Openvpn is dead sorry (im mean Performance). Maybe for DSL fine, but if you have "normal " modern Conection >100mbit... WG ist almost alone, who can deliver really nice speed with pretty easy user friendly Installation.
Wireguard VPN -
Wireguard VPN@dylightful My Domain wireguar.de ist ready on my Cloudron. Just WG missing ^^
Wireguard VPN@robi I'm Quality Specialist. We have over 10k Employees. Lot of Data
Google Sheets are fine, but not really usable if you need to handle big Data. Big Query is fine to, but I can't expect from every single Worker, that he can work with. Actually, seems to be SQL the best way.
Our Workers handle most time different Google Sheets. I use then N8N to import Data from these Sheets and running first optimization (like Format etc.)- then import to SQL. N8N handle also Minio S3 for me. My Workers importing some Data as *.csv to Minio and N8N handle them.
Metabase is pretty easy if you want just simple analyse like a Time Range and some Filters. Nice easy understandable Dashboard. SQL is messy, but for easy Question is fine. If i need better Solution (complicated Questions or refresh Avery X second etc.) then i use Redash. Clean SQL.
Empty Execution History and Status stuckMy Issue has been solved with the last version 0.132.2. I love it! Really, powerful stuff and one of the main Reason why to buy Cloudron next year again. I use not so many Apps, but I use the regularly and save Time and Money. Other providers from Automatization are not really cheap, and I have to share my data. Just Integromat is fine I think, ok Prices and nice Service. But own Server with Cloudron. .. Work just absolutely smooth and quick. Now? I'm pretty happy!
e-commerce on Cloudron@LoudLemur said in e-commerce on Cloudron:
I would say WP + WC (WooCommerce) is the best open-source solution nowadays. And it runs pretty smooth.
Baserow - Airtable AlternativeIm unfortunately not able to install. Ideas?
App installation error: Installation failed: Unable to pull image registry.gitlab.com/bramw/baserow/cloudron:1.3.0. Please check the network or if the image needs authentication. statusCode: 500
I tried the last two Version- same Answer.
I builded the Image locally und pushed to Private Registry Docker. Everything fine and working. -
Empty Execution History and Status stuck@brutalbirdie Something is already online Community. I use it for many things. N8N send my Data from Google Sheet to BigQuery or Redash. They process my Tasks and send just nice Report via Email and many more.
Cloudron build mess up@scooke I think i get the same problem. Im really not sure about the Name
Enter repository (e.g registry/username/org.omekas.cloudronapp)
Wireguard VPN@dylightful I like this OpenVPN which is included on Cloudron. I use it 24/7. Pretty stable, easy to install, nice Frontend- great Stuff. Im really happy with. WG is for me just something like "next Step
10 gbit server and 250mbit cable at home and im not able to get >150mbit with OpenVpn. If i connect with WG... 220-230 is no problem at all.
Empty Execution History and Status stuckHey,
i can save Workflow. And workflow working as well. I've created "Test Wokflow" with Email from gmail and everything fine. But the History of Executions stay empty and Status in the website never change from "executing". Same Issue no matter if Mac, Win and Safari or Chrome etc. Its bit hard to create some scenario if i never get Output.
Im conected to own VPN (OpenVPN from Cloudron) and get 304 Answer. If i disconnect - get 200 Answer, but nothing changed- Scenario just running and never ending. Np clue, if its importtant or not. Thanks
May 22 14:53:34 - - [22/May/2021:12:53:34 +0000] "GET /rest/node-icon/n8n-nodes-base.uproc HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "https://api.xxx/workflow/2" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.66" May 22 14:53:34 - - [22/May/2021:12:53:34 +0000] "GET /rest/node-icon/n8n-nodes-base.vero HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "https://api.xxx/workflow/2" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.66" May 22 14:53:34 - - [22/May/2021:12:53:34 +0000] "GET /rest/node-icon/n8n-nodes-base.vonage HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "https://api.xxx/workflow/2" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 Edg/90.0.818.66"
Wireguard VPN@dylightful
I hope. OpenVPN is pretty stable, also the connection with AdGuard, but for some Reason is the Speed really weak. 12 cores, nvme, 64 gig ram and dedicated 1 gig port... And I come not over 50-70 maps. If I connect few more devices every single one achieve 50-70 Mbps.N8N, Redash, SQL, Jellifin and Metabase are the Reasons why I'm happy to pay for Cloudron. If I get Wireguard... I don't need really more
Wireguard VPN@imc67 said in Wireguard VPN:
@girish just for inspiration I found an easy way to configure and manage WireGuard in Docker:
This can make the long awaited WireGuard app on Cloudron also easy?
Pretty nice
Wireguard VPN@dylightful Ping ^^
Fast simple White Label?Some customization would be really amazing. Kutt is nice app. But i can change nothing. Logo or Title of Website at least would be great.