argh. it's hitting me again. same problem. i totally forgot about this thread. For my future self:
You have to configure your app to write the cache to a mounted volume. (/run/jellyfin/
is "local")
Jellyfin - the beast eats GB -
Bug: MiroTalk SFU & OIDC & Alias is the app location is the alias locationJoining rooms is possible at both locations.
Loggin via oidc, which is the default call to action if you open the url, only works at the app location. This error is triggered at the alias location:BadRequestError: state mismatch, expected eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Ii9wcm9maWxlIn0, got: eyJyZXR1cm5UbyI6Ii8ifQ at ResponseContext.callback (/app/code/node_modules/express-openid-connect/lib/context.js:366:15)
The oidc flow redirects from teams to zoom.
LocalSend FOSS to send files across devicesAnd because it looks like an April Fool's joke, I'm giving it a thumbs up. I have it installed on every device. Super cool tool. It's worth taking a look at.
Mail service: failed to bind port listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.A homemade problem. We have refactored our Ansible role. It has installed an MTA that was previously started as Cloudron's mail service. After uninstalling the MTA, everything works as expected.
Backup failed with unexpected response code or HTTPPlatform version v8.2.3 (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS)
That's what backups break ->Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/a6921c10-1234-4321-1234-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/postgresqldump: status 500
Is there a solution to this problem?
Mail service: failed to bind port listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.Platform version v8.2.3 (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS)
Restarting the mail service brings a/bin/bash exited with code 125
Service status is stopped.
Any clue, what other service is binded to port 25?box:locks release: mail_restart HttpError: /bin/bash exited with code 125 signal null at BoxError.toHttpError (/home/yellowtent/box/src/boxerror.js:109:16) at restart (/home/yellowtent/box/src/routes/services.js:125:37) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) { status: 500, internalError: BoxError: /bin/bash exited with code 125 signal null at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/src/shell.js:72:23) at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:519:28) at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16) at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5) { reason: 'Shell Error', details: {}, stdout: 'c1cdae98de5fb18b3204bf361e3bb484bd56b6d74e8621edb7ae9ba892203e81\n', stdoutLineCount: 1, stderr: 'docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint mail (8144e4d6b80711bef3085b5ae542582f9d9c91a4e6f208d2bb63894687a0477a): failed to bind port listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.\n', stderrLineCount: 1, code: 125, signal: null }, details: {} }
Is anyone else at FOSDEM 25?@fbartels The "biggest" problem imho: where to meet when? Any ideas?
Endpoint not reachable. reinstallation has helped ( nope.
Endpoint not reachable. reinstallation has helped ( only a reinstallation helped.
Problem: Nextcloud could not open Office documents and gave an error (cannot reach Collabora).
Restarting Collabora & nextcloud did not solve the problem. Reinstalling Collabora has helped.When opening in a browser, the default Cloudron app error page was displayed. displayed the login page. Something strange.
CiviCRM | Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations@scooke quick & dirty:
- install LAMP on your Cloudron
- open the webterminal
- cd /app/data/
- wget
- tar -xzf civicrm-5.80.1-standalone.tar.gz
- rm -rf public civicrm-5.80.1-standalone.tar.gz
- ln -s civicrm-standalone public
- chown -R www-data: civicrm-standalone public
Open Install CiviCRM.
Credentials for mysql -> (easiest way) opencredentials.txt
in the filemanager -
Gmail - ipv6. Anyone else with this experience?I have a Cloudron instance with netcup. The instance is not configured with ipv6.
Today i got a Message delivery failure notice with this content:I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message "Your daily summary" to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. Intended Recipients: <> Failure Reason: Error: 550 5.7.25 [2a03:xxx:xxx:xxxxxx:xxx:xxx:xxx] The IP address sending this 5.7.25 message does not have a PTR record setup, or the corresponding 5.7.25 forward DNS entry does not match the sending IP. As a policy, Gmail 5.7.25 does not accept messages from IPs with missing PTR records. For more 5.7.25 information, go to 5.7.25 5.7.25 To learn more about Gmail requirements for bulk senders, visit 5.7.25
To me it feels like: Your hosting provider has attached an ipv6 address to your VPS that you are not using. Sorry, we (Gmail) did a reverse lookup and you (dump administrator) did not create a PTR record for your IPv6 address. Sorry: you are a spammer.
IMHO lesson learned: no more vps without configuring for ipv6. Anyone else with a different mindset?
CiviCRM | Open source constituent relationship management for non-profits, NGOs and advocacy organizations@jdaviescoates taken from here ->
What is CiviCRM Standalone?
Standalone is a release of CiviCRM that runs independent of any CMS. No Drupal, no Wordpress, no Backdrop, no Joomla. Pure CiviCRM, if you will. If you don’t need functionality from the CMS side, then Standalone gives you all the features of CiviCRM in a simpler and faster package.
And now it’s finished?Well… no. But nor is CiviCRM generally. Anyone who’s worked with complex software like CiviCRM will know, it’s never finished...
You can get a standalone version 5.80.1 from here ->
Installation in a Cloudron LAMP app, works without problems.So everything looks like a valid release candidate. But taken from here, the next major release is planned for
05 march 2025.Should we take the time to install CiviCRM standalone in a Cloudron LAMP app and help the community debug - and launch with a Cloudron app after version 6 is released?
Does anyone else have an annoying notification " Reboot Required" ?My 2 cents: don't delete some notifications. Mark them as already read and let them go to page two once a ton of new notifications have arrived.
Does anyone else have an annoying notification " Reboot Required" ?@nebulon the file does not exist.
Does anyone else have an annoying notification " Reboot Required" ?A reboot three times in a row. But it hasn't disappeared.
Cloudron v8.2.1 (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) no AVX support
Is anyone else at FOSDEM 25?
I will be there from Friday 31st later in the afternoon until Mon 02nd at noon. -
Need Help packaging rect app and Nodejs.@DualOSWinWiz I don't know if that helps. We had a similar project at this year's Cloudfest hackathon. A frontend connected to a Directus backend. The repo is here ->
The website is hosted on a Cloudron instance ->
FindMyDeviceServer is a missing piece for degoogled Android phonesFindMyDeviceServer is now published as unstable for testing. The new forum section is at
FindMyDeviceServer is now availableWith a little help from my friends, the first initial package of FindMyDeviceServer got released today.
FMD helps you find your stolen or lost android phone.
Get the client from here forum section is at
And the package repo at always any initial feedback is highly appreciated
As this was my first app package, I wrote a blog post about the journey. -
can't change emailsame here. the only difference is
instead ofverify-email
(because i tested the forgot password flow)