Thanks for the tip, I have entered pfSense as DNS, now it works again.
At the end of last week I set up a test server to play with which is connected to a different firewall. I had exactly the same problem with this fresh installation.
Another problem with the new login procedure is that mobile devices with the policy of not allowing cookies can no longer log in to the Element app.
An alternative solution must now be found, possibly deactivating openID if this is possible, but that is another topic.
Many thanks for your help and have a good week!
For all those who need a short summary:
Log in via SSH
Create the file "custom.conf":
sudo touch /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/custom.conf
Edit file:
sudo nano /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/custom.conf
Insert content into the file:
# this disables DNSSEC
val-permissive-mode: yes
# forward all queries to the internal DNS
name: "."
forward-addr: 172.xxx.xxx.xxx
sudo systemctl restart unbound
sudo systemctl status unbound