What's coming in 8.2
As promised that we did not want to delay releases too long, I have made a 7.6 release post (https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/10105/what-s-coming-in-7-6) and renamed this post to 8.0 release. The backup logic changes the formats of backups, so it's better for various code paths to have a major release number. 7.6 is mostly already ready, so we should have it out today/tomorrow.
Sorry for the confusion!
@girish when we can have multi cloudron server dashboard so we can maintain multi nodes on different infrastructures?
@girish when we can have multi cloudron server dashboard so we can maintain multi nodes on different infrastructures?
@sufian-mughal said in What's coming in 8.0 (was 7.6):
@girish when we can have multi cloudron server dashboard so we can maintain multi nodes on different infrastructures?
oh me likey!
@girish when we can have multi cloudron server dashboard so we can maintain multi nodes on different infrastructures?
@girish will you also implement e.g. 7 daily, 1 weekly, 1 month, 1 quarterly, 1 yearly backup retention policies/ schedules?
In the effort to improve Backup, please add options for API to initiate Backup or Restore per app
In the effort to improve Backup, please add options for API to initiate Backup or Restore per app
@alwynispat this API is already there. Having the API docs updated and published is part of 7.6 release.
@girish oh cool, please announce once the API documentation is updated, thanks! Planning to automate restoring my app issue.
- Roughly, what is the Cloudron release/update cycle? e.g. once per year around Summer?
- Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat LTS is due 25th of April. I expect Cloudron might like to plan a release running on v24.04.1. What versions would we likely have before and after the 24.04.1 Ubuntu?
- Roughly, what is the Cloudron release/update cycle? e.g. once per year around Summer?
- Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat LTS is due 25th of April. I expect Cloudron might like to plan a release running on v24.04.1. What versions would we likely have before and after the 24.04.1 Ubuntu?
I am about to buy the product and use for the first time, and am beside myself that you have no SecureFTP backup option. I mean, I know cloud storage providers are great and new-tech, but really? No basic simple FTP option??? I see this was requested years ago and is still not implemented? FTP is basic and bulletproof. Please please please add this option. Thank you!
Please, FTP support with backups! Thanks
I am about to buy the product and use for the first time, and am beside myself that you have no SecureFTP backup option. I mean, I know cloud storage providers are great and new-tech, but really? No basic simple FTP option??? I see this was requested years ago and is still not implemented? FTP is basic and bulletproof. Please please please add this option. Thank you!
Please, FTP support with backups! Thanks
@swiggo-jiggo You can do this with the
backup option to a local file system and then userclone
orrestic & rclone
to push backups to an SFTP. -
I'm sure I wrote this elsewhere, but be great if alls that aren't currently being backed up can have things done with them in the meantime, restarts, repairs, updates, etc.
I'm sure I wrote this elsewhere, but be great if alls that aren't currently being backed up can have things done with them in the meantime, restarts, repairs, updates, etc.
@marcusquinn - yes, a huge vote for that. I think this was referenced before in a feature request too if I recall correctly. It is very annoying when I need to quickly restart an app and my system backup happens to be running preventing me from doing a quick task. I usually just get around this by backing up in the middle of the night but sometimes I want to also do a system backup in the afternoon but on my system it takes nearly 1.5 hours for a backup to complete so then in that time Iām forbidden from restarting an app for example which is quite annoying. Would love to see multi tasking for that.
Sorry I'm sure this has been discussed but has the plan been dropped to have a unified dashboard across several instances?
@avatar1024 we have to revisit this when we plan for 9.0 . currently, we focus on 8.0 - https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/11531/what-s-coming-in-8-0