loomio - helps groups make better decisions together
@girish or @nebulon Maybe you can help here? I've got everything in place as far as I can figure for email. Outbound works fine, but I keep getting bounces when attempting to reply. Both
are enabled for the app (in that order in the manifest), but something doesn't seem to be working nicely on the Cloudron side. I've confirmed that I get a 550 5.1.1User doesn't exist: loomio.app@example.com
when emailing either the nakedloomio.app@example.com
address or a subaccount address (ultimately the one I care about for reply-by-email) likeloomio.app+subaccount@example.com
Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Remote-MTA: Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1 <loomio.app@example.com> User doesn't exist: loomio.app@example.com
Otherwise, as far as I can tell, I think everything is functioning correctly, but the reply-by-email and custom poller I've written can't be exercised and fully verified until I can sort out this mail delivery issue. Very excited to finally be (nearly) done with this one!
@girish or @nebulon Maybe you can help here? I've got everything in place as far as I can figure for email. Outbound works fine, but I keep getting bounces when attempting to reply. Both
are enabled for the app (in that order in the manifest), but something doesn't seem to be working nicely on the Cloudron side. I've confirmed that I get a 550 5.1.1User doesn't exist: loomio.app@example.com
when emailing either the nakedloomio.app@example.com
address or a subaccount address (ultimately the one I care about for reply-by-email) likeloomio.app+subaccount@example.com
Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Remote-MTA: Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1 <loomio.app@example.com> User doesn't exist: loomio.app@example.com
Otherwise, as far as I can tell, I think everything is functioning correctly, but the reply-by-email and custom poller I've written can't be exercised and fully verified until I can sort out this mail delivery issue. Very excited to finally be (nearly) done with this one!
@jimcavoli Where is the repo for this? I am not finding it in https://git.cloudron.io/jimcavoli
@jimcavoli Where is the repo for this? I am not finding it in https://git.cloudron.io/jimcavoli
@girish Thanks for fixing that up - packaging to date is at https://git.cloudron.io/jimcavoli/loomio-app
@jimcavoli Thanks! Will take a look.
@jimcavoli Thanks! Will take a look.
@girish How's this going?
@girish How's this going?
Just giving this another little bump
@girish did you ever manage to have a look at @jimcavoli's package?
@girish How's this going?
Friends made a startup in this decision management field called KIE Labs - https://www.kielabs.com
Just giving this another little bump
@girish did you ever manage to have a look at @jimcavoli's package?
@jdaviescoates @girish
Just bumping this again,
possibly willing to help test -
Off topic:
@sam_uk said in loomio - helps groups make better decisions together:
@atridad he did a great job of packaging Humhub for me.
I'm assuming/ hoping the plan is to get Humhub into the Cloudron App Store too, right?
I can take a look at making sure the packaging code is up to date, but it's very much working on a test instance still. Only issue was @girish building / testing - happy to work on that part of it if needed...I could make it a straight-through Dockerfile rather than BuildKit dependent - though it'll take a fairly long time to build that way, maybe that's just what we need to do?
I can take a look at making sure the packaging code is up to date, but it's very much working on a test instance still. Only issue was @girish building / testing - happy to work on that part of it if needed...I could make it a straight-through Dockerfile rather than BuildKit dependent - though it'll take a fairly long time to build that way, maybe that's just what we need to do?
@jimcavoli ah nice, if you can update the base image to 3.0.0, then I can take a look into publishing it. In fact, I am not sure why I didn't look into this further. Would be great to make it a straight through Dockerfile as that's how all the other packages are.
@jimcavoli ah nice, if you can update the base image to 3.0.0, then I can take a look into publishing it. In fact, I am not sure why I didn't look into this further. Would be great to make it a straight through Dockerfile as that's how all the other packages are.
@jimcavoli ah nice, if you can update the base image to 3.0.0, then I can take a look into publishing it. In fact, I am not sure why I didn't look into this further. Would be great to make it a straight through Dockerfile as that's how all the other packages are.
@girish Opened it up and got to updating - was reminded that the issue was the inbound email side of things, not the Dockerfile on this one...it's the OpenSlides packaging stalled on the multistage builds (which needs some more revision and I'll update soon). In any case, I've updated it to use
and Loomio at2.8.3
(latest) locally and on my test box. The outstanding issue with inbound mail remains, plus a new, if minor, issue with RedisAUTH
for the channel server - any chance we'll see Redis updated to 6.x soon?I can work on alternatives to make the channel server Redis connection happy, but I still need help on the inbound email side of things. Sending seems fine, but replies (the inbound-to-app side) bounce immediately. I've pushed the changes for the newer versions to https://git.cloudron.io/jimcavoli/loomio-app and included the caveat(s) about the broken components in the commit message for now.
@girish Opened it up and got to updating - was reminded that the issue was the inbound email side of things, not the Dockerfile on this one...it's the OpenSlides packaging stalled on the multistage builds (which needs some more revision and I'll update soon). In any case, I've updated it to use
and Loomio at2.8.3
(latest) locally and on my test box. The outstanding issue with inbound mail remains, plus a new, if minor, issue with RedisAUTH
for the channel server - any chance we'll see Redis updated to 6.x soon?I can work on alternatives to make the channel server Redis connection happy, but I still need help on the inbound email side of things. Sending seems fine, but replies (the inbound-to-app side) bounce immediately. I've pushed the changes for the newer versions to https://git.cloudron.io/jimcavoli/loomio-app and included the caveat(s) about the broken components in the commit message for now.
@jimcavoli thanks! We can follow up on the recvmail issue in the other thread. As for redis, is the issue that it cannot work with redis 5 at all? There is a flag in redis addon to disable auth entirely, would that help?
here - https://docs.cloudron.io/packaging/addons/#redis . The
flag in manifest. -
here - https://docs.cloudron.io/packaging/addons/#redis . The
flag in manifest.