I thought it would be great if we could have at least one Markdown-Section in the Dashboard. E.g. one could place short messages, announcements or other important information for users. In the footer, we can already use markdown. But I think it might be very helpful for admins, to put some text more "in ya face".
Here's a quick mockup, how this cloud look:

The textbox could go either on the very top, the very bottom – which might be more easily implemented. Or – as shown in this example – somewhere in between. Then it must be specified which apps go above and which below.
Editing could be similar to navigating the settings of an app: a small gear-icon in the top right corner of the textbox. Also, you could set visibiliy according to groups of users.
This could function as some sorting or customizing the dashboard which was suggested here but never gained more detailed attention.