Ok, answered my own question by ... trying out Seems I can install multiple instances of apps with Cloudron. Nice!
Multiple Pocket Base Apps -
Multiple Pocket Base AppsJust exploring Pocket Base.
Do I understand correctly that the Pocket Base Package is meant for 1 application running under 1 URL? Is it possible to manage multiple Pocket Base apps with Cloudron?
Add a"Staff Choice" badge/filter to App Store apps@girish said in Add a"Staff Choice" badge/filter to App Store apps:
I don't want to be part of the decision-making of our end user.
First off: im new here. Just discovered Cloudron a few weeks ago. Super impressed! And quite a nice community. And here goes my point: You are already part of the decision making. Or at least together with the community that votes for packages to get included. The App Store is already a curated selection
But I can see the direction you are coming from. I mean in the end a feature like GH Stars would safe me 2 clicks, so I would say its definitely a nice-to-have and nothing more.
Thanks for the good work!
Add a"Staff Choice" badge/filter to App Store apps@girish fair points. And I agree "Recommended/Popular" is difficult for all the reasons you mentioned. Something like GH stars imo just gives a datapoint for exploration to the users and still leaves the choice to them. (A bit like IMDB ratings on movies sites :)) In my experience they are a strong indicator of what to expect from a project in terms of maturity, usability and support.
Uninstall app (Komga) unsuccessful due to IPv6 errorThanks, Looks like IPv6 is not on by default on Hetzner.
Uninstall app (Komga) unsuccessful due to IPv6 errorIn the Hetzner console it looks like IPv6 public is configured.
Uninstall app (Komga) unsuccessful due to IPv6 errorI see it might have something to do with Cloudron unable to detect the public IP of the Hetzner server.
Add a"Staff Choice" badge/filter to App Store appsIs this still talked about in 2025? I struggle myself to find "the best" or at least "the most popular" option in the App Store. @marcusquinn idea to use Github Stars mirrors my manual approach. Should be straight forward to implement with the github API given a known repo URL.
Uninstall app (Komga) unsuccessful due to IPv6 errorServus,
when trying to uninstall an app (in this case Komga) I get the following error in the console:
External Error: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable
Cloudron is running on a Hetzner VM with default settings. Any idea how to approach this?
Here are the latest logs from the box:
Mar 21 06:19:35 box:taskworker Starting task 110. Logs are at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/2c7ed3c1-2ea3-4994-9fe9-2b833ea0765c/apptask.log Mar 21 06:19:35 box:taskworker Running task of type app Mar 21 06:19:35 box:apptask run: startTask installationState: pending_uninstall runState: running Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":20,"message":"Deleting container"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell reverseproxy /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/restartservice.sh nginx Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell 2025/03/21 05:19:35 [notice] 1008907#1008907: signal process started Mar 21 06:19:35 box:apptask deleteContainer: deleting app containers (app, scheduler) Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell apptask /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/configurelogrotate.sh remove 2c7ed3c1-2ea3-4994-9fe9-2b833ea0765c Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":30,"message":"Teardown addons"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:services teardownAddons: Tearing down ["localstorage","oidc"] Mar 21 06:19:35 box:services teardownAddons: Tearing down addon localstorage with options {"sqlite":{"paths":["/app/data/komga/database.sqlite","/app/data/komga/tasks.sqlite"]},"ftp":{"uid":1000,"uname":"cloudron"}} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:services teardownLocalStorage Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell services /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/clearvolume.sh rmdir /home/yellowtent/appsdata/2c7ed3c1-2ea3-4994-9fe9-2b833ea0765c/data Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell : No such file or directory Mar 21 06:19:35 box:shell rmdir: failed to remove '/home/yellowtent/appsdata/2c7ed3c1-2ea3-4994-9fe9-2b833ea0765c/data' Mar 21 06:19:35 box:services Tearing down OpenID connect Mar 21 06:19:35 box:services teardownAddons: Tearing down addon oidc with options {"loginRedirectUri":"/login/oauth2/code/cloudron"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":40,"message":"Cleanup file manager"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":50,"message":"Deleting app data directory"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":60,"message":"Deleting image"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:docker deleteImage: removing cloudron/org.komga.cloudronapp:202503120856450000 Mar 21 06:19:35 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":70,"message":"Unregistering domains"} Mar 21 06:19:35 box:network/generic getIPv4: querying ipv4.api.cloudron.io to get server IPv4 Mar 21 06:19:35 box:network/generic getIPv6: querying ipv6.api.cloudron.io to get server IPv6 Mar 21 06:21:06 box:network/generic getIPv6: Error getting IP. Error: Timeout of 30000ms exceeded at RequestBase._timeoutError (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/superagent/lib/request-base.js:712:17) at Timeout.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/node_modules/superagent/lib/request-base.js:727:12) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:581:17) at process.processTimers (node:internal/timers:519:7) { timeout: 30000, code: 'ECONNABORTED', errno: 'ETIME', response: undefined, retries: 2 } Mar 21 06:21:06 box:apptask run: app error for state pending_uninstall: BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable at Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network/generic.js:74:15) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network.js:162:20) at async Object.unregisterLocations (/home/yellowtent/box/src/dns.js:312:18) at async uninstall (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:777:5) { reason: 'External Error', details: {} } Mar 21 06:21:06 box:tasks setCompleted - 110: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable\n at Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network/generic.js:74:15)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network.js:162:20)\n at async Object.unregisterLocations (/home/yellowtent/box/src/dns.js:312:18)\n at async uninstall (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:777:5)","name":"BoxError","reason":"External Error","details":{},"message":"Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable"}} Mar 21 06:21:06 box:taskworker Task took 90.895 seconds Mar 21 06:21:06 box:tasks update 110: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable\n at Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network/generic.js:74:15)\n at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)\n at async Object.getIPv6 (/home/yellowtent/box/src/network.js:162:20)\n at async Object.unregisterLocations (/home/yellowtent/box/src/dns.js:312:18)\n at async uninstall (/home/yellowtent/box/src/apptask.js:777:5)","name":"BoxError","reason":"External Error","details":{},"message":"Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable"}} Mar 21 06:21:06 BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable Mar 21 06:21:06 BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable Mar 21 06:21:06 BoxError: Unable to detect IPv6. API server (ipv6.api.cloudron.io) unreachable
Mylar on Cloudron - Mylar is an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader program for use with NZB and torrentsInteresting obeservation: Cloudron so far offers BitTorrent services, but nothing that deals with newsgroups (eg SABnzbd). Bias or just coincidence? There is a very old request for SABnzbd here: https://forum.cloudron.io/topic/4090/sabnzbd-binary-newsgroup-reader
Running other web servers / Docker container?@andreasdueren Cool, thx! Will try that approach and report back.
Running other web servers / Docker container?Hi all!
Have not been able to find a concrete answer to the following:
I want to run another web server on the same VM as Claudron. So I can web proxy to some services in docker containers I want to run. What are my options?
- The idea is to have a completely different domain for the other services. Not a must, but probably best, right?
- Port 80/443 are of course bound to Cloudron Nginx. Which probably is configured and managed by Claudron, right? Or can I somehow add a site with rules for my services domain? Could just have a rule that proxies the services domain to a downstream web server.
- Any way I can reuse the Claudron Auto-DNS/SSL capabilities and just setup up my services with Claudron?
What are the best practices here?
P.S. Using the LAMP stack Claudron app is not going to work for me.