hm, yeah, never mind, now it works for me as well - maybe was a browser glitch

this might sound silly but: how can i paste text in a text field? -
Anytype (finally) released for public betaAny new tries here to get this running on cloudron? I am willing to pay, if it doesn't cost an arm & a leg...
this might sound silly but: how can i paste text in a text field?My writer optimized my texts, and now I want to paste them into the text fields, but hitting ctrl+v does nothing ? Right-clicking opens a typebot context menu, so I am a bit lost now...
can't change emailWhen i try to change an account's email address, i get a confirmation mail, but the link in the button to verify is broken, it leads to:
" -
Hoarder - Mymind alternative - The Ultimate All-In-One Bookmark and Note Taking Appthis really would be awesome
Kbin - Reddit likeany news on this?
KOPIA Fast and Secure Open-Source Backupwow, really? noone upvoted a backup solution you can host on your own?
Bitwarden native apps for iOS / Android released - but (currently) not compatible with Vaultwardenfor me, currently "log in with device" does not work, so i still have the old app on my phone
Netcup upgrade to new generationI noticed they offer you twice the disc space for the same price now, but I can't upgrade to the new generation. So I have to cancel my current running contract and make a new one.
Question is - how do I move Cloudron from one machine to the other? I guess I make a full backup on the old machine, then point my domain to the new IP address, wait until it bites and then install everything via backup, so I will definitely have a downtime, right?Is there another way? Maybe one more smarter?
Chris -
Backup not working since auto-Updating to 8.0.3@humptydumpty updated ^^
Backup not working since auto-Updating to 8.0.3Chatwoot is running after the update too, and the beackups are working as well
Check services
added more ram to database usageTopic can be closed
Backup not working since auto-Updating to 8.0.3I noticed that postgresql constantly is trying to restart, so i stopped the service and went from 756 MB up to 2 GB. It started again and now is stitting at 53% usage. MY apps are working again, only chatwoot still is unresponding, but i am updating it right now, and will try to run a backup once it's finished
Backup not working since auto-Updating to 8.0.3Nope, my immich also isn't working - seems all my apps are broken since that update
Backup not working since auto-Updating to 8.0.3Cloudron auoupdated to the 8.0.3 version and since then, every single backup failed with this log entry:
Aug 22 07:39:09 box:taskworker Starting task 3565. Logs are at /home/yellowtent/platformdata/logs/tasks/3565.log Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":1,"message":"Backing up (1/16)"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":6.2631578947368425,"message":"Snapshotting app"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services backupAddons Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services backupAddons: backing up ["localstorage","ldap"] Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask snapshotApp: took 0.003 seconds Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":6.2631578947368425,"message":"Uploading app snapshot"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:shell backup-snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 /usr/bin/sudo -S -E --close-from=4 /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/backupupload.js snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 tgz {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385","layout":[]} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupupload Backing up {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385","layout":[]} to snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask upload: path snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 format tgz dataLayout {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385","layout":[]} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask upload: mount point status is {"state":"active","message":"Mounted"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:shell file execArgs: df ["-B1","--output=source,fstype,size,used,avail,pcent,target","/var/backups"] Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask checkPreconditions: getting disk usage of /home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:shell checkPreconditions execArgs: du ["-Dsb","--exclude=*.lock","--exclude=dovecot.list.index.log.*","/home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385"] Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask checkPreconditions: total required=38899 available=37746036736 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz upload: Uploading {"localRoot":"/home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385","layout":[]} to snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":6.2631578947368425,"message":"Uploading backup /var/backups/snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385.tar.gz ("} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz tarPack: processing /home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz addToPack: added ./config.json file Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz addToPack: added ./data directory Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz tarPack: processing /home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385/data Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz addToPack: added ./data/coolwsd.xml file Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz addToPack: added ./data/fonts directory Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz tarPack: processing /home/yellowtent/appsdata/096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385/data/fonts Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz addToPack: added ./data/fonts/Kontakt.ttf file Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupformat/tgz tarPack: pipeline finished: {"startTime":1724305149690,"totalSecs":0,"transferred":9925} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backupupload upload completed. error: null Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask runBackupUpload: result - {"result":""} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask uploadAppSnapshot: uploaded to snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385. 0.569 seconds Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask rotateAppBackup: rotating to path 2024-08-22-053909-108/app_officeserver.domain.com_v1.17.8 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":6.2631578947368425,"message":"Copying /var/backups/snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385.tar.gz to /var/backups/2024-08-22-053909-108/app_officeserver.domain.com_v1.17.8.tar.gz"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:shell copy execArgs: cp ["-al","/var/backups/snapshot/app_096425e8-f7f4-48e8-b589-10d146cef385.tar.gz","/var/backups/2024-08-22-053909-108/app_officeserver.domain.com_v1.17.8.tar.gz"] Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask copy: copied successfully to 2024-08-22-053909-108/app_officeserver.domain.com_v1.17.8. Took 0.009 seconds Aug 22 07:39:09 box:backuptask fullBackup: app backup finished. Took 0.596 seconds Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":6.2631578947368425,"message":"Backing up (2/16)"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":11.526315789473685,"message":"Snapshotting app"} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services backupAddons Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services backupAddons: backing up ["localstorage","postgresql","redis","sendmail","oidc","scheduler"] Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services Backing up postgresql Aug 22 07:39:09 box:services pipeRequestToFile: connected with status code 500 Aug 22 07:39:09 box:taskworker Task took 0.716 seconds Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks setCompleted - 3565: {"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/0a0db27f-ffc4-4b19-8cf8-ab23c21defd5/postgresqldump: status 500\n at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/src/services.js:1283:60)\n at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:518:28)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (node:_http_client:698:27)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:119:17)\n at Socket.socketOnData (node:_http_client:540:22)\n at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28)\n at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:559:12)\n at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:510:3)\n at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:390:5)\n at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Addons Error","details":{},"message":"Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/0a0db27f-ffc4-4b19-8cf8-ab23c21defd5/postgresqldump: status 500"}} Aug 22 07:39:09 box:tasks update 3565: {"percent":100,"result":null,"error":{"stack":"BoxError: Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/0a0db27f-ffc4-4b19-8cf8-ab23c21defd5/postgresqldump: status 500\n at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/src/services.js:1283:60)\n at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:518:28)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (node:_http_client:698:27)\n at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:119:17)\n at Socket.socketOnData (node:_http_client:540:22)\n at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28)\n at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:559:12)\n at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:510:3)\n at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:390:5)\n at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)","name":"BoxError","reason":"Addons Error","details":{},"message":"Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/0a0db27f-ffc4-4b19-8cf8-ab23c21defd5/postgresqldump: status 500"}} [no timestamp] Unexpected response code or HTTP error when piping to /home/yellowtent/appsdata/0a0db27f-ffc4-4b19-8cf8-ab23c21defd5/postgresqldump: status 500 [no timestamp] at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/yellowtent/box/src/services.js:1283:60) [no timestamp] at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:518:28) [no timestamp] at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient (node:_http_client:698:27) [no timestamp] at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:119:17) [no timestamp] at Socket.socketOnData (node:_http_client:540:22) [no timestamp] at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28) [no timestamp] at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:559:12) [no timestamp] at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:510:3) [no timestamp] at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:390:5) [no timestamp] at TCP.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:190:23)
I also noticed that my linkding gave me a error 500, and when i wanted to restore it from a backup i got this error:
Addons Error: Error setting up postgresql. Status code: 500 message: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:5432Same Error Message with CHatwoot
lf photo app recommendationi can also vote for immich, really great tool
Bonfire - A federated social network to organise your digital life in communityBonfire is a social networking toolkit for crafting digital spaces that empower communities. Designed for autonomy, safety, and meaningful interactions, Bonfire enables communities to take control over their features, data, and digital environment – free from algorithmic bias and profit-driven influences.
Docker Manual:, and it's part of the Fediverse!
Bitwarden native apps for iOS / Android released - but (currently) not compatible with Vaultwarden@necrevistonnezr the only issue with the new app for me is, it doesn't show up in my keyboard so i have to copy & paste all logins from the app into the websites/app i want to log in
Bitwarden native apps for iOS / Android released - but (currently) not compatible with VaultwardenWorks fine for me on Android
changing volume on an installed APPSince today i have a HUGE storage box, so I would like to move my large apps to it.
If I just switch the volume in an installed app, say Immich, for example, does Cloudron copy every over to the new location, or does it just create a new folder structure on the storage server?cheers
Chris -
usermanagement in wordpress & CloudronI see, is there a way to make this happen by just using a different plugin, or is that a Cloudron limitation?