There is fresh installation:
2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG pgloader version "3.6.7~devel"
2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG Data errors in '/tmp/pgloader/'
2024-09-23T16:54:53.008000Z LOG Parsing commands from file #P"/app/data/migration.load"
2024-09-23T16:54:53.312001Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://2782771d9a999c09@mysql:3306/2782771d9a999c09 {1008E9B2B3}>
2024-09-23T16:54:53.316001Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://user0f690c85822c47d0af7ac1c95032b4e8@postgresql:5432/db0f690c85822c47d0af7ac1c95032b4e8 {1008E67533}>
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."displayname" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."displayname".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."sortorder" is casted to type "bigint" which is not the same as "integer", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."sortorder".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."linkurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."linkurl".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."imageurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."imageurl".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelBookmarks"."type" is casted to type "channel_bookmark_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_bookmark_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelbookmarks"."type".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeuser".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeadmin".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."ChannelMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channelmembers"."schemeguest".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Channels"."type" is casted to type "channel_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".channel_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."channels"."type".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."oauthtokenurl" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."oauthtokenurl".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."OutgoingOAuthConnections"."granttype" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".outgoingoauthconnections_granttype", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."outgoingoauthconnections"."granttype".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Preferences"."value" is casted to type "varchar" which is not the same as "text", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."preferences"."value".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."RetentionIdsForDeletion"."ids" is casted to type "jsonb" which is not the same as "character varying[]", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."retentionidsfordeletion"."ids".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeuser" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeuser".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeadmin" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeadmin".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."TeamMembers"."schemeguest" is casted to type "smallint" which is not the same as "boolean", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teammembers"."schemeguest".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."Teams"."type" is casted to type "team_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".team_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."teams"."type".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z WARNING Source column "2782771d9a999c09"."UploadSessions"."type" is casted to type "upload_session_type" which is not the same as "\"2782771d9a999c09\".upload_session_type", the type of current target database column "2782771d9a999c09"."uploadsessions"."type".
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls" with name "calls" in target catalog
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_channels" with name "calls_channels" in target catalog
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_jobs" with name "calls_jobs" in target catalog
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."calls_sessions" with name "calls_sessions" in target catalog
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source "2782771d9a999c09"."db_migrations_calls" with name "db_migrations_calls" in target catalog
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_channels
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_jobs
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".calls_sessions
2024-09-23T16:54:53.528002Z LOG Skipping "2782771d9a999c09".db_migrations_calls
2024-09-23T16:54:53.532002Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpolicieschannels_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpolicieschannels" does not exist, skipping
2024-09-23T16:54:53.532002Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint "fk_retentionpoliciesteams_retentionpolicies" of relation "retentionpoliciesteams" does not exist, skipping
2024-09-23T16:54:57.760020Z ERROR Database error 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "roles_name_key"
DETAIL: Key (name)=(channel_user) already exists.
CONTEXT: COPY roles, line 1
2024-09-23T16:54:57.924020Z LOG report summary reset
table name errors rows bytes total time
-------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
before load 0 4 0.216s
fetch meta data 0 72 0.076s
Drop Foreign Keys 0 4 0.004s
-------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
"2782771d9a999c09".jobs 0 152346 28.4 MB 4.160s
"2782771d9a999c09".posts 0 38351 8.1 MB 3.712s
"2782771d9a999c09".audits 0 21974 2.9 MB 1.704s
"2782771d9a999c09".fileinfo 0 4981 13.5 MB 2.144s
"2782771d9a999c09".preferences 0 798 73.7 kB 1.308s
"2782771d9a999c09".channelmembers 0 291 64.3 kB 1.460s
"2782771d9a999c09".sidebarcategories 0 59 8.5 kB 1.756s
"2782771d9a999c09".recentsearches 0 27 4.1 kB 1.844s
"2782771d9a999c09".productnoticeviewstate 0 18 1.1 kB 1.888s
"2782771d9a999c09".incomingwebhooks 0 3 0.5 kB 1.912s
"2782771d9a999c09".channelbookmarks 0 0 1.952s
"2782771d9a999c09".compliances 0 0 1.964s
"2782771d9a999c09".groupmembers 0 0 2.000s
"2782771d9a999c09".oauthaccessdata 0 1 0.2 kB 2.032s
"2782771d9a999c09".outgoingwebhooks 0 0 2.052s
"2782771d9a999c09".remoteclusters 0 0 2.072s
"2782771d9a999c09".retentionpoliciesteams 0 0 2.092s
"2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelusers 0 0 2.124s
"2782771d9a999c09".usergroups 0 0 2.148s
"2782771d9a999c09".threads 0 1115 133.3 kB 0.388s
"2782771d9a999c09".channelmemberhistory 0 308 21.5 kB 0.464s
"2782771d9a999c09".sessions 0 66 12.1 kB 0.540s
"2782771d9a999c09".users 0 31 18.8 kB 0.612s
"2782771d9a999c09".status 0 20 1.1 kB 0.596s
"2782771d9a999c09".drafts 0 7 1.3 kB 0.628s
"2782771d9a999c09".tokens 0 0 0.640s
"2782771d9a999c09".commands 0 0 0.660s
"2782771d9a999c09".groupchannels 0 0 0.660s
"2782771d9a999c09".notifyadmin 0 0 0.696s
"2782771d9a999c09".outgoingoauthconnections 0 0 0.364s
"2782771d9a999c09".postreminders 0 0 0.388s
"2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicieschannels 0 0 0.388s
"2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelremotes 0 0 0.404s
"2782771d9a999c09".uploadsessions 0 0 0.412s
"2782771d9a999c09".threadmemberships 0 2781 232.5 kB 0.128s
"2782771d9a999c09".reactions 0 669 76.7 kB 0.120s
"2782771d9a999c09".channels 0 116 21.5 kB 0.148s
"2782771d9a999c09".systems 0 61 2.5 kB 0.164s
"2782771d9a999c09".teammembers 0 26 1.7 kB 0.192s
"2782771d9a999c09".bots 0 12 1.4 kB 0.212s
"2782771d9a999c09".teams 0 2 0.3 kB 0.236s
"2782771d9a999c09".clusterdiscovery 0 0 0.252s
"2782771d9a999c09".desktoptokens 0 0 0.272s
"2782771d9a999c09".groupteams 0 0 0.308s
"2782771d9a999c09".oauthapps 0 1 0.3 kB 0.332s
"2782771d9a999c09".persistentnotifications 0 0 0.352s
"2782771d9a999c09".retentionidsfordeletion 0 0 0.392s
"2782771d9a999c09".schemes 0 0 0.428s
"2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannels 0 0 0.420s
"2782771d9a999c09".usertermsofservice 0 0 0.420s
"2782771d9a999c09".linkmetadata 0 2203 835.9 kB 0.048s
"2782771d9a999c09".postspriority 0 518 30.9 kB 0.008s
"2782771d9a999c09".sidebarchannels 0 110 12.4 kB 0.008s
"2782771d9a999c09".pluginkeyvaluestore 0 53 13.3 kB 0.004s
"2782771d9a999c09".roles 1 0 0.036s
"2782771d9a999c09".publicchannels 0 12 2.7 kB 0.012s
"2782771d9a999c09".useraccesstokens 0 3 0.3 kB 0.004s
"2782771d9a999c09".commandwebhooks 0 0 0.052s
"2782771d9a999c09".emoji 0 0 0.032s
"2782771d9a999c09".licenses 0 0 0.020s
"2782771d9a999c09".oauthauthdata 0 1 0.2 kB 0.060s
"2782771d9a999c09".postacknowledgements 0 0 0.016s
"2782771d9a999c09".retentionpolicies 0 0 0.048s
"2782771d9a999c09".sharedchannelattachments 0 0 0.036s
"2782771d9a999c09".termsofservice 0 0 0.044s
-------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
COPY Threads Completion 0 8 4.256s
Reset Sequences 0 0 0.028s
Create Foreign Keys 0 2 0.000s
Set Search Path 0 1 0.000s
Install Comments 0 0 0.000s
after load 0 4 0.028s
-------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------
Total import time 1 226964 54.5 MB 4.312s