HumHub - social network software
I got permission from @Sam_uk to make the repo public:
- Properly address the update process
- See if its possible to config LDAP and SMTP automatically (this is the part I am really struggling with right now.
@atrilahiji said in HumHub - social network software:
this is the part I am really struggling with right now
Did you already have a look at ?
I have finished getting things automated (sort of). The DB is set up on the first install, and the LDAP and SMTP configuration is set up after a re-start (and is updated after every restart).
Encountering a snag:
The ONLYOFFICE integration seems to fail to send the JWT token to an ONLYOFFICE instance. My best guess rn is its an issue with apache -> nginx -> ONLYOFFICE. Is anyone else more familiar with this sort of reverse proxy issue?
Edit: Fixed it. Testing and pushing a new release.
Edit 2: I am tempted to leave updating to the app, similar to Wordpress Developer Edition. I auto install the Updater module. If @staff want to take a look at this let me know. Repo is here: It was a sponsored app. If you need an instance to take a look at it let me know via a direct message and I can let you in @staff.
replied to girish on last edited by A Former User
@girish Actually, I just thought of something. If the modules folder is symlinked and the app is expecting to write to the modules folder in /app/code, it will error right? I imagine it wouldn't just look at the actual folder in /app/data. The trouble here is there is a "module store" of sorts built right into the app.
@atrilahiji maybe you can symlink /app/code/modules to /app/data/modules and that way it will become writable.
To give a high level idea, let's say humhub app comes with some default modules. Then, in Dockerfile, you would move them to some other location like:
RUN mv /app/code/modules /app/code/modules_orig && ln -s /app/data/modules /app/code/modules
Then in
mkdir -p /app/code/modules cp -r /app/code/modules_orig/* /app/data/modules
In many apps, instead of the blind copy above, we try to symlink each "module". So, there will be a symlink from /app/data/modules/x to /app/code/modules_orig/x . This sometimes works or not depending on the app. But hopefully you get the idea!
replied to girish on last edited by A Former User
@girish Running into issues here:
There appears to be no way to configure where Hubhub looks for those files, so it will just keep trying to write to the symlink in /app/code and fail. In fact, you cant even get the site to load after installation without having the assets directory writable. This is something it has to do on startup. I can still make an update script for this, but I think it will have to sit in /app/data just based on how this was written. Unless I'm missing something?
@atrilahiji said in HumHub - social network software:
if the app still tries to write to /app/code/modules it would hit permissions issues no?
no, that should not be the case (at least when the symlinked dir has proper permissions for this).
replied to A Former User on last edited by
replied to A Former User on last edited by
@atrilahiji Never stop never stopping! You're doing great!
replied to fbartels on last edited by A Former User
@fbartels Sure thing:
Thanks! I'm convinced this is 1) impossible or 2) something so simple yet I have not noticed it somehow
@atrilahiji for me this works with
➜ cloudron-humhub-app git:(harden-app-code) git rev-parse --short HEAD 0b5df1c
Steps I tried:
- Install app (in debug mode, but only so that i could override and start the
manually) - finished Humhub installation
- went into admin and selected modules
- installed a module
- activated a module
- no php error can be seen
- Install app (in debug mode, but only so that i could override and start the