I have SSHed into it and found the task that seem to be associated with this and found this :
β tasks grc tail -f 5728.log
2023-06-30T03:48:53.238Z box:tasks update 5728: {"percent":29.571428571428573,"message":"Checking contents of /dev/sda2"}
2023-06-30T03:48:53.239Z box:shell system spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/hdparm.sh //u283231.your-storagebox.de/backup
2023-06-30T03:48:53.258Z box:shell system (stderr): //u283231.your-storagebox.de/backup: No such file or directory
2023-06-30T03:48:53.259Z box:shell system code: 2, signal: null
2023-06-30T03:48:53.260Z box:tasks update 5728: {"message":"hdparm error: system exited with code 2 signal null"}
2023-06-30T03:48:53.261Z box:tasks update 5728: {"percent":43.85714285714286,"message":"Checking contents of //username.your-storagebox.de/backup"}
2023-06-30T03:48:53.262Z box:tasks update 5728: {"message":"Checking du of {\"type\":\"volume\",\"id\":\"8190a2686d454328b1ef83461c30de1a\",\"path\":\"/mnt/volumes/8190a2686d454328b1ef83461c30de1a\"}"}
2023-06-30T03:48:53.263Z box:shell system spawn: /usr/bin/sudo -S /home/yellowtent/box/src/scripts/du.sh /mnt/volumes/8190a2686d454328b1ef83461c30de1a
this is the storage box of my hetzner backup, and the backup folder does exist there, would that be the issue ?