You can install snapd on non-ubuntu systems. Though I have no idea if they have any advantage over flatpak or appimage.

Submit Cloudron to Ubuntu for Publication -
pandocI see pandoc got recently added as a module recently. what are the pdf output capabilities of this as it typically relies on an external engine (often Latex, though I use weasyprint a lot)?
Additionally is there a documented list of the cloudron added modules, and the n8n built-in modules? -
Including a markdown-to-html node module "marked" in n8n Dockerfile@sparkwise I believe n8n also natively has a md<->html node as of the latest release
loomio - helps groups make better decisions together@jimcavoli @girish Any update on this?
What's coming in Cloudron 7.1@girish Feel your pain about npm. Was there something new that came up about request? I don't use it directly but use dependencies that do.
Grocy - ERP Beyond your fridgeI sorta skimmed past this before, but I think I have a usecase for this.
Catcus Chat - Federated, Embeddable Web Comments powered by Matrix@jdaviescoates Came across this other day too!
LDAP integration@sam_uk I pretty sure that piggybacks off of the same method either gittea or gitlab uses (I forget which) So assuming that works in cloudron this should work.
4Minitz - free webapp for taking meeting minutesSo I've been working on bringing this up to date.
Please bear in mind I'm not really a dev, but so far I've gotten it up to Meteor 2.2 (Node 12) where I'm pausing to try and replace dead dependencies. I do also want to rewrite the front end as well, very bodgy at the moment. -
Mobilizon - A free and federated tool to get our events off Facebook!Giving this a bump as now onto Version 2.0 since November.
StaticdeployThis one seems pretty fresh, so will have to watch, but open source/selfhost version of netlify -
What's coming in Cloudron 7.1@jdaviescoates Yeh, I'd really like to trial an internal forum, but lack of LDAP is blocking that.
Also discourse seems to use an unreal about of resources when running. -
After the next release (4.0), LDAP, SAML, and Custom Oauth will be available only in Enterprise Edition and Gold plan@marcusquinn The only reason we're using RC is that there doesn't seem to be a cloudron alternative (chat or forum) with ldap
After the next release (4.0), LDAP, SAML, and Custom Oauth will be available only in Enterprise Edition and Gold plan@marcusquinn Ah, just noticed this is the changelog for 3.17.0
Collect data about LDAP, SAML, CAS and OAuth usage. (#22719) -
After the next release (4.0), LDAP, SAML, and Custom Oauth will be available only in Enterprise Edition and Gold plan@fbartels
blah, we'll see how this affects us, has been annoying us for some time, simple bugs slipping through, poor overall development.A fair number of apps that only support LDAP in paid versions, especially when that the only feature that we would be missing is fairly annoying. Mattermost springs to mind, though they do have oauth.
4Minitz - free webapp for taking meeting minutes@robi
It seems to be a very rare product among OSS,
I might have a couple of options to look at, if I can find where I made note of them -
4Minitz - free webapp for taking meeting minutesSo the main repo hasn't had an update in a year.
I have (ok had) it passing tests on node v10, and I am working through dependencies to see what needs to be changed to bring it to node v12. -
Please search & upvote before opening a new topicIs it possible to merge or delete some of the old duplicate topics and/or the solved ones? Deleted topics still show up, as: This topic is deleted!, which is a bit annoying.
I was going through the list from oldest to newest to see if there was anything particularly interesting, or had been put on hold until a 1.0 -
Cloudron docs riddled with egregious spelling and grammar errors@girish I tried to sign in to the git with both github and gitlab and failed cause of the non-approved email thing, which I thought was fixed?
I've recently installed language tool and I am enjoying it.
I've also used proselint in the past, which aims to improve writing with a low false alarm rate.
There's also which is aimed at developers (and probably a few others too)
I'm now curious if either of those can be implemented as tests for pull requests? -
Jami@girish yeh, not sure what's happening, server issue? I get a 504 on their docs, I'll try again later