@sam_uk : it's a very interesting and good discussion.
Like @scooke, I'm not sure it's my place to comment much, as it is entirely up to @girish & @nebulon how they want to take things forward.
I can certainly see that some arrangement like this would get massive thumbs-up from the OS community, and consequently could lead to a significant (huge?) uptake of Cloudron by OS enthusiasts. Meaning there could be a self-interested benefit to Cloudron doing it. But I'm not sure there is something broken which needs fixing, so maybe leave well alone.
And having said all that, as valuable and excellent a platform as Cloudron is, it's a gateway for deploying and managing OS apps. Does Cloudron itself have to be OS? It's still fantastic and I'm no less of a fan, even if it isn't. If some evil empire body does acquire it, well, life becomes less easy, rather than being directly threatened.
While the apps that I deploy on Cloudron should be OS wherever possible, it doesn't matter that much to me that the tool I am using to deploy is not OS. I just want it to continue its stability and grow its functionality even further. I use a Mac as primary desktop, and I don't stop doing so because Apple operating system is not open. Cloudron has amply demonstrated their reliability. I don't need it to be OS in order to trust it and use it.
Just my 2p, others may have different considerations.