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Feedback, suggestions, anything else Cloudron related

943 Topics 8.1k Posts
  • Sharing custom SpamAssassin Rules

    9 Votes
    31 Posts

    @d19dotca This looks pretty good. I am testing it now 🙂

  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @marcusquinn said in Google "just discovered" PGP for Gmail (if you pay):

    more appeasement than complete privacy

    Except it is not about privacy, but checking a checkbox for compliance rules of Fortune 500 companies.

    To be honest it would have been nice if Google actually made some innovation here, since both PGP and S/MIME are conceptually broken, but sadly they only added native S/MIME capabilities to the Gmail ui and management tooling.

  • chatwoot deleted Email conversation will back

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    AFAIK (as far as I know):
    Chatwoot scans the IMAP Postbox for mails and adds them into Chatwoot.
    If you want to have the conversation completely deleted you have to delete the mail in the postbox as well.

  • 3 Votes
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  • Best Music Streaming app?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @privsec said in Best Music Streaming app?:

    I am wondering what music app would best fit this use case.
    Multiple people across great distances (think across the entire USA)
    All have access to the same music library, but each have their own play counts, ratings, and playlists
    Users can add to the playlist with their own content
    Users will want to use CarPlay/Android auto
    Users will want local offline access to content

    I think Navidrome covers most if not all of that.

    Not sure what CarPlay/Android auto is so no idea about that one.

    Offline access to content - if you just mean the ability to download from Navidrome to store locally, yep it does that, and pretty sure it does all the other things.

  • Cheap server options

    0 Votes
    14 Posts

    @jdaviescoates said in Cheap server options:

    I use Hetzner Cloud VPS for my Cloudron server and I love it. I also love that they are 100% powered by renewable energy.

    Just for completeness (because someone just upvoted that post above) I should probably add that I'm now using Netcup for my primary Cloudron, mostly just because you get WAY more disk space (I had already upgraded my Hetzner Cloud VPS to the largest offer so the next step with Hetzner would've been a decidated server - probably end up there eventually - whereas I actually saved money and got more power and WAY more disk space by moving to Netcup (although the UX is terrible in comparison)

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    @LoudLemur Commento does work with Ghost.

    It's funny how the guide to a self hosted fee free substack / patreon site using Ghost builds on a paid theme and a paid commenting system that's all but fee free. Nice side step circle.

    @doodlemania2 @jdaviescoates
    As for Substack running on Ghost, NOPE, it's just them using Ghost compatible themes on top of Substack.

  • Dockerimage size for Cloudron

    1 Votes
    4 Posts

    You can see what is installed in the base image here -

    Many of the docs/tools like file manager, terminal etc rely on the base image. For example, tar/zip availability. Ultimately, the images are optimized for developer and support time and not disk size. If there is a problem in an app, you want your tools there to be able to debug quickly. The base image is shared across all apps and services (databases), so it's a one time cost. I remember the last time I used an alpine image, it didn't even have ping to debug.

    On a side note, you might see a little more docker image use right now because we are migrating all apps to a newer base image which is based on jammy -

  • What do you use for a shared inbox

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    Thank you, Ill review these.

  • Cloudron License

    1 Votes
    6 Posts

    @girish said in Cloudron Licence:

    I have fixed the year in the license.

    As for the license itself, the platform code is not opensource or free software if that is what you are wondering. We contribute to opensource in other ways both financially and with development - . The license text is an adaptation of various other licenses like GitLab EE, Sourcegraph EE license etc.

    All our app packages are opensource. All the code is at

    I would like Cloudron to be released under a Free Licence. I am sure I am not alone in this.

    I feel uneasy about it being non-Free. It feels like the rug could be pulled out from underneath at any moment. It is not that I think that Cloudron might "turn evil", but that pressure could be brought to bear on the maintainers, and in that way infrastructure built on Cloudron could be cancelled.

    Is there any hope that Cloudron might be re-releaed under a Free licence?

  • Referral or Affiliate engine

    1 Votes
    8 Posts

    Reflio looks like a good candidate to me:
  • 6 Votes
    4 Posts

    I use vaultwarden for business related secrets or where customer data come into play. For my private stuff I still use Chrome sync but also want to switch to vaultwarden.

    What came to my mind: By January, a lot of people will (hopefully) switch from Chromium sourced browsers to Firefox because of the manifest v3 implementation. Because I don't want to trust Mozilla nor Google, I tinker with the thought to host my own FFsync (Firefox Sync) server to be more independend with my "cloud" hosted data. Had to think about the risks because hosting something like vaultwarden might be safe but I was unsure if FFsync gets the same care.

  • 3 Votes
    4 Posts

    @LoudLemur Same could be asked for something like Lokinet. Overlay network support in general would be cool 🙂

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Depends on your use case / what apps you want to provide for your users. For best practice, I avoid the "Visible to all users on this Cloudron" option and remove all assigned groups from a user before deactivating the account.

    In case of Nextcloud for example, Cloudron groups can be used within the app to give permissions to shares and features. Certain apps can also be configured to give every user that is able to log in a certain amount of permissions (like Nextcloud Auto Groups or specific role managment in Bookstack).

    I have a "base" group (like <orgname>) giving normal access to apps like Matrix/Element, Nextcloud and Bockstack. Below that I have a group "<orgname>-internal" that give access to more specific apps like Freescout or Kimai. To go even further you can do <orgname>-<department> but for most apps you have to specify user permissions in addition. However it is useful to limit app access by Cloudron groups so users don't end up in a spot where they don't have permissions or no role to fulfill.

  • NetCup - don't use it for professional stuff

    1 Votes
    17 Posts

    @robi Just use register the mailserver domain there and I raised a support ticket with google. (do not ask me where I found the form form to do this. I googled for the error code and found it by accident :D)

  • Yubikey to secure servers.. has anyone tried it?

    0 Votes
    34 Posts

    @humptydumpty Windows no, my gaming windows only has password disk encryption but my linux has disk encryption 2fa support.

    Sorry can't share anything on windows 🤷

  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Beta

    5 Votes
    36 Posts

    @girish Everything seems to be running fine as far as I can tell. If its any help to you, I can give you ssh access to troubleshoot. But I'm good on my end.

  • Cloudron vs Heimdall

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @timconsidine said in Cloudron vs Heimdall:

    @LoudLemur said in Cloudron vs Heimdall:

    Is there a good "How to" explaining how to run PHP applications (or similar) on the LAMP application?

    Because the range of applications that could be installed is large, I'm not sure it's easy to write a guide. But in overview :

    install a LAMP app from the AppStore as normal in the app dashboard (gear icon top right of app tile), use the File Manager to upload the files from the source app you want to add, probably into /app/data/public unpack if uploaded in zip formats FOLLOW APP_SPECIFIC INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS including to use File Manager (or possibly Terminal) to edit any config files re(start) the LAMP app once app is running, delete zip files uploaded

    Thanks, that doesn't look too much to try.

    Maybe we could create a thread/list of applications which have been tried on Cloudron's LAMP application and which ran well...

  • 2 Votes
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  • 1 Votes
    16 Posts

    @jdaviescoates said in Server migration tips? Need same ubuntu version? Possible to do without downtime?:

    I guess I could try:

    add the ip of my old server to my /etc/hosts file on my laptop so I can access it again post DNS changes
    boot up my old server and run a backup
    Then try the restore email thing linked above by copying the relevant files from one server to the other (not sure how exactly I'd do that, I guess maybe with scp or something)

    But I wonder if another option would be to

    add the ip of my old server to my /etc/hosts file on my laptop so I can access it again post DNS changes
    boot up my old server and run a backup
    restore this new backup of the old server into the new server (although I guess this could now get messy - what would happen with emails that have since arrived on the new server).

    I'd recommend the first option there to avoid overriding any emails on the new server which aren't on the old server. The first steps would be good because then you'd get a backup again you can follow the steps from the docs at that point to restore emails, essentially merging with the new server afterwards.

    Definitely will be interested if @staff has any other recommendations though, will be good to know for future.