I also noticed last night that the option to disable redis only appeared in certain wordpress apps after undating to the absolute newest version. But I also noticed some other unexpected details (note: I am not asking for help to figure this out, I'm just sharing the info) - I'm certain that all my WP apps are installed as Managed, or Developer. But, the name varied. Some of them had this app name - org.wordpress.cloudronapp@3.3.1 (no redis disable option visible until 3.3.2), while others had this -org.wordpress.unmanaged.cloudronapp@3.2.1 (no redis disable option visible until 3.2.2), and yet a third oddity was some had org.wordpress.cloudronapp@3.3.2 but even though a few which had been unpdated to this version showed the disable redis option at this version, others did not until I went up one more version. Interesting.
FWIW, I also had, for only the second time, a strange incident where the green update arrow actually was a downgrade, and a red pop-up box would appear saying downgrades are not possible for that app (I'm sorry, I forget which one already).
All this to say, I've disabled redis for my WP installs that don't need it. Thanks!