Chat channel for cloudron app packaging
@nebulon Yup, this forum is super handy for reading those transcripts of any age.
There's 1-2-1 chat in the forum too, which I also use on occasion to minimise noise.
I've seen this happen many times with many projects, multiple discussion channels just scatters and forks information threads.
I put this need as a personal one.
Saying that, it might be handy if @app-dev mentioning was a thing?
@marcusquinn said in Dedicated chat for cloudron app packaging:
Saying that, it might be handy if @app-dev mentioning was a thing?
it is. you just need to do it correctly @appdev
@nebulon @marcusquinn I totally understand the discoverability issue of chat logs and the value of having the information on the forums.
As a beginner packager, I'm going to have series of questions that are easy to answer, but if I have to ask on the forum every time, what would be a 20 minutes things will turn into a multi-days endeavor, which will actively discourage me from doing it.
Basically, this is to make app packaging for cloudron beginner friendly. I still think more complete discussion will happen on the forum and if we agree, we can set as policy for more involved questions to be asked on the forum.
Actually I think it would be best if you would raise those beginner questions individually on the forum and we can then pick them one-by-one and move them to the docs itself, if they are generic enough.
Generally our docs still have a long way to go when it comes to packaging.
@fbartels I don't want to be pinging every app developer and overload their notifications every time I have a question. Unless this is an agreed way of doing things and considered good practice.
There was this discussion when talking about implementing group vs badge, it was decided to use groups for technical reasons, even though @girish preferred to have simple badges to start with.
@nebulon That would indeed create the best value for the community.
To me the question is more involved: do I want to spend time contributing to create documentation for free, for a project that's not free software?
This is coming full circle with discussions happening on other threads. I'm not trying to restart this discussion here, just explaining where I sit regarding this approach.
I personally basically live blogged my development on this forum: It didn't feel very chat-like, but I did it in hopes it would help new developers. Since I was a new developer. Did it bother anyone, do you think a chat group would have been better in the end for me to have cluttered up the forum with (constantly "bumping" my thread to the top)?
I can understand the wish for a chat, but I agree with @nebulon and everyone else endorsing the official forum.
Having the conversation in the official forum has many benefits.
Lets just switch into the mindset of a new Cloudron user / developer.
Just as an example:
- I need the lamp app but with php 5.X.
- Why is there no php 5 lamp app?
- How can I create a custom php 5 app?
What do most people do? They will type that question into a search engine.
Chat vs. Forum
If this discussion would take place in the chat, there would be no way for a new user to find public and easy access to that information about this issue/question.
How should they know they need to go threw a chat with X people talking about all different kind of topics.
Also you lock this information behind a software like matrix, rocketchat, slack, matermost yada yada.New users want answers which are accessible without needing to sign up for anything.
Compared to an open discussion in the forum, which will be scraped by search engines and will be publicly available with no need to sign up or do anything to access this information.
IMHO chat is nice, but when using one there has to be a policy where findings and solutions must be also published in this forum.
And enforcing such a policy or even establish such will be hard.That's just what I have in mind about a chat.
@robi said in Chat channel for cloudron app packaging:
It would brilliant if NodeBB could instatiate a chat within the appdev group right here in NodeBB.That would do for quick discussions, and no need to leave the forum.
You can start a chat with anyone from appdev and add the members.
I can do that now as an example.
I think the best option would be, if you have a question to start a forum topic and just @appdev directly.
Yes you could argue that every one gets a notification, but in the chat it would be the same thing, kind of.Adding to that, I also see no setting for Notifications & Sounds in NodeBB to stop notifications from @appdev mentions.
@BrutalBirdie yes, that's a given, but always a manual addition of 1-to-1 vs 1-to-group.
@nebulon @girish I stumbled today on some interesting reading regarding the articulation between a chat and a forum in a community, and you might find it interesting:
Admittedly we're using neither slack nor discourse (which I sometimes feel is a lost opportunity as it's more mature in most way than Nodebb), but the main points are still valids.
For interest, I work with a team of 12 developers and around 20 others across departments every day, we're a fully remote team.
For the development team we're about 90% discussion in GitLab tickets, the rest through Discord (not Discourse). The Customer Services team is about the same. Generally, all the chat is FYIs, attention-needing stuff, alerts or idle gossip for a break.
We just get more done in the ticket/post/thread asynchronous stuff when we're all multi-tasking.
I'm not against chat and the forum does have that available, but for development the ability to search threads and read the discussions that led to a commit is valuable, and there's no real limits to storage of that when thoughtfully categorised.
Every single time I've seen a Discord "Community" created for something, it goes from lonely hearts to distracting noise pretty quickly and I have to mute the whole thing.
I like a chat, and always open for DMs but to me work is something that needs the organisation and openness of topic-specific threaded conversations, and searchability for those evolutions. It helps focus the mind when knowing conversations are becoming a historic record and keeps the noise and interruptions factors limited when trying to focus on developments.