Uhhhh, there's a new Forum theme!
I didn't see any notice about this. I'm not going crazy, right? How did it change so radically? All I did was refresh my browser tab and TADA! A totally new look!
@scooke said in Uhhhh, there's a new Forum theme!:
I didn't see any notice about this. I'm not going crazy, right? How did it change so radically? All I did was refresh my browser tab and TADA! A totally new look!
Thanks, I wasn't confident enough to mention this.
@scooke NodeBB got updated to 3.0 and this is the default theme. We do have an option of keeping the old theme, but hey let's see how well this works. I have a few complaints but let's see if we all get used to this in after a week.
I find it totally confusing. I have to look on the left for new messages and on the opposite side for notifications. Plus tiny symbols on the sidebars and a huge font in the middle.
I will certainly adapt to it, but if you are counting votes for returning the classic theme, here is my +1.
I feel this new theme is cleaner and snappier, but I agree with @nichu42 that the sidebars on both sides are weird. Is it possible to adjust the menu placement?
If not, then +1 for the new theme. I'll get used to it.
Edit: I just noticed that the upvotes aren't visible until you hover on the post, so it's not as friendly for the app request posts.
@girish @nebulon Perhaps creating a poll for this would be best. A quick search came up with this plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodebb-plugin-poll
I asked ChatGPT to create a script for this function, and it spit this out. I'm not sure if it works or not.
'use strict'; var Topics = require.main.require('./src/topics'), Polls = require.main.require('./src/polls'), privileges = require.main.require('./src/privileges'), user = require.main.require('./src/user'); var Poll = {}; Poll.addPoll = async function(data) { var topicData = await Topics.getTopicData(data.tid); var userData = await user.getUserFields(data.uid, ['username', 'email']); if (!topicData) { throw new Error('invalid-topic'); } if (topicData.locked) { throw new Error('locked-topic'); } var canPost = await privileges.posts.can('create', data.cid, data.uid); if (!canPost) { throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'); } if (!data.title) { throw new Error('[[error:title-too-short]]'); } var pollData = { title: data.title, options: data.options, maxVotes: data.maxVotes, endDate: data.endDate, isClosed: false }; var poll = await Polls.addPoll(data.tid, pollData, userData); await Topics.tools.addPost(data.tid, data.uid, data.content, { poll_id: poll.pid, isMain: false }); return poll; }; module.exports = Poll;
This script uses the Topics, Polls, privileges, and user NodeBB modules to add a poll to a forum post. You can call the Poll.addPoll function with an object containing the following data:
tid: the ID of the topic to add the poll to uid: the ID of the user adding the poll title: the title of the poll options: an array of strings representing the poll options maxVotes: the maximum number of votes a user can cast endDate: the date the poll ends, as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds content: the content of the forum post
The function returns a Promise that resolves to the poll object.
You can call this function in your NodeBB plugin or theme file to create polls in forum posts. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to create posts in the relevant category before calling this function.
I feel this new theme is cleaner and snappier, but I agree with @nichu42 that the sidebars on both sides are weird. Is it possible to adjust the menu placement?
If not, then +1 for the new theme. I'll get used to it.
Edit: I just noticed that the upvotes aren't visible until you hover on the post, so it's not as friendly for the app request posts.
@girish @nebulon Perhaps creating a poll for this would be best. A quick search came up with this plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodebb-plugin-poll
I asked ChatGPT to create a script for this function, and it spit this out. I'm not sure if it works or not.
'use strict'; var Topics = require.main.require('./src/topics'), Polls = require.main.require('./src/polls'), privileges = require.main.require('./src/privileges'), user = require.main.require('./src/user'); var Poll = {}; Poll.addPoll = async function(data) { var topicData = await Topics.getTopicData(data.tid); var userData = await user.getUserFields(data.uid, ['username', 'email']); if (!topicData) { throw new Error('invalid-topic'); } if (topicData.locked) { throw new Error('locked-topic'); } var canPost = await privileges.posts.can('create', data.cid, data.uid); if (!canPost) { throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'); } if (!data.title) { throw new Error('[[error:title-too-short]]'); } var pollData = { title: data.title, options: data.options, maxVotes: data.maxVotes, endDate: data.endDate, isClosed: false }; var poll = await Polls.addPoll(data.tid, pollData, userData); await Topics.tools.addPost(data.tid, data.uid, data.content, { poll_id: poll.pid, isMain: false }); return poll; }; module.exports = Poll;
This script uses the Topics, Polls, privileges, and user NodeBB modules to add a poll to a forum post. You can call the Poll.addPoll function with an object containing the following data:
tid: the ID of the topic to add the poll to uid: the ID of the user adding the poll title: the title of the poll options: an array of strings representing the poll options maxVotes: the maximum number of votes a user can cast endDate: the date the poll ends, as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds content: the content of the forum post
The function returns a Promise that resolves to the poll object.
You can call this function in your NodeBB plugin or theme file to create polls in forum posts. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to create posts in the relevant category before calling this function.
@humptydumpty said in Uhhhh, there's a new Forum theme!:
it's not as friendly for the app request posts.
You can still order the posts by votes though
I feel this new theme is cleaner and snappier, but I agree with @nichu42 that the sidebars on both sides are weird. Is it possible to adjust the menu placement?
If not, then +1 for the new theme. I'll get used to it.
Edit: I just noticed that the upvotes aren't visible until you hover on the post, so it's not as friendly for the app request posts.
@girish @nebulon Perhaps creating a poll for this would be best. A quick search came up with this plugin: https://www.npmjs.com/package/nodebb-plugin-poll
I asked ChatGPT to create a script for this function, and it spit this out. I'm not sure if it works or not.
'use strict'; var Topics = require.main.require('./src/topics'), Polls = require.main.require('./src/polls'), privileges = require.main.require('./src/privileges'), user = require.main.require('./src/user'); var Poll = {}; Poll.addPoll = async function(data) { var topicData = await Topics.getTopicData(data.tid); var userData = await user.getUserFields(data.uid, ['username', 'email']); if (!topicData) { throw new Error('invalid-topic'); } if (topicData.locked) { throw new Error('locked-topic'); } var canPost = await privileges.posts.can('create', data.cid, data.uid); if (!canPost) { throw new Error('[[error:no-privileges]]'); } if (!data.title) { throw new Error('[[error:title-too-short]]'); } var pollData = { title: data.title, options: data.options, maxVotes: data.maxVotes, endDate: data.endDate, isClosed: false }; var poll = await Polls.addPoll(data.tid, pollData, userData); await Topics.tools.addPost(data.tid, data.uid, data.content, { poll_id: poll.pid, isMain: false }); return poll; }; module.exports = Poll;
This script uses the Topics, Polls, privileges, and user NodeBB modules to add a poll to a forum post. You can call the Poll.addPoll function with an object containing the following data:
tid: the ID of the topic to add the poll to uid: the ID of the user adding the poll title: the title of the poll options: an array of strings representing the poll options maxVotes: the maximum number of votes a user can cast endDate: the date the poll ends, as a Unix timestamp in milliseconds content: the content of the forum post
The function returns a Promise that resolves to the poll object.
You can call this function in your NodeBB plugin or theme file to create polls in forum posts. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to create posts in the relevant category before calling this function.
@humptydumpty Agreed, I find this hover toolbar to upvote quite annoying! Maybe we can fix this with some css.
@humptydumpty Agreed, I find this hover toolbar to upvote quite annoying! Maybe we can fix this with some css.
@girish said in Uhhhh, there's a new Forum theme!:
@humptydumpty Agreed, I find this hover toolbar to upvote quite annoying! Maybe we can fix this with some css.
It is quirky, but I liked your earlier suggestion of letting the new forum format bed-in for a while before we cast judgement. It is a new look and the initial reaction is negative because we need a bit of time to become used to it. However, those NodeBB people are smart enough to make this great forum software, so they probably had some pretty good reasons for changing the format.
Can we create a poll for this and have it start after a week or so?
Also, I am curious what the NodeBB forum has to say about it on their forum. They might have some interesting comments.I say this, even though my current feeling is to revert back to the old way. Lets see...
I encountered the new look before I saw the announcement, so it was a surprise.
Currently I see pro's and con's.
Mostly just got to get familiar with it.
Humans are generally resistant to change, especially me !
I think readability from mobile is little bit improved with this new theme... Also, new theme seems to give more ability to focus on the contents, than functions/features.
This new appearance is the Harmony theme. NodeBB say, " This new default theme places an emphasis on usability and readability, as well as a broader focus on consistent design methology used throughout the templates."
There is a discussion about Harmony on NodeBB here:
The new forum also supports FontAwsome 6, so those who like icons might be happy:
Via YouChat AI:
Lets just try a couple:
<i class="fas fa-user-arrows"></i>
<i class="fas fa-user-arrows"></i>
<i class="fas fa-circle-plus"></i>
<i class="fas fa-photo-video fa-thin"></i>
That is the first thing that stood out in the new design, the strong separation of the content column from the nav/menu making more screen realestate available for reading, even if slightly less wide, which is easier to scan left to right, like newspaper columns. Content column pipe.
Now if only one could do a continuous paging down to read the next unread without going back a page.
There is also a Beta Icon Wizard https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/add-icons/icon-wizard
And also new animated icons that beat, fade, bounce, spin, flip etc:
https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/style/animateWe can make Cloudron bouncier, more spinnier, flipping place.
This new appearance is the Harmony theme. NodeBB say, " This new default theme places an emphasis on usability and readability, as well as a broader focus on consistent design methology used throughout the templates."
There is a discussion about Harmony on NodeBB here:
The new forum also supports FontAwsome 6, so those who like icons might be happy:
Via YouChat AI:
Lets just try a couple:
<i class="fas fa-user-arrows"></i>
<i class="fas fa-user-arrows"></i>
<i class="fas fa-circle-plus"></i>
<i class="fas fa-photo-video fa-thin"></i>
Do I have a strange definition of usability and readability?
This is how the forum renders in my browser:
I think it's pretty
But then again, I like new things. Keeps me (less) crumudgenly
It's growing on me .... now I've got over the "who moved effing UNREAD button"
Just a reprogramming those instinctive mouse movements -
Do I have a strange definition of usability and readability?
This is how the forum renders in my browser:
@nichu42 said in Uhhhh, there's a new Forum theme!:
Do I have a strange definition of usability and readability?
This is how the forum renders in my browser:
You might be able to improve the look by using the "page zoom" functionality in your browser. Often