Proxmox is set to bridge and works with ipv4 without any problem.
But the problem is probably elsewhere, I tried opening the ipv6 test page on my laptop and it said my provider doesn't support ipv6, which is bullshit. I actually have two public ipv6s assigned from it.
So I would need to somehow run the installation with only ipv4, is it possible to do that?
@girish Thanks Girish. I assume that'll be fixed in the next bug-fix release as it looks fixed already in the code from this bug report (referencing for others):
@imc67 essentially the patch for this is so two files need to be adjusted. The .ejs file is a template which will result in /etc/nginx/applications/my.<>.conf so besides the editing the .ejs file additionally edit that file and then systemctl restart nginx and systemctl restart box.
@girish I did not know the term. I certainly did know the effect ^^ (I might have to invest in an actual rubber duck... maybe they are especially effective)
@jodumont from experience I know MX doesn’t work because the mailserver doesn’t respond to IPv6. That way we’ve lost some mails before we discovered that.