Hi @JOduMonT,
I ran Cloudron with a combination of Tailscale & Cloudflared for two weeks without a public IP at my home setup. So far, everything was working well and I didn't encounter any significant issues. Below is the process that I followed:
1# I had two servers - one for Cloudron and the second with docker and docker-compose. Tailscale was installed and configured with Tailscale IP on both servers. The automatic domain configured was disabled in Cloudron and was set manually.
2# I ran the docker-compose.yml file on the second server using the following:
version: '3.8'
image: 'ghcr.io/shmick/docker-cloudflared'
container_name: tunnel
hostname: tunnel
restart: unless-stopped
user: 1000:1000
- $PWD/tunnel.env
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
command: tunnel run
network_mode: host
3# I set up and configured the domain in the Cloudflared UI, and used HTTPS for the Cloudron Tailscale IP with No TLS Verify enabled.