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Feature Requests

New ideas, Feature Requests

705 Topics 5.4k Posts
  • Implement Crowdsec, a docker and sever level crowd sourced security guard

    8 Votes
    28 Posts

    In my experience, DO not install the nginx bouncer, it's useless if you install the firewall-bouncer anyway. (the firewall bouncer catch attacks, probs etc..even before they reach the nginx server)

    There is another post on this forum another user and me share their steps by steps to get it running.

  • Send from subaddresses

    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    Oh cool thanks for pointing that out, I hadn't noticed before.

    I guess the downsides don't really apply to me right now, but I'm not sure I'd want to enable arbitrary masquerading if there were a bunch of other people on this cloudron.

    I still think it's reasonable for users to be able to send with a subaddress of any of their aliases, without opening the floodgates and allowing them to send from any address at all.

  • 5 Votes
    13 Posts

    You can offer that pricing anyway if you go for a 3+ server install with TrueNas Scale or any other OS + SoftwareDefineStorage solution.

  • DNS domain expiration monitoring

    2 Votes
    44 Posts

    In case Cloudron team decides to implement this, I just noticed that MainWP is creating an extension for this, and they seem to document all their sources for the various WHOIS data for each TLD they support here:

    Anyone who has MainWP... feel free to use that extension too in the meantime.

    In case the sources go away later, here it is for posterity sake:

    "ac" => "", // Ascension Island. // ad - Andorra - no whois server assigned. "ae" => "", // United Arab Emirates. "aero"=>"", "af" => "", // Afghanistan. "ag" => "", // Antigua And Barbuda. "ai" => "", // Anguilla. "al" => "", // Albania. "am" => "", // Armenia. // an - Netherlands Antilles - no whois server assigned. // ao - Angola - no whois server assigned. // aq - Antarctica (New Zealand) - no whois server assigned. // ar - Argentina - no whois server assigned. "arpa" => "", "as" => "", // American Samoa. "asia" => "", "at" => "", // Austria. "au" => "", // Australia. // aw - Aruba - no whois server assigned. "ax" => "", // Aland Islands. "az" => "", // Azerbaijan. // ba - Bosnia And Herzegovina - no whois server assigned. // bb - Barbados - no whois server assigned. // bd - Bangladesh - no whois server assigned. "be" => "", // Belgium. "bg" => "", // Bulgaria. "bi" => "", // Burundi. "biz" => "", "bj" => "", // Benin. // bm - Bermuda - no whois server assigned. "bn" => "", // Brunei Darussalam. "bo" => "", // Bolivia. "br" => "", // Brazil. "bt" => "", // Bhutan. // bv - Bouvet Island (Norway) - no whois server assigned. // bw - Botswana - no whois server assigned. "by" => "", // Belarus. "bz" => "", // Belize. "ca" => "", // Canada. "cat" => "", // Spain. "cc" => "", // Cocos (Keeling) Islands. "cd" => "", // Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The. // cf - Central African Republic - no whois server assigned. "ch" => "", // Switzerland. "ci" => "", // Cote d'Ivoire. "ck" => "", // Cook Islands. "cl" => "", // Chile. // cm - Cameroon - no whois server assigned. "cn" => "", // China. "co" => "", // Colombia. "com" => "", "coop" => "", // cr - Costa Rica - no whois server assigned. // cu - Cuba - no whois server assigned. // cv - Cape Verde - no whois server assigned. // cw - Curacao - no whois server assigned. "cx" => "", // Christmas Island. // cy - Cyprus - no whois server assigned. "cz" => "", // Czech Republic. "de" => "", // Germany. // dj - Djibouti - no whois server assigned. "dk" => "", // Denmark. "dm" => "", // Dominica. // do - Dominican Republic - no whois server assigned. "dz" => "", // Algeria. "ec" => "", // Ecuador. "edu" => "", "ee" => "", // Estonia. "eg" => "", // Egypt. // er - Eritrea - no whois server assigned. "es" => "", // Spain. // et - Ethiopia - no whois server assigned. "eu" => "", "fi" => "", // Finland. // fj - Fiji - no whois server assigned. // fk - Falkland Islands - no whois server assigned. // fm - Micronesia, Federated States Of - no whois server assigned. "fo" => "", // Faroe Islands. "fr" => "", // France. // ga - Gabon - no whois server assigned. "gd" => "", // Grenada. // ge - Georgia - no whois server assigned. // gf - French Guiana - no whois server assigned. "gg" => "", // Guernsey. // gh - Ghana - no whois server assigned. "gi" => "", // Gibraltar. "gl" => "", // Greenland (Denmark). // gm - Gambia - no whois server assigned. // gn - Guinea - no whois server assigned. "gov" => "", // gr - Greece - no whois server assigned. // gt - Guatemala - no whois server assigned. "gs" => "", // South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands. // gu - Guam - no whois server assigned. // gw - Guinea-bissau - no whois server assigned. "gy" => "", // Guyana. "hk" => "", // Hong Kong. // hm - Heard and McDonald Islands (Australia) - no whois server assigned. "hn" => "", // Honduras. "hr" => "", // Croatia. "ht" => "", // Haiti. "hu" => "", // Hungary. // id - Indonesia - no whois server assigned. "ie" => "", // Ireland. "il" => "", // Israel. "im" => "", // Isle of Man. "in" => "", // India. "info" => "", "int" => "", "io" => "", // British Indian Ocean Territory. "iq" => "", // Iraq. "ir" => "", // Iran, Islamic Republic Of. "is" => "", // Iceland. "it" => "", // Italy. "je" => "", // Jersey. // jm - Jamaica - no whois server assigned. // jo - Jordan - no whois server assigned. "jobs" => "", "jp" => "", // Japan. "ke" => "", // Kenya. "kg" => "", // Kyrgyzstan. // kh - Cambodia - no whois server assigned. "ki" => "", // Kiribati. // km - Comoros - no whois server assigned. // kn - Saint Kitts And Nevis - no whois server assigned. // kp - Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of - no whois server assigned. "kr" => "", // Korea, Republic Of. // kw - Kuwait - no whois server assigned. // ky - Cayman Islands - no whois server assigned. "kz" => "", // Kazakhstan. "la" => "", // Lao People's Democratic Republic. // lb - Lebanon - no whois server assigned. // lc - Saint Lucia - no whois server assigned. "li" => "", // Liechtenstein. // lk - Sri Lanka - no whois server assigned. "lt" => "", // Lithuania. "lu" => "", // Luxembourg. "lv" => "", // Latvia. "ly" => "", // Libya. "ma" => "", // Morocco. // mc - Monaco - no whois server assigned. "md" => "", // Moldova. "me" => "", // Montenegro. "mg" => "", // Madagascar. // mh - Marshall Islands - no whois server assigned. "mil" => "", // mk - Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of - no whois server assigned. "ml" => "", // Mali. // mm - Myanmar - no whois server assigned. "mn" => "", // Mongolia. "mo" => "", // Macao. "mobi" => "", "mp" => "", // Northern Mariana Islands. // mq - Martinique (France) - no whois server assigned. // mr - Mauritania - no whois server assigned. "ms" => "", // Montserrat. // mt - Malta - no whois server assigned. "mu" => "", // Mauritius. "museum" => "", // mv - Maldives - no whois server assigned. // mw - Malawi - no whois server assigned. "mx" => "", // Mexico. "my" => "", // Malaysia. // mz - Mozambique - no whois server assigned. "na" => "", // Namibia. "name" => "", "nc" => "", // New Caledonia. // ne - Niger - no whois server assigned. "net" => "", "nf" => "", // Norfolk Island. "ng" => "", // Nigeria. // ni - Nicaragua - no whois server assigned. "nl" => "", // Netherlands. "no" => "", // Norway. // np - Nepal - no whois server assigned. // nr - Nauru - no whois server assigned. "nu" => "", // Niue. "nz" => "", // New Zealand. "om" => "", // Oman. "org" => "", // pa - Panama - no whois server assigned. "pe" => "", // Peru. "pf" => "", // French Polynesia. // pg - Papua New Guinea - no whois server assigned. // ph - Philippines - no whois server assigned. // pk - Pakistan - no whois server assigned. "pl" => "", // Poland. "pm" => "", // Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France). // pn - Pitcairn (New Zealand) - no whois server assigned. "post" => "", "pr" => "", // Puerto Rico. "pro" => "", // ps - Palestine, State of - no whois server assigned. "pt" => "", // Portugal. "pw" => "", // Palau. // py - Paraguay - no whois server assigned. "qa" => "", // Qatar. "re" => "", // Reunion (France). "ro" => "", // Romania. "rs" => "", // Serbia. "ru" => "", // Russian Federation. // rw - Rwanda - no whois server assigned. "sa" => "", // Saudi Arabia. "sb" => "", // Solomon Islands. "sc" => "", // Seychelles. // sd - Sudan - no whois server assigned. "se" => "", // Sweden. "sg" => "", // Singapore. "sh" => "", // Saint Helena. "si" => "", // Slovenia. "sk" => "", // Slovakia. // sl - Sierra Leone - no whois server assigned. "sm" => "", // San Marino. "sn" => "", // Senegal. "so" => "", // Somalia. // sr - Suriname - no whois server assigned. "st" => "", // Sao Tome And Principe. "su" => "", // Russian Federation. // sv - El Salvador - no whois server assigned. "sx" => "", // Sint Maarten (dutch Part). "sy" => "", // Syrian Arab Republic. // sz - Swaziland - no whois server assigned. "tc" => "", // Turks And Caicos Islands. // td - Chad - no whois server assigned. "tel" => "", "tf" => "", // French Southern Territories. // tg - Togo - no whois server assigned. "th" => "", // Thailand. "tj" => "", // Tajikistan. "tk" => "", // Tokelau. "tl" => "", // Timor-leste. "tm" => "", // Turkmenistan. "tn" => "", // Tunisia. "to" => "", // Tonga. "tp" => "", // Timor-leste. "tr" => "", // Turkey. "travel" => "", // tt - Trinidad And Tobago - no whois server assigned. "tv" => "", // Tuvalu. "tw" => "", // Taiwan. "tz" => "", // Tanzania, United Republic Of. "ua" => "", // Ukraine. "ug" => "", // Uganda. "uk" => "", // United Kingdom. "us" => "", // United States. "uy" => "", // Uruguay. "uz" => "", // Uzbekistan. // va - Holy See (vatican City State) - no whois server assigned. "vc" => "", // Saint Vincent And The Grenadines. "ve" => "", // Venezuela. "vg" => "", // Virgin Islands, British. // vi - Virgin Islands, US - no whois server assigned. // vn - Viet Nam - no whois server assigned. // vu - Vanuatu - no whois server assigned. "wf" => "", // Wallis and Futuna. "ws" => "", // Samoa. "xxx" => "", // ye - Yemen - no whois server assigned. "yt" => "", // Mayotte. "yu" => ""
  • Customizing static Cloudron pages

    1 Votes
    8 Posts

    @girish No I actually meant instead of storing those files in the box folder, moving them into a standartly installed surfer instance on the same server where one can easily update/modify them etc. without the fear of having them replaced on an update

  • Filter user by Active status

    5 Votes
    3 Posts

    @nebulon Possibly related... would it be possible to add a column maybe (or even if just a hover message on a user) that would show when the user was last used to login to Cloudron? May be helpful in narrowing down users which should be marked inactive that may have been missed earlier. Essentially good for doing an audit of users. I guess as a workaround we can look at the Event History, however it may not go far enough back.

  • per-Application IP Address / IP Access Control

    3 Votes
    4 Posts

    I second this request, however, is slightly different to the private interface your referencing @girish

    x1 server, 5 public interfaces (eth0-5) all with public static IP's.

    In my scenario, a client would be assigned a single static IP for all their applications. I'm doing this currently by spinning up an individual VPS on Runcloud for their apps. The main advantage for them is RDNS for their 'assigned' IP address.

    Just my 2cents

  • Add password for initial configuration

    0 Votes
    11 Posts

    As you probably have access to the IP of the server, you could simply display a link once the setup is complete in the CLI:


    So not even copy/paste needed for most.^^

  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Default email domain for new users

    5 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • LDAP Email attribute

    4 Votes
    4 Posts

    Sounds super useful indeed!
    We could manage all our users centrally and create mailboxes for them too 👍🏻

  • disposable email prefixes for existing mailboxes

    2 Votes
    9 Posts

    I will move this to Feature request then.

  • “Update to latest” button/option

    4 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Install synadm into synapse app image

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Record backup size estimate in backup metadata

    6 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • balenaEngine

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    No one has replied
  • Add the ability to bookmark / link to an external service

    3 Votes
    6 Posts

    @girish yes

  • Cloudron on Linode CIS Benchmarks for the Base Image

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @girish I would say pick and choose what is applicable obviously you would know best it's also worth noting there are CIS benchmarks specifically for Docker Containers which might be a better fit. You could combine the two for better hardening.

    Let me know what you think

  • Add [Copy to clipboard] button for email client connection details

    2 Votes
    7 Posts

    @nebulon because the USER doesn't have a clue. It's the ADMIN that is guiding this process and has to send the info to the USER.

    The Admin is the one who sets up the mailbox and has the responsibility to notify the user of how to use it.
    Not the other way around 😆

    So please make it EASY for Admins to let the users know how to set up Email.

    Email the Cloudron user the info as soon as the mailbox is created Copy the details easily so it can be pasted to the user if requested.
  • Report cert update success status / lifetime remaining

    2 Votes
    4 Posts

    @nebulon Many thanks, @nebulon and @girish . The concern wasn't so much that I could not figure out what the status of my certs were external to Cloudron, but more that it would be nice if the area of the dashboard regarding certs would, as a matter of course, just say "You have 47 days remaining, and Cloudron should automatically update your certs in 17 days."

    And, if I do mash the button to manually run a cert update, it would be nice to get a response in the dash that says "Success! New certs will expire in 90 days!" (Or, whatever it would say.)

    I was mostly surprised that I got a certbot email saying I only had one day left, making me wonder what was up. (I did do a domain registration move at some point, and possibly other things that could have somehow upset the automatic update process. So, this isn't a bug report.) Not having a simple UI response to the act of hitting "update certs" (and instead being dumped into the log) is all I'm poking at.

    I don't know how long my personal instance has been running (a month or two now), but it has been a joy. Thank you.